Haynes 230 Powder: Exceptional Strength and Reliability Explained

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When you’re dealing with high-temperature applications, where materials are pushed to their absolute limits, there’s one alloy that consistently stands out — Haynes 230 powder. Whether you’re working on gas turbines, combustion chambers, or even nuclear reactors, this superalloy is designed to handle the most extreme environments. But why is it so special? What makes it the go-to material for engineers and manufacturers in industries ranging from aerospace to power generation?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Haynes 230 powder, from its composition and properties to its applications, specifications, and pricing. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or someone new to high-performance materials, this article will give you a deep dive into what makes Haynes 230 powder one of the most sought-after alloys for high-temperature performance.

Overview of Haynes 230 Powder

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let’s start with a quick overview. Haynes 230 powder ist eine nickel-chromium-tungsten alloy known for its outstanding high-temperature strength, oxidation resistanceund long-term thermal stability. It’s designed to withstand extreme temperatures while maintaining its strength and resisting Oxidation und carburization — two common problems in high-heat environments.

Here are the key highlights of Haynes 230 powder:

  • Exceptional high-temperature strength, making it ideal for applications like gas turbines und aerospace engines.
  • Hervorragende Oxidationsbeständigkeit up to 2100°F (1150°C), which means it won’t degrade when exposed to oxygen at elevated temperatures.
  • Impressive thermal stability, ensuring the alloy retains its mechanical properties over long periods of time under stress.
  • Gute Schweißbarkeit, which allows for complex fabrications without compromising the integrity of the material.

Now, let’s break down these features in greater detail, starting with its composition and properties.

Composition and Properties of Haynes 230 Powder

The unique performance characteristics of Haynes 230 powder come from its carefully balanced chemical composition. Each element plays a vital role in making this alloy capable of handling extreme environments.

Chemical Composition of Haynes 230 Powder

ElementWeight Percentage (%)Purpose in the Alloy
Nickel (Ni)57.0 – 65.0The base element, providing high-temperature strength und Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Chrom (Cr)20.0 – 24.0Enhances oxidation resistance, especially in high-temperature atmospheres.
Wolfram (W)13.0 – 15.0Improves the alloy’s creep Stärke und thermal stability at elevated temperatures.
Molybdän (Mo)1.0 – 3.0Adds to the alloy’s creep resistance and reduces the risk of pitting corrosion.
Kobalt (Co)5,0 maxContributes to oxidation resistance and enhances Stärke at high temperatures.
Eisen (Fe)3.0 maxAdds toughness but is kept low to prevent compromising the alloy’s oxidation resistance.
Mangan (Mn)0,5 maxImproves workability und fabrication properties.
Silizium (Si)0.25 maxEnhances oxidation resistance.
Kohlenstoff (C)0.05 – 0.15Increases creep strength und hardness at elevated temperatures.
Bor (B)0,015 maxImproves grain boundary strength, particularly at high temperatures.

Key Mechanical Properties of Haynes 230 Powder

The mechanical properties of Haynes 230 powder make it a top choice for applications where Stärke und resistance to deformation are critical, especially in high-temperature environments.

Dichte8.98 g/cm³
Schmelzpunkt1340°C – 1380°C (2444°F – 2516°F)
Endgültige Zugfestigkeit760 MPa (110 ksi) at room temperature
Streckgrenze345 MPa (50 ksi) at room temperature
Dehnung beim Bruch43% at room temperature
KriechwiderstandExcellent, especially at temperatures above 800°C (1472°F)
Wärmeleitfähigkeit10.2 W/m·K at 20°C (68°F)
OxidationsbeständigkeitReliable up to 1150°C (2100°F)
Härte85 HRB (Rockwell B)

These properties make Haynes 230 powder a go-to material for high-stress, high-temperature applications, where maintaining mechanical integrity is crucial for long-term performance.

Applications of Haynes 230 Powder

Where can you find Haynes 230 powder in action? It’s used in a variety of industries where heat, Oxidationund stress resistance are paramount. From gas turbines zu chemical processing plants, this alloy is a workhorse for the most demanding environments.

Common Applications of Haynes 230 Powder by Industry

Luft- und RaumfahrtVerwendet in combustion chambers, exhaust systemsund gas turbine blades due to its high-temperature strength.
StromerzeugungEmployed in industrial gas turbines, boilersund heat exchangers where oxidation resistance is crucial.
Chemische VerarbeitungIdeal for furnaces, reactorsund heat shields exposed to corrosive chemicals at elevated temperatures.
NuklearindustrieVerwendet in nuclear reactors und fuel element cladding due to its thermal stability und radiation resistance.
Furnace EquipmentApplied in industrial furnaces, burnersund retorts that operate at high temperatures.
AutomobilindustrieUtilized in turbochargers und exhaust systems for engines that require heat resistance und mechanical strength.

Why Haynes 230 Powder is Ideal for These Applications

The reason Haynes 230 powder is so widely used across these industries is that it offers a balance of strength und resistance to oxidation at high temperatures. In the aerospace industry, for example, the material can withstand the extreme environments inside gas turbine engines, where both heat und Oxidation are significant concerns. Similarly, in chemical processing, Haynes 230 can endure prolonged exposure to corrosive chemicals while maintaining its mechanical properties, which is crucial for preventing equipment failure and downtime.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Haynes 230 Powder

Bei der Auswahl von Haynes 230 powder for your application, ensuring that it meets the necessary Industriestandards and fits the specific sizes und forms required is crucial. Below, we outline the most common specifications and available sizes for this versatile alloy.

Specifications and Standards for Haynes 230 Powder

AMS StandardsAMS 5878, covering sheet, stripund plate for high-temperature applications.
ASTM-NormenASTM B435 (sheet and plate), ASTM B564 (forged fittings), ASTM B619 (welded pipe).
ISO-NormenISO 15156, for materials used in sour gas environments.
Powder Particle Size15 to 45 microns, ideal for additive Fertigung und thermal spray coatings.
Dichte8.98 g/cm³
Schmelzbereich1340°C – 1380°C (2444°F – 2516°F)
KorrosionsbeständigkeitExcellent in both oxidizing und carburizing environments.

Available Sizes and Forms of Haynes 230 Powder

Haynes 230 powder can be purchased in various sizes and forms depending on the application and manufacturing process. Below are the most commonly available options:

FormularVerfügbare Größen
PulverParticle sizes typically range from 15 bis 45 Mikrometer, used for additive Fertigung und Metall-Spritzgießen.
Rod/BarAvailable in diameters ranging from 0.5 to 6 inches, used for valves, pipingund large components.
Bleche und PlattenAvailable in thicknesses ranging from 1 mm to 50 mm, used for furnace components, heat exchangers, and more.

Suppliers and Pricing of Haynes 230 Powder

Suche nach zuverlässigen Lieferanten für Haynes 230 powder is essential to ensure you get high-quality material that meets all industry standards. Below is a list of some trusted suppliers and the estimated pricing for Haynes 230 powder.

Suppliers and Pricing for Haynes 230 Powder

AnbieterPreisspanne (pro kg)Anmerkungen
Höganäs AB$950 – $1100Specializes in high-performance metal powders for additive Fertigung und thermal spray.
Tischlertechnik$1000 – $1150Offers custom formulations for high-temperature applications.
Oerlikon Metco$980 – $1150Supplies Haynes 230 powder für thermal spray coatings und laser cladding.
Sandvik$950 – $1100Focuses on advanced materials for corrosive environments und high-temperature conditions.

Prices generally range from $950 to $1150 per kilogram, depending on the supplier, particle sizeund order volume. Pricing may also fluctuate based on market demand and material availability.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Haynes 230 Powder

Wie jedes Material, Haynes 230 powder comes with both Vorteile und Einschränkungen. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision about whether this alloy is right for your specific application.


Stabilität bei hohen Temperaturen: Maintains strength and structural integrity at temperatures up to 1150°C.Perfect for use in gas turbines, heat exchangersund industrial furnaces.
Oxidationsbeständigkeit: Resists oxidation in high-temperature environments.Provides long-lasting protection in combustion chambers, exhaust systemsund chemical reactors.
Gute Schweißeignung: Can be easily welded without compromising mechanical properties.Suitable for complex fabrication und repair work in demanding environments.
Korrosionsbeständigkeit: Performs well in environments containing oxidizing atmospheres und carburizing conditions.Ideal for chemical processing und power generation Anwendungen.


Kosten: More expensive than standard stainless steels or other high-temperature alloys.May not be suitable for budget-sensitive projects.
Begrenzte Verfügbarkeit: Some specialized forms or particle sizes may require custom orders.Can lead to longer lead times und higher costs für spezifische Anwendungen.
Oxidizing Environments: While resistant to oxidation, Haynes 230 may not perform as well in severely oxidizing atmospheres.Consider other nickel-based alloys for extreme oxidation resistance.
Arbeitsverhärtung: Can harden during processing, which may affect machinability.Requires special care during machining und forming Operationen.


To further clarify some of the most common questions about Haynes 230 powder, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Whether you’re considering this alloy for your next project or just want to learn more, these answers should help.

What is Haynes 230 powder used for?It’s widely used in industries such as Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generationund chemical processing for high-temperature, high-stress applications.
How much does Haynes 230 powder cost?Prices typically range from $950 to $1150 per kilogram, depending on the supplier and specifications.
Can Haynes 230 powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, Haynes 230 powder is commonly used in additive Fertigung for creating parts that require heat resistance und oxidation resistance.
What industries use Haynes 230 powder?Industries such as Luft- und Raumfahrt, chemical processing, power generationund Automobil utilize this alloy for its high-temperature performance.
Is Haynes 230 powder weldable?Yes, Haynes 230 powder has good weldabilityund damit geeignet für fabrication und repair Anwendungen.
How does Haynes 230 compare to Haynes 188?Während Haynes 230 is ideal for high-temperature oxidation resistance, Haynes 188 offers better thermal fatigue resistance in cyclic environments.
Can Haynes 230 powder handle high temperatures?Absolutely, Haynes 230 offers excellent mechanical strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 1150°C (2100°F).
What are the main advantages of Haynes 230 powder?Its key advantages include high-temperature stability, oxidation resistanceund gute mechanische Eigenschaften in raue Umgebungen.
What are the limitations of Haynes 230 powder?The main limitations include its höhere Kosten und limited availability in certain sizes or forms.

Conclusion: Why Haynes 230 Powder is the Ideal Choice for High-Temperature Applications

In industries where high-temperature strength und oxidation resistance are critical, Haynes 230 powder offers an exceptional balance of performance and durability. Its unique combination of mechanical properties and resistance to harsh environments makes it a top choice for applications like gas turbines, industrial furnacesund chemical reactors.

Während Haynes 230 powder may come at a höhere Kosten compared to other alloys, its long-term benefits—including reduced maintenance, longer service lifeund improved performance—make it a smart investment for industries that demand Hochleistungsmaterialien.

So, if you’re looking for a material that can withstand extreme heat, resist oxidation, and maintain its mechanical integrity in some of the harshest environments, Haynes 230 powder is definitely worth considering. Whether you’re in Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generation, or chemical processing, this alloy has the potential to significantly enhance the longevity und Effizienz of your equipment.

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