13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder: The Ultimate Solution for Tough Environments

When it comes to cutting-edge materials for high-performance manufacturing, 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder is a standout choice. This advanced alloy powder is specifically designed to deliver exceptional corrosion resistance, thermal stability, and mechanical strength in demanding environments. Whether you're working on aerospace components, additive manufacturing, or industrial machinery, this alloy offers unparalleled performance and reliability. But what makes this alloy so special? Why is it gaining traction across industries? This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder, from its composition and properties to its applications, pricing, and specifications. Let’s dive into the details and help you understand why this material is becoming a game-changer in modern engineering.

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When it comes to cutting-edge materials for high-performance manufacturing, 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder is a standout choice. This advanced alloy powder is specifically designed to deliver 탁월한 내식성, 열 안정성기계적 강도 in demanding environments. Whether you’re working on 항공우주 부품, 적층 제조또는 산업 기계, this alloy offers unparalleled performance and reliability.

But what makes this alloy so special? Why is it gaining traction across industries? This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder에서 구성 및 속성애플리케이션, 가격사양. Let’s dive into the details and help you understand why this material is becoming a 게임 체인저 in modern engineering.

Overview of 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder

What is 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder?

핵심은 다음과 같습니다, 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder is a high-performance alloy that combines 크롬(Cr), 알루미늄(Al), 이트륨(Y), and a base of 철(Fe). It has been engineered for 극한 환경, offering resistance to 산화, 부식기계적 마모. The spherical shape of the powder, achieved through advanced atomization processes, ensures excellent 유동성포장 밀도에 이상적입니다. 3D 프린팅, 열 분무분말 야금.

Think of this alloy as the “superhero” of materials—it’s tough, reliable, and ready to handle the most challenging tasks.

Why is 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder Important?

In industries where components are exposed to 고온, 화학적 부식기계적 스트레스, the need for materials with superior properties is crucial. 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder excels in these conditions, making it a preferred choice for industries like 항공우주, 에너지자동차. Its unique blend of properties ensures longer lifespans, 유지보수 비용 절감향상된 성능 중요한 애플리케이션에서

Composition and Properties of 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder

성능 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder is rooted in its carefully engineered composition and outstanding physical and mechanical properties. Let’s break these down.

Chemical Composition of 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder

요소백분율(%)합금에서의 역할
크롬(Cr)~13우수한 내식성 및 내산화성을 제공합니다.
알루미늄(Al)~5Enhances thermal stability and oxidation resistance.
이트륨(Y)~0.5Improves grain stability and high-temperature performance.
철(Fe)잔액Acts as the base metal, offering strength and structural 무결성.

물리적 및 기계적 특성

밀도~7.6g/cm³가볍지만 튼튼하여 항공우주 및 자동차 부품에 이상적입니다.
융점~1400–1450°CSuitable for high-temperature applications like turbines and engines.
경도~320 HVExceptional wear resistance for abrasive environments.
열 전도성~22W/m-K열 관리 시스템에서 효율적인 열 방출을 보장합니다.
산화 저항우수Performs well in oxygen-rich and high-temperature environments.
인장 강도~950 MPaProvides superior strength under mechanical stress.

이러한 속성은 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder an exceptional choice for 중요 애플리케이션 requiring durability and reliability.

Applications of 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder

고유한 특성 덕분입니다, 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder is used across a wide range of industries. Its ability to withstand 극한 조건 에 필수 불가결합니다. 미션 크리티컬 애플리케이션.

Common Applications of 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder

항공우주제트 엔진 부품, 터빈 블레이드 및 구조 부품.
자동차High-performance exhaust systems, engine parts, and heat shields.
에너지Gas turbines, power plant components, and heat exchangers.
적층 제조3D-printed parts requiring high strength and heat resistance.
산업 기계Wear-resistant parts for abrasive environments.
해양Corrosion-resistant components for ships and offshore equipment.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder

To meet the diverse needs of industries, 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder 는 다양한 크기 and adheres to strict 국제 표준.

Specifications for 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder

사양세부 정보
입자 크기적층 제조의 경우 15-45 µm, 분말 야금의 경우 45-150 µm입니다.
모양Spherical for consistent flow and packing.
표준ISO 9001, ASTM B243, and AMS 4999 for alloy powders.

These specifications ensure that the powder meets 업계 요구 사항 and performs optimally in precision manufacturing processes.

Pricing and Suppliers of 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder

If you’re planning to purchase 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder, understanding 가격공급업체 옵션 가 중요합니다.

공급업체 및 가격 세부 정보

공급업체가격 범위(Kg당)위치추가 서비스
회가나스 AB$250–$500스웨덴Custom particle sizes and technical support.
GKN 첨가제$300-$550미국적층 제조용 특수 파우더.
샌드빅 재료 기술$275–$500글로벌High-purity powders for critical engineering applications.
고급 파우더 솔루션$250-$450글로벌Tailored solutions for specific industries.

가격은 다음에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 주문 수량, 입자 크기customization requirements.

Comparing Advantages and Limitations of 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder

Every material has its strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a breakdown of the 장점제한 사항13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder.

장점과 한계

장점제한 사항
탁월한 내식성 및 내산화성기존 합금에 비해 높은 비용.
Superior mechanical strengthLimited availability from smaller suppliers.
우수한 열 안정성처리를 위한 특수 장비가 필요합니다.
Compatible with advanced manufacturing methodsMay need post-processing for certain applications.

Despite its challenges, the 성능 이점 of this alloy often outweigh its limitations, especially in high-stakes industries.

FAQs About 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder

What is 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Powder used for?Aerospace, automotive, energy, and marine applications.
Why choose this alloy over traditional materials?뛰어난 강도, 내식성, 열 안정성을 제공합니다.
3D 프린팅에 적합합니까?Yes, its spherical shape ensures excellent flowability.
What is the typical price range?Prices range from $250 to $550 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
How does it perform in high temperatures?Retains its properties up to ~1450°C, ideal for heat-resistant applications.


13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder고성능 소재 를 결합한 , 내구성내산화성 like no other. Its ability to thrive under extreme conditions makes it invaluable for industries like 항공우주, 에너지자동차. Whether you’re exploring 적층 제조, 열 분무또는 traditional metallurgy, this alloy is a reliable and versatile choice.

Ready to see what 13Cr5Al0.5Y Alloy Spherical Powder can do for your projects? Dive into the world of advanced materials and unlock a new level of performance and reliability!

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