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polvo metálico para la industria aeroespacial

Prensado isostático en caliente (HIP)

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) is a fascinating technology that’s playing a crucial role in the manufacturing world. If you’ve ever wondered about how certain metal components achieve their exceptional strength and integrity, HIP might just be the answer. Let’s dive deep into the world of Hot Isostatic Pressing, exploring everything

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fabricación aditiva de metales (MAM)

Powder post-atomization treatment

Overview of Powder Post-Atomization Treatment Post-atomization treatment of powders is a critical step to modify and enhance the properties of metal powders after they have been atomized. This can involve several processes such as heat treatment, mechanical milling, sieving, and surface treatment. The aim is to improve the powder’s flowability,

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polvo para revestimiento

Polvo para revestimiento

powder for coating is a versatile and efficient method of applying a protective and decorative finish to various metal surfaces. This process has gained popularity due to its durability, environmental benefits, and cost-effectiveness. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of powder coating, exploring its types, applications, advantages,

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Conformación de redes de ingeniería láser (LENS)

Conformado sólido por láser (LSF)

Laser Solid Forming (LSF) is a revolutionary technology in the field of additive manufacturing. It merges the principles of laser cladding and 3D printing to create high-precision, high-performance metal parts directly from digital designs. The process uses a laser to fuse metal powders into solid objects, layer by layer, resulting

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Aleación de alta temperatura EP648

Fabricación aditiva por haz de electrones (EBAM)

Overview of Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) is a cutting-edge 3D printing technology that uses an electron beam to melt and fuse metal powders layer by layer, creating complex and high-strength parts. This process is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry, offering unparalleled precision, reduced waste, and

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Monel 400

Chorro de metal líquido (LMJ)

El chorro de metal líquido (LMJ) es una tecnología fascinante y en rápida evolución dentro del ámbito de la fabricación aditiva. A diferencia de los métodos tradicionales, LMJ permite la creación precisa de piezas metálicas con detalles intrincados y propiedades robustas. Si se pregunta cómo puede revolucionar LMJ el panorama de la fabricación, vamos a sumergirnos en el mundo

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fabricación aditiva de metales (MAM)

Powder post-atomization treatment

Overview of Powder Post-Atomization Treatment Post-atomization treatment of powders is a critical step to modify and enhance the properties of metal powders after they have

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polvo para revestimiento

Polvo para revestimiento

powder for coating is a versatile and efficient method of applying a protective and decorative finish to various metal surfaces. This process has gained popularity

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Monel 400

Chorro de metal líquido (LMJ)

El chorro de metal líquido (LMJ) es una tecnología fascinante y en rápida evolución dentro del ámbito de la fabricación aditiva. A diferencia de los métodos tradicionales, LMJ permite la

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