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Jets d'eau multi-matériaux (MMJ)
1er juillet 2024
Vue d'ensemble de la projection multi-matériaux (MMJ) Imaginez une technologie qui vous permette d'imprimer non pas un seul type de matériau, mais plusieurs matériaux simultanément. C'est ce qu'offre la technologie Multi Material Jetting (MMJ). C'est comme si vous disposiez d'une imprimante 3D magique capable de combiner différents matériaux en une seule impression, ce qui vous permet d'obtenir davantage de résultats.

Matériaux de revêtement de surface
1er juillet 2024
When you think about surface coating materials, what comes to mind? Is it the shiny chrome on a car bumper, the resilient paint on a kitchen appliance, or perhaps the protective layer on a building’s exterior? Surface coating materials play a crucial role in enhancing the durability, aesthetics, and functionality

Plasma inductif
1er juillet 2024
Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) is a technology widely utilized in various fields of analytical chemistry, primarily for its exceptional ability to detect metals and other elements at very low concentrations. This guide will walk you through the nuances of ICP, providing an overview, detailed breakdowns of specific metal powder models,

Les merveilles des machines à jet de métal
1er juillet 2024
Welcome to the future of manufacturing! Metal jet machines are at the forefront of revolutionizing how we create metal parts and components. If you’ve been hearing the buzz about these high-tech machines and are curious about how they work, their applications, and why they’re becoming so popular, you’ve come to

Fabrication additive par injection de liant
1er juillet 2024
Overview of Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing, often referred to as Binder Jetting, is a groundbreaking technology in the realm of 3D printing. This innovative process involves the use of a binder to selectively join powder particles together to form an object. What makes Binder Jetting unique

Fusion laser sur lit de poudre
1er juillet 2024
Overview Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) is a cutting-edge additive manufacturing technology that uses a laser to selectively fuse powder particles layer by layer to create highly intricate and precise metal parts. This technology has revolutionized various industries by enabling the production of complex geometries that are impossible or extremely

Applications d'impression 3D multi-matériaux
1er juillet 2024
3D printing has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, offering unprecedented flexibility and efficiency. Among its most exciting advancements is multi-material 3D printing. This technology allows for the simultaneous use of different materials within a single print job, opening up new possibilities for creating complex and functional objects. In this article, we

Revêtements pour disques de frein Poudre
1er juillet 2024
Overview When it comes to brake disc coatings, powder coatings are gaining significant traction in the automotive and industrial sectors. Why? Because they offer exceptional durability, resistance to corrosion, and improved braking performance. But there’s a lot more to these coatings than meets the eye. Let’s dive into the world

Moulage par injection de métal (MIM)
1er juillet 2024
Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) is a revolutionary manufacturing process that merges the design flexibility of plastic injection molding with the material strength and integrity of metal. This technique has opened new possibilities in various industries, making it easier to produce complex metal parts with precision and efficiency. Let’s dive into

Liant Jet Powder
1er juillet 2024
Binder jetting is an advanced manufacturing technology that’s been making waves in the world of additive manufacturing. This technology has the power to transform how we produce complex metal parts, from automotive components to intricate jewelry designs. But what exactly is binder jet powder, and why is it so revolutionary?

Jets d'eau multi-matériaux (MMJ)
1er juillet 2024
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Vue d'ensemble de l'impression multi-matériaux (MMJ) Imaginez une technologie qui vous permette d'imprimer non pas un seul type de matériau, mais plusieurs matériaux simultanément. C'est ce qu'on appelle le

Matériaux de revêtement de surface
1er juillet 2024
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When you think about surface coating materials, what comes to mind? Is it the shiny chrome on a car bumper, the resilient paint on a

Plasma inductif
1er juillet 2024
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Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) is a technology widely utilized in various fields of analytical chemistry, primarily for its exceptional ability to detect metals and other

Les merveilles des machines à jet de métal
1er juillet 2024
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Welcome to the future of manufacturing! Metal jet machines are at the forefront of revolutionizing how we create metal parts and components. If you’ve been

Fabrication additive par injection de liant
1er juillet 2024
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Overview of Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing, often referred to as Binder Jetting, is a groundbreaking technology in the realm of 3D

Fusion laser sur lit de poudre
1er juillet 2024
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Overview Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) is a cutting-edge additive manufacturing technology that uses a laser to selectively fuse powder particles layer by layer to

Applications d'impression 3D multi-matériaux
1er juillet 2024
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3D printing has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, offering unprecedented flexibility and efficiency. Among its most exciting advancements is multi-material 3D printing. This technology allows for

Revêtements pour disques de frein Poudre
1er juillet 2024
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Overview When it comes to brake disc coatings, powder coatings are gaining significant traction in the automotive and industrial sectors. Why? Because they offer exceptional

Moulage par injection de métal (MIM)
1er juillet 2024
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Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) is a revolutionary manufacturing process that merges the design flexibility of plastic injection molding with the material strength and integrity of

Liant Jet Powder
1er juillet 2024
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Binder jetting is an advanced manufacturing technology that’s been making waves in the world of additive manufacturing. This technology has the power to transform how
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Poudres métalliques pour l'impression 3D et la fabrication additive
- Ville de Qingdao, Shandong, Chine
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- +86 19116340731