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430 Metallleistung für PM

Die Anwendung des DED im medizinischen Bereich

Imagine a world where damaged bones can be repaired with implants perfectly customized to fit your unique anatomy. A world where surgeons wield tools built layer-by-layer to match the intricate needs of complex procedures. This future is rapidly approaching, thanks to the innovative technology known as Directed Energy Deposition (DED).

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Laserstrahl-Pulverbettfusion (PBF-LB)

DED für den Automobilbau

The automotive industry is in a constant state of flux, driven by relentless demands for lighter, stronger, and more fuel-efficient vehicles. Enter Directed Energy Deposition (DED), a revolutionary additive manufacturing (AM) technology poised to transform the way cars are built. Imagine a process that builds complex metal parts layer by

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BNi-7 Leistung

Anwendung des DED im Bereich der Luft- und Raumfahrt

Imagine a world where complex aircraft components can be built layer by layer, on-demand, with minimal waste. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of Directed Energy Deposition (DED), a cutting-edge additive manufacturing (AM) technology rapidly transforming the aerospace industry. DED, also known as Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS), utilizes

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Gezielte Energieabscheidung

Einführung in die gerichtete Energieabscheidung

Imagine building complex metal structures layer by layer, with precise control over material properties and minimal waste. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of Directed Energy Deposition (DED), a revolutionary 3D printing technology that’s transforming the manufacturing landscape. Directed Energy Deposition, also known by terms like Laser Engineered Net

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Anwendungen des Materialstrahlens beim Rapid Prototyping

Imagine a world where crafting intricate prototypes is as seamless as printing a document. Material jetting, a revolutionary 3D printing technology, transforms this vision into reality. By meticulously depositing droplets of photopolymer resin layer by layer, material jetting unlocks a treasure trove of possibilities for rapid prototyping. Buckle up, as

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Der Prozessablauf des Material Jetting

Imagine a printer that doesn’t just lay down ink on paper, but builds intricate objects layer by layer, like a tiny sculptor wielding liquid building blocks. That’s the essence of material jetting, a revolutionary 3D printing technology that’s transforming design and manufacturing across industries. Material Jetting: A Miniature Inkjet Revolution

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Laserstrahl-Pulverbettfusion (PBF-LB)

Welches Metallpulver ist für das Material Jetting geeignet?

Material jetting, a revolutionary 3D printing technique, has opened doors to creating intricate and functional metal parts. But just like a master chef requires the finest ingredients, achieving optimal results in material jetting hinges on the right metal powder. With a plethora of options available, selecting the most suitable powder

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MS1(1.2709) Metall-Pulver

Einführung in das Materialstrahlverfahren

Imagine a 3D printer that works like a high-tech inkjet, meticulously building objects layer-by-layer with incredible detail and precision. That’s the magic of material jetting, a revolutionary additive manufacturing (AM) process taking the prototyping and production world by storm. Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into this fascinating technology, exploring

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BNi-7 Leistung

Die Anwendung von Binder Jetting in der Unterhaltungselektronik

Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der Ihre Handyhülle Ihren einzigartigen Stil perfekt widerspiegelt, mit aufwändigen Designs und individuellen Gravuren. Oder stellen Sie sich schlanke, leichte Kopfhörertaschen vor, die sich nahtlos in Ihre vorhandenen Geräte integrieren lassen. Das ist keine Science-Fiction, sondern die aufregende Realität des Binder Jetting in der Unterhaltungselektronik. Binder Jetting: Eine Revolution in der Fertigung

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Laserstrahl-Pulverbettfusion (PBF-LB)

DED für den Automobilbau

The automotive industry is in a constant state of flux, driven by relentless demands for lighter, stronger, and more fuel-efficient vehicles. Enter Directed Energy Deposition

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