모든 컬렉션
구형 구리 합금 분말: 특별한 이점과 가격에 대한 심층 분석
11월 17, 2024
When it comes to advanced manufacturing materials, spherical copper alloy powder is a standout. It’s an essential building block for industries that require high-performance metals for additive manufacturing, metal injection molding (MIM), and powder metallurgy. But what makes this material so special? Why do industries like aerospace, automotive, and electronics
Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V 구형 티타늄 합금 분말에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것
11월 17, 2024
Overview of Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V Spherical Titanium Alloy Powder In the world of high-performance materials, Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V Spherical Titanium Alloy Powder stands as a titan. This alloy is a member of the titanium alloy family, and it’s designed for applications where strength, corrosion resistance, and lightweight properties are paramount. Whether you’re working in
CuCrZr 구형 구리 합금 분말: 뛰어난 전도성과 강도를 실현합니다.
11월 17, 2024
If you’re working in industries like aerospace, automotive, or electronics, you may already know that CuCrZr spherical copper alloy powder is a game-changer. This unique material, made from a combination of copper, chromium, and zirconium, offers a remarkable balance of strength, conductivity, and wear resistance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll
구형 텅스텐-니켈-철 합금 분말: 탁월한 강도와 정밀도
11월 17, 2024
In the world of advanced materials, spherical tungsten-nickel-iron alloy powder (commonly known as W-Ni-Fe alloy powder) commands a special place. With its exceptional density, strength, and ductility, this powder is used widely in industries ranging from defense and aerospace to medical technology and radiation shielding. But what makes this material

유리구슬 섞기: 종합 개요
11월 17, 2024
인터믹스 글라스 비드는 도로 안전과 가시성에 필수적인 요소로 도로 표지판, 공항 활주로 및 기타 다양한 표면의 반사도를 향상시키는 데 핵심적인 역할을 합니다. 빛을 반사하여 운전자와 조종사에게 되돌려주는 기능을 통해 도로 및 활주로 표시가 야간 또는

유리 구슬 드롭에 대한 완벽한 가이드: 사양, 공급업체 선택 및 가격
11월 17, 2024
드롭온 글래스 비드는 도로 안전, 건설, 산업 분야 등 다양한 산업에서 없어서는 안 될 필수품입니다. 이 작은 반사 유리 구슬은 주로 빛을 광원을 향해 다시 반사하여 가시성을 높이는 데 사용되며, 이 과정을 역반사라고 합니다. 주요 응용 분야는 도로 표지판이지만 다음과 같은 용도로 사용됩니다.
구형 구리 합금 분말: 특별한 이점과 가격에 대한 심층 분석
11월 17, 2024
댓글 없음
When it comes to advanced manufacturing materials, spherical copper alloy powder is a standout. It’s an essential building block for industries that require high-performance metals for additive manufacturing, metal injection molding (MIM), and powder metallurgy. But what makes this material so special? Why do industries like aerospace, automotive, and electronics rely on it for critical applications?
In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about spherical copper alloy powder. From its properties and applications to pricing and suppliers, we’ll cover it all. Whether you’re an engineer looking for the strongest, most conductive material for your project, or a manufacturer aiming for precision in 3D printing, this guide will help you make an informed decision.
Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V 구형 티타늄 합금 분말에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것
11월 17, 2024
댓글 없음
Overview of Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V Spherical Titanium Alloy Powder In the world of high-performance materials, Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V Spherical Titanium Alloy Powder stands as a titan. This alloy is
CuCrZr 구형 구리 합금 분말: 뛰어난 전도성과 강도를 실현합니다.
11월 17, 2024
댓글 없음
If you’re working in industries like aerospace, automotive, or electronics, you may already know that CuCrZr spherical copper alloy powder is a game-changer. This unique material, made from a combination of copper, chromium, and zirconium, offers a remarkable balance of strength, conductivity, and wear resistance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this alloy—from its properties and applications to pricing and suppliers.
Whether you’re searching for the best powder for additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, or powder metallurgy, the CuCrZr alloy might just be what you’re looking for. Let’s dive into the specifics, so you can make an informed decision for your next project.
구형 텅스텐-니켈-철 합금 분말: 탁월한 강도와 정밀도
11월 17, 2024
댓글 없음
In the world of advanced materials, spherical tungsten-nickel-iron alloy powder (commonly known as W-Ni-Fe alloy powder) commands a special place. With its exceptional density, strength, and ductility, this powder is used widely in industries ranging from defense and aerospace to medical technology and radiation shielding. But what makes this material so unique? Why is the spherical form particularly important, and how does it differ from other tungsten alloys?
This in-depth guide will explore all aspects of spherical tungsten-nickel-iron alloy powder, including its properties, composition, applications, pricing, and specifications, while also providing useful comparisons with other materials. Whether you’re a materials engineer, product designer, or manufacturer, you’ll find all the information you need to make informed decisions about this material.

유리구슬 섞기: 종합 개요
11월 17, 2024
댓글 없음
인터믹스 글라스 비드는 도로 안전과 가시성 확보에 필수적인 요소로 도로 표시, 공항 활주로의 반사율을 높이는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다,

유리 구슬 드롭에 대한 완벽한 가이드: 사양, 공급업체 선택 및 가격
11월 17, 2024
댓글 없음
드롭온 유리 구슬은 도로 안전, 건설, 산업 분야 등 다양한 산업에서 없어서는 안 될 필수품입니다. 이 작은 반사 유리 구슬은 주로 다음과 같은 용도로 사용됩니다.
인기 판매 제품

3D 프린팅 및 적층 제조용 금속 분말
문의 정보
- 칭다오시, 산둥성, 중국
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- +86 19116340731