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Poudre de carbure de tungstène

alliage à haute conductivité thermique

In our ever-evolving technological landscape, heat management is a constant battle. From processors in our laptops whizzing through complex calculations to heat sinks in our cars ensuring smooth operation, efficient heat transfer is crucial. This is where high thermal conductivity alloys enter the scene, acting as the silent heroes that

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Alliage dur à base de poudre de chrome

Équipements nécessaires à la technologie FDM

Imagine conjuring three-dimensional objects from thin air. That’s the magic of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D printing technology, where digital designs transform into tangible creations layer by layer. But this technological wizardry relies on a specific set of tools, the unsung heroes that bring your ideas to life. So, buckle

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BNi-7 power pour les PM

Poudre d'argent pour l'impression 3D

Imagine crafting intricate jewelry with the precision of a machine and the luster of pure silver. Or envisioning bespoke figurines and sculptures that glint under the light, each detail captured with stunning accuracy. This is the magic of 3D printing silver powder, a technology that’s revolutionizing the way we create

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Fusion de lit de poudre par faisceau laser (PBF-LB)

Poudre d'or pour l'impression 3D

Imagine crafting intricate jewelry designs, shimmering sculptures, or even functional prototypes – all made from real gold – with the precision and flexibility of a 3D printer. This captivating realm of possibility is precisely what 3D printing gold powder unlocks. But how does this technology work, and what are its

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structures multi-matériaux

Poudre métallique pour l'impression 3D du cuivre

Copper, the reddish-brown metal that’s been around since the dawn of civilization, is undergoing a renaissance in the age of 3D printing. Imagine crafting intricate components with the exceptional conductivity of copper – that’s the magic of copper 3D printing metal powders. But what exactly are these powders, and how

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FeCrAl pour le soudage par pulvérisation

Poudre métallique de nickel pour l'impression 3D

Nickel 3D printing metal powder is revolutionizing the manufacturing landscape, offering a potent combination of strength, heat resistance, and intricate design freedom. Imagine crafting high-performance components for jet engines, medical implants, or demanding chemical processing equipment – all with the precision and flexibility of 3D printing. This article delves into

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