Superalliages à base de nickel

Table des matières

Vue d'ensemble

Superalliages à base de nickel are the backbone of modern high-performance engineering applications, especially in industries that demand extreme durability and resistance to high temperatures. These superalloys are a marvel of material science, exhibiting exceptional strength, oxidation resistance, and creep resistance. They are predominantly used in aerospace, power generation, and chemical processing industries, where components face severe operational environments.

Key Highlights of Nickel-Based Superalloys:

  • Performance supérieure à haute température
  • Résistance mécanique exceptionnelle
  • High resistance to thermal creep deformation
  • Good surface stability
  • Résistance à la corrosion et à l'oxydation

Understanding these alloys in depth requires exploring their composition, properties, applications, and more. So, let’s dive right in and uncover the intricate details of these fascinating materials.

alliage de titane Ti64

Composition et propriétés des Superalliages à base de nickel

Nickel-based superalloys are primarily composed of nickel, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, and aluminum, with minor additions of other elements like titanium, tungsten, and rhenium. The precise composition can vary significantly depending on the specific alloy and its intended application.

Table: Types, Composition, Properties, and Characteristics of Nickel-Based Superalloys

Alloy NameCompositionPropriétés principalesCaractéristiques
Inconel 718Ni-52%, Cr-19%, Fe-18%, Nb-5%, Mo-3%, Ti-1%, Al-0.5%Excellent tensile strength and rupture resistance at high tempsPrecipitation hardenable, good weldability
Hastelloy XNi-47%, Cr-22%, Fe-18%, Mo-9%, Co-1.5%, W-0.6%Outstanding oxidation resistance, good formabilityResistant to oxidizing and reducing environments
WaspaloyNi-58%, Cr-19%, Co-13%, Mo-4.3%, Ti-3%, Al-1.4%High strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 870°CUsed in gas turbines and high-speed airframes
René 41Ni-53%, Cr-19%, Co-11%, Mo-10%, Ti-3%, Al-1.5%Superior high-temperature strength, oxidation resistanceUsed in turbine blades, die-casting applications
Nimonic 80ANi-76%, Cr-19.5%, Ti-2.5%, Al-1.4%, Fe-0.5%Good corrosion and oxidation resistance, high creep resistanceUsed in gas turbine components, nuclear reactors
Alliage 625Ni-61%, Cr-21.5%, Mo-9%, Nb-3.6%, Fe-2.5%, C-0.1%Excellentes propriétés de fatigue et de thermofatigueUsed in aerospace, marine, and chemical processing
Haynes 282Ni-57%, Cr-19.5%, Co-10.5%, Mo-8.5%, Ti-2.1%, Al-1.5%, Fe-1.5%, Mn-0.06%, Si-0.15%, C-0.06%High creep strength, good thermal stabilitySuitable for gas turbines and other high-temp applications
Incoloy 800Ni-32.5%, Fe-46%, Cr-21%, C-0.05%, Mn-1.5%, Si-1%, Al-0.4%, Ti-0.4%Excellent resistance to oxidation, carburizationUsed in heat exchangers, furnace parts
Mar-M247Ni-60%, Cr-10%, Co-10%, W-10%, Al-5.5%, Ti-1%, Ta-3%, Hf-1.5%, C-0.15%, B-0.015%, Zr-0.05%Excellent creep resistance and high-temperature strengthUsed in turbine blades, aerospace applications
Udimet 720Ni-58%, Cr-19%, Co-15%, Mo-3%, Ti-5%, Al-2.5%, Fe-0.5%, C-0.03%High tensile and rupture strength, excellent oxidation resistanceUsed in gas turbine engines, high-stress environments

Applications of Nickel-Based Superalloys

Nickel-based superalloys find applications in several demanding environments due to their outstanding properties. Here, we’ll explore some key applications where these superalloys are indispensable.

Table: Applications and Uses of Nickel-Based Superalloys

AérospatialeAubes de turbineHigh strength and oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures ensure efficiency and durability
Production d'électricitéGas Turbine ComponentsWithstand high thermal stresses and corrosive environments for long operational lifetimes
Traitement chimiqueHeat Exchangers and ReactorsExcellent resistance to corrosive chemicals and high temperatures, ensuring safe and efficient processes
MarineSubmarine PartsCorrosion resistance in seawater and strength to withstand high pressures
AutomobileTurbocharger WheelsEnhanced performance at high temperatures and rotational speeds
Pétrole et gazDrilling EquipmentHigh wear resistance and strength to endure harsh drilling conditions
NucléaireReactor Core ComponentsExcellent radiation resistance and thermal stability
MédicalProthèses et implantsBiocompatibility and corrosion resistance for long-term reliability
ÉlectroniqueHigh-Temperature ElectronicsStability and performance in extreme thermal environments
DéfenseJet Engines and Missile ComponentsReliability and performance under extreme operational conditions

Spécifications, tailles, qualités et normes

The specifications, sizes, grades, and standards for superalliages à base de nickel vary depending on their application and the industry requirements. Here’s a comprehensive table summarizing these details.

Table: Specifications, Sizes, Grades, and Standards for Nickel-Based Superalloys

Alloy NameSpécificationsDimensionsNotesNormes
Inconel 718AMS 5662, ASTM B637Bars: 0.5-12 inches diameterUNS N07718AMS, ASTM, ISO
Hastelloy XAMS 5536, ASTM B435Sheets: 0.015-0.187 inches thickUNS N06002AMS, ASTM
WaspaloyAMS 5706, ASTM B637Bars: 0.5-6 inches diameterUNS N07001AMS, ASTM
René 41AMS 5545, AMS 5712Sheets: 0.02-0.187 inches thickUNS N07041AMS, ASTM
Nimonic 80AAMS 5828, ASTM B637Bars: 0.25-8 inches diameterUNS N07080AMS, ASTM, ISO
Alliage 625AMS 5666, ASTM B446Bars: 0.5-12 inches diameterUNS N06625AMS, ASTM, ASME
Haynes 282AMS 5914, ASTM B572Bars: 0.5-6 inches diameterUNS N07208AMS, ASTM, ASME
Incoloy 800ASTM B408, AMS 5766Bars: 0.25-10 inches diameterUNS N08800ASTM, ASME, ISO
Mar-M247Proprietary SpecsCastings: custom sizesPropriétaire
Udimet 720AMS 5664, ASTM B637Bars: 0.5-8 inches diameterUNS N07720AMS, ASTM, ASME

Fournisseurs et détails des prix Superalliages à base de nickel

Finding reliable suppliers and understanding pricing details are crucial for industries relying on nickel-based superalloys. Here’s a table outlining some leading suppliers and pricing information.

Table: Suppliers and Pricing Details of Nickel-Based Superalloys

Nom du fournisseurAlloys AvailableFourchette de prix (par kg)LocalisationInformations sur le contact
ATI MetalsInconel 718, Hastelloy X$50 – $100É, +1 800-289-8443
Haynes InternationalHaynes 282, Hastelloy X$70 – $120É, +1 765-456-6000
Métaux spéciauxNimonic 80A, Incoloy 800$60 – $110UK,, +1 304-526-5100
Technologie des charpentiersWaspaloy, Alloy 625$80 – $130États-Unis,, +1 610-208-2000
VSMPO-AVISMARene 41, Mar-M247$90 – $, +7 343 45 55 204
VDM MetalsAlloy 625, Inconel 718$70 – $, +49 2392 55-0
Technologies AlleghenyInconel 718, Alloy 625$50 – $110ÉTATS-UNIS, +1 800-289-8443
Arconic Udimet 720, Rene 41$100 – $160États-Unis,, +1 412-315-2900
Erasteel Nimonic 80A, Waspaloy$80 – $140France, +33 1 53 32 30 00
Precision Castparts Corp.Mar-M247, Waspaloy$90 – $150États-Unis,, +1 503-946-4800

Advantages of Nickel-Based Superalloys

Nickel-based superalloys boast several advantages that make them the material of choice for high-stress, high-temperature applications. Let’s delve into some of the key benefits.

Table: Advantages of Nickel-Based Superalloys

Résistance aux températures élevéesMaintain strength and stability at temperatures exceeding 1000°C
Résistance à la corrosionResistant to oxidation, sulfidation, and other forms of high-temperature corrosion
Résistance mécaniqueExceptional tensile and rupture strength, crucial for high-stress environments
Résistance au fluageMinimize deformation under prolonged exposure to high stresses and temperatures
Résistance à la fatigueHigh resistance to fatigue, making them ideal for cyclic loading conditions
PolyvalenceSuitable for a wide range of industries including aerospace, power generation, and chemical processing
DurabilitéLong operational lifetimes even in extreme environments
Stabilité thermiqueStable mechanical properties across a wide temperature range
UsinabilitéCan be machined to precise specifications, essential for complex component design
PersonnalisationAlloy compositions can be tailored to specific application requirements

Inconvénients de la Superalliages à base de nickel

Despite their numerous advantages, nickel-based superalloys have certain limitations. Here’s a look at some of the potential drawbacks.

Table: Disadvantages of Nickel-Based Superalloys

Coût élevéExpensive due to the cost of raw materials and complex manufacturing processes
Machining ChallengesDifficult to machine compared to other materials, requiring specialized tools and techniques
DensitéRelatively high density, which can be a drawback in weight-sensitive applications
DisponibilitéLimited availability of certain alloys and grades, potentially leading to longer lead times
Recycling ComplexityRecycling these superalloys is challenging due to their complex compositions
Difficulté de fabricationRequires advanced fabrication techniques, which can be time-consuming and costly
Conductivité thermiqueLower thermal conductivity compared to some other high-temperature materials
Impact sur l'environnementExtraction and processing of raw materials can have significant environmental impacts
Allergic ReactionsPotential for nickel allergies in some individuals
Fournisseurs limitésFewer suppliers with the capability to produce high-quality superalloys, affecting market competition

Comparaison des Superalliages à base de nickel

Comparing various nickel-based superalloys helps in selecting the right material for specific applications. Here’s a detailed comparison based on key parameters.

Table: Comparison of Nickel-Based Superalloys

AlliageLa forceRésistance à la températureRésistance à la corrosionUsinabilitéCoût
Inconel 718HautJusqu'à 700°CExcellentBonModéré
Hastelloy XModéréJusqu'à 1200°CRemarquableJusteHaut
WaspaloyTrès élevéJusqu'à 870°CBonJusteHaut
René 41Très élevéJusqu'à 1000°CExcellentDifficileHaut
Nimonic 80AHautJusqu'à 815°CBonBonModéré
Alliage 625HautUp to 982°CExcellentBonHaut
Haynes 282Très élevéJusqu'à 980°CBonJusteHaut
Incoloy 800ModéréJusqu'à 700°CExcellentBonModéré
Mar-M247Très élevéJusqu'à 1150°CBonDifficileTrès élevé
Udimet 720Très élevéUp to 950°CExcellentJusteHaut
superalliages à base de nickel


Table: Frequently Asked Questions about Nickel-Based Superalloys

What are nickel-based superalloys?High-performance alloys primarily composed of nickel, designed for extreme environments.
What industries use nickel-based superalloys?Aerospace, power generation, chemical processing, marine, automotive, and more.
Why are nickel-based superalloys expensive?Due to the cost of raw materials and the complex manufacturing processes involved.
Can nickel-based superalloys be recycled?Yes, but recycling is complex due to their intricate compositions.
What is the temperature limit for nickel-based superalloys?They can withstand temperatures up to 1200°C depending on the alloy.
Are there any health concerns with nickel-based superalloys?Potential nickel allergies in some individuals.
How are nickel-based superalloys manufactured?Through processes like casting, forging, and powder metallurgy.
What makes nickel-based superalloys corrosion resistant?High chromium content and other alloying elements provide excellent corrosion resistance.
Can these superalloys be welded?Yes, but welding requires specific techniques and post-weld treatments.
How do nickel-based superalloys compare to other superalloys?They generally offer superior high-temperature performance and corrosion resistance.


Nickel-based superalloys are essential materials that drive performance in some of the most challenging engineering environments. Their remarkable properties make them indispensable in industries where failure is not an option. By understanding their composition, properties, applications, and the trade-offs involved, engineers and material scientists can make informed decisions that push the boundaries of technology and innovation.

So, the next time you see a jet engine or a gas turbine, remember the unsung heroes – the nickel-based superalloys – working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the world running smoothly.

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