TiO2 Nano Powder

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Overview of TiO2 Nano Powder

tio2 nano powder is a fine white powder composed of nanoparticles of TiO2, a naturally occurring oxide of the element titanium. The nanoparticles have a diameter of less than 100 nanometers, allowing them to exhibit unique properties.

TiO2 nano powder has become an important material across various industries due to its exceptional optical, electronic, and catalytic properties which depend closely on its size, morphology, and surface area. It exhibits high brightness and reflectivity, good UV light absorption, efficient charge transfer and photocatalytic activity, high refractive index, and more.

The following sections dive into the different aspects of TiO2 nano powder including its composition, different structural forms, key characteristics, applications across industries, specifications and grades available, supplier landscape, and pros vs cons.

tio2 nano powder

Composition and Structures of TiO2 Nano Powder

TiO2 nano powder can exist in different structural forms which exhibit variation in properties and applications:

TiO2 Nano Powder Structures

AnataseMetastable, tetragonal crystal structure
RutileThermodynamically stable, tetragonal structure
BrookiteOrthorhombic structure rarely used commercially
TiO2 (B)Monoclinic structure

Anatase and rutile forms of TiO2 nano are most commonly utilized commercially. Manufacturers use processes like hydrolysis, sol-gel, vapor phase pyrolysis, flame spray pyrolysis, and plasma synthesis to produce nano TiO2 powder in the desired form.

Key Characteristics of TiO2 Nanoparticles

Some of the important attributes and features of TiO2 nanoparticles that enable their varied use across many applications include:

TiO2 Nanoparticle Characteristics

Particle size10-100 nm
Crystal structure controlAnatase, rutile or brookite polymorphs
Surface area50-400 m2/g
Refractive index2.6-2.9
Brightness/whitenessHighest among white pigments (>90%)
Tinting strengthHigher than conventional pigments
UV absorptionHigh, broadband absorption in UV region
PhotoactivityAnatase form shows excellent photocatalysis under UV irradiation
StabilityChemically and thermally stable, insoluble in water
ToxicityConsidered biologically inert

The ultrafine size leads to maximized surface area and enhanced functionality per unit volume, allowing small quantities to provide strong opacity, high catalytic reactivity, etc. Controlling size, shape, porosity is key to tailoring optical performance, electronic structure, or surface properties.

Applications of TiO2 Nano Powder

Some of the major application areas taking advantage of the versatile optical, electronic, and chemical properties of TiO2 nanoparticles include:

Pigments and Dyes

  • Paints & coatings: White pigment for high opacity & durability
  • Plastics: Brightness, opacity, and UV resistance
  • Paper: Mineral filler for whiteness, smoothness, opacity
  • Cosmetics: UV protection creams, makeup, sunscreens
  • Food coloring: Synthetic whitener and brightening additive

Catalysts and Filters

  • Deodorizing & air cleaning: Remove volatile organic compounds
  • Water treatment: Photocatalysis of organic contaminants
  • Photovoltaics: Efficient charge carrier collection
  • Ceramic membranes: Microfiltration and anti-biofouling

Energy Storage

  • Lithium-ion batteries: High power and stability
  • Dye-sensitized solar cells: Photoanode for exciton generation
  • Electrochromic devices: Reversible optical transmittance

Biomedical Devices

  • Biosensors: Immobilize enzymes for detection of biomarkers
  • Bone implants: Bioactive surface for osseointegration
  • Wound dressings: Antimicrobial activity

Industry-wise Consumption of TiO2 Nanomaterials

IndustryEstimated Usage
Paints & coatings50%
Cosmetics & personal care5%

Advanced applications in emerging areas like electronics, energy, and biomedicine are driving strong commercial demand with paints, plastics, paper representing mature markets.

Specifications of TiO2 Nano Powder Products

TiO2 nanopowder is commercially available in different grade variants customized as per application requirements:

TiO2 Nanopower Specifications

ParameterTypical Range
Particle size10-25 nm, 10-30 nm, 10-50 nm
Crystal structureAnatase, rutile, mixed phase
MorphologySpherical, faceted, rod, cube, sheet, flower
Surface area200-400 m2/g
Bulk density0.15-0.3 g/cc
True density3.9 g/cc
Refractive index2.6-2.9
Oil absorption95-130 cm3/100g
pH value5-7
Absorption onset<390 nm

TiO2 Nanopowder Size Variants

GradeParticle Size
1~10 nm
2~20 nm
3~30 nm
4~ 50 nm
5~100 nm

Anatase nano TiO2 is preferred for catalytic applications whereas rutile is mainly for pigments. Smaller particle sizes allow deeper UV absorption but reduce shelf life. Faceted morphologies offer higher photocatalytic activity compared to spherical shapes.

Suppliers of TiO2 Nanomaterials

Some of the major global manufacturers and suppliers of TiO2 nanopowder include:

Key TiO2 Nanopowder Manufacturers

Sigma AldrichUSA
Nanostructured & Amorphous MaterialsUSA
US Research NanomaterialsUSA
SkySpring NanomaterialsUSA
American ElementsUSA
Hongwu InternationalChina
NaBond TechnologiesChina
Intelligent MaterialsChina
Meliorum TechnologiesUkraine
Tronox LimitedGlobal
Tayca CorporationJapan
Ishihara Sangyo KaishaJapan

Prices range widely from $10/g for lab-scale research quantities to $50/kg for bulk commercial volumes depending on product purity, size distribution, surface functionalization, etc.

Pros vs Cons of TiO2 Nanoparticles

Advantages of TiO2 Nanoparticles:

  • Higher performance at lower dosage than pigmentary forms
  • Multifunctional advanced applications in emerging areas
  • Stable, non-toxic, biologically inert
  • Cost-effective production from mineral rutile

Limitations of TiO2 Nanoparticles:

  • Limited large-scale manufacturing experience
  • Concerns about nanoparticle release into environment
  • Storage in inert atmosphere needed
  • Anatase converts to photocatalytically inert rutile at >700°C

While safety, stability, and sustainability need to be ensured, tight control of TiO2 nanostructure opens possibilities for smart optical coatings, sensors, energy harvesting, micro-device integration, etc.

tio2 nano powder


Q. What is TiO2 nanopowder made of?

A. TiO2 nanopowder comprises particles less than 100 nm in size with at least 99.5% purity titanium dioxide and traces of dopants in certain grades.

Q. How is TiO2 nanopowder produced commercially?

A. Manufacturing methods include hydrolysis, sol-gel synthesis, flame spray pyrolysis, plasma synthesis, and gas or liquid phase reactions.

Q. What are the different TiO2 nano grades available?

A. Commercial grades classified based on particle size, crystal phase (anatase, rutile), morphology (spherical, cube, flower, sheet), and surface coating.

Q. Does TiO2 nano powder require special handling precautions?

A. Inert storage avoiding oxygen/moisture, using PPE during handling, preventing environmental release. No toxicity concerns.

Q. What are the potential cons or risks related to TiO2 nano?

A. Storage degradation over time, nanoparticle toxicity concerns, quality variability in early commercialization.

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