Haynes 282 Powder: Comprehensive Breakdown of Key Properties and Uses

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When you’re working on projects that demand high-temperature strength, oxidation resistanceund creep performance, there’s one material that engineers and industry professionals turn to: Haynes 282 powder. It’s not just any alloy; it’s a Superlegierung designed to withstand extreme conditions, making it ideal for applications like gas turbines, aerospace enginesund nuclear power systems.

But what exactly makes Haynes 282 powder so special? Why is it the go-to material for environments where most metals would fail? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll not only answer these questions but also dive deep into the technical details — from its Zusammensetzung und mechanische Eigenschaften to its applications, Preisgestaltungund suppliers. So buckle up, because by the end of this ultimate guide, you’ll know everything there is to know about Haynes 282 powder.

Überblick über Haynes 282 Powder

Let’s start with the basics. Haynes 282 powder ist eine Superlegierung auf Nickelbasis that has been specifically designed for high-temperature structural applications. It boasts a unique combination of hohe Festigkeit, thermal stabilityund oxidation resistanceund damit geeignet für long-term service at temperatures as high as 1400°F to 1650°F (760°C to 900°C). With excellent fabricability, weldabilityund creep resistance, this alloy is a top choice for Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generationund industrial gas turbine applications.

Key Properties of Haynes 282 Powder:

  • Outstanding high-temperature strength und creep resistance.
  • Hervorragende Oxidationsbeständigkeit even at elevated temperatures.
  • Gute Schweißbarkeit und fabricability, making it easy to work with in various forms.
  • Ausgezeichnete thermische Stabilität, allowing for long-term use in high-stress environments.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the specific Zusammensetzung und mechanische Eigenschaften that give Haynes 282 powder its unique capabilities.

Zusammensetzung und Eigenschaften von Haynes 282-Pulver

Wenn wir über Superlegierungen, their performance hinges on their carefully formulated chemische Zusammensetzung. The elements in Haynes 282 powder are meticulously chosen to optimize the material for creep strength, oxidation resistanceund thermal stability.

Chemical Composition of Haynes 282 Powder

ElementWeight Percentage (%)Purpose in the Alloy
Nickel (Ni)57.00 – 62.00The base element, providing high-temperature strength und Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Kobalt (Co)9.00 – 11.00Enhances high-temperature strength und Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Chrom (Cr)18.50 – 20.50Improves oxidation resistance and enhances performance in corrosive environments.
Molybdän (Mo)8.00 – 9.50Adds to creep strength und resistance to thermal fatigue.
Titan (Ti)1.90 – 2.30Strengthens the alloy by forming gamma prime precipitates.
Aluminium (Al)0.50 – 0.80Increases oxidation resistance and aids in the formation of gamma prime phase for added strength.
Eisen (Fe)1.50 maxProvides additional strength and toughness, but is kept low to maintain the alloy’s oxidation resistance.
Kohlenstoff (C)0.05 – 0.10Enhances creep strength und hardness by forming carbides.
Bor (B)0.0015 – 0.005Improves grain boundary strength and prevents creep rupture at high temperatures.

Mechanical Properties of Haynes 282 Powder

Now that we’ve covered the Zusammensetzung, let’s talk about what it means for the mechanical performance of Haynes 282 powder. Below are the key mechanical properties that make this alloy a standout in high-temperature applications.

Dichte8,94 g/cm³
Schmelzbereich1260°C – 1340°C (2300°F – 2444°F)
Endgültige Zugfestigkeit140 ksi (965 MPa) at room temperature
Streckgrenze65 ksi (448 MPa) at room temperature
Dehnung beim Bruch40% bei Raumtemperatur
KriechfestigkeitExcellent, especially for long-term use above 760°C (1400°F)
Wärmeleitfähigkeit11.4 W/m·K
OxidationsbeständigkeitReliable up to 900°C (1650°F)
HärteTypically 220-250 HB (Brinell Hardness)

Why These Properties Matter

The combination of hohe Zugfestigkeit und creep resistance makes Haynes 282 powder ideal for use in aerospace engines und gas turbines, where materials are exposed to both extreme temperatures und mechanical stress. Its oxidation resistance ensures that components made from this alloy won’t degrade when exposed to oxygen at elevated temperatures, a crucial factor for long-term reliability in harsh environments.

Applications of Haynes 282 Powder

So, where exactly is Haynes 282 powder being used? The applications of this superalloy span across multiple industries, primarily those where high heat, mechanical stressund oxidation resistance are of the utmost importance.

Common Applications of Haynes 282 Powder by Industry

Luft- und RaumfahrtVerwendet in turbine blades, combustion chambersund exhaust systems for its high-temperature strength und creep resistance.
StromerzeugungEmployed in industrial gas turbines, boilersund heat exchangers, where oxidation resistance is crucial.
NuklearindustrieIdeal for nuclear reactors und fuel element cladding due to its thermal stability und radiation resistance.
Chemische VerarbeitungApplied in furnaces, reactorsund heat shields exposed to corrosive chemicals at elevated temperatures.
AutomobilindustrieVerwendet in turbochargers und exhaust manifolds für heat resistance und mechanical strength.

Why Haynes 282 Powder is Ideal for These Applications

Imagine you’re working with a gas turbine that operates at temperatures over 1000°C (1832°F) — most materials would quickly degrade, but Haynes 282 powder maintains its structural integrity. This makes it the go-to material für turbine blades, combustion chambersund exhaust systems im aerospace industry. Similarly, in nuclear reactors, where both radiation und heat are concerns, Haynes 282 provides the long-term stability needed to prevent material failure.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Haynes 282 Powder

When choosing a material for your project, ensuring it meets the correct specifications and standards is critical. Haynes 282 powder is available in a variety of sizes und forms, and it complies with several key industry standards.

Specifications and Standards for Haynes 282 Powder

AMS StandardsAMS 5911 (sheet, strip), AMS 5915 (bar), AMS 5916 (forged products)
ASTM-NormenASTM B637, ASTM B815 for high-temperature applications
ISO-NormenISO 15156, for use in sour gas corrosion environments
Powder Particle Size15 to 45 microns, suitable for additive Fertigung und thermal spray coatings
Dichte8,94 g/cm³
Schmelzpunkt1260°C – 1340°C (2300°F – 2444°F)
KorrosionsbeständigkeitExcellent in both oxidizing und carburizing environments

Available Sizes and Forms of Haynes 282 Powder

FormularVerfügbare Größen
PulverParticle sizes typically range from 15 bis 45 Mikrometer, used for additive Fertigung und Metall-Spritzgießen.
Bar/RodAvailable in diameters of 0.5 inches to 6 inches, used for piping, valvesund high-stress components.
Bleche und PlattenAvailable in thicknesses from 1 mm to 50 mm, ideal for heat exchangers, combustion chambers, and more.

Lieferanten und Preisgestaltung von Haynes 282 Pulver

Bei der Beschaffung Haynes 282 powder, you want to ensure you’re getting the best quality for your investment. Below are some trusted suppliers and the approximate pricing for this high-performance alloy.

Suppliers and Pricing for Haynes 282 Powder

AnbieterPreisspanne (pro kg)Anmerkungen
Höganäs AB$900 – $1100Specializes in high-performance metal powders for additive Fertigung und thermal spray techniques.
Tischlertechnik$950 – $1150Offers customized formulations for high-temperature applications.
Oerlikon Metco$920 – $1150Supplies Haynes 282 powder für thermal spray coatings und laser cladding.
Sandvik$900 – $1100Focuses on advanced materials for corrosive environments und high-temperature conditions.

Pricing can vary based on order volume, supplierund particle size, but typically ranges between $900 to $1150 per kilogram.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Haynes 282 Powder

Wie jedes Material, Haynes 282 powder offers a mix of Vorteile und Einschränkungen. Understanding these will help you determine whether this alloy is the right fit for your specific application.


Stabilität bei hohen Temperaturen: Retains mechanical strength and structural integrity at temperatures up to 1650°F (900°C).Perfect for use in aerospace engines, gas turbinesund industrial furnaces.
Oxidationsbeständigkeit: Resists oxidation and carburization in high-temperature environments.Ideal for use in combustion chambers, exhaust systemsund chemical reactors.
Gute Schweißeignung: Can be easily welded without losing mechanical properties.Suitable for complex fabrication und repair work.
Kriechwiderstand: Exhibits excellent resistance to creep deformation under high stress and temperature.Ensures long service life in turbine blades, boilersund nuclear reactors.
Thermische Stabilität: Maintains its properties over time at high temperatures.Great for long-term applications in extreme environments.


Kosten: Higher price compared to standard alloys.May not be suitable for budget-sensitive projects.
Begrenzte Verfügbarkeit: Custom sizes and forms may require longer lead times.Can lead to delays in procurement for specific applications.
Oxidizing Environments: While resistant to oxidation, Haynes 282 may not perform as well in severely oxidizing environments.Consider other nickel-based alloys for extreme oxidation resistance.
Arbeitsverhärtung: Can harden during processing, which may affect machinability.Requires special care during machining und forming Operationen.

Haynes 282 Powder vs. Other Superalloys

Wie funktioniert Haynes 282 powder compare to other popular superalloys? Let’s take a quick look at how it stacks up against a few competing options.

Haynes 282Excellent creep resistance, oxidation resistance.Higher cost, limited availability in custom sizes.
Inconel 718Good weldability, corrosion resistance.Lower creep resistance at higher temperatures.
Haynes 230Great for extreme heat and oxidation resistance.Reduced creep resistance compared to Haynes 282.
Rene 41High strength at elevated temperatures.Difficult to weld, poor machinability.


To clarify any remaining questions you may have about Haynes 282 powder, here’s a comprehensive FAQ section that covers the most common inquiries.

What is Haynes 282 powder used for?It’s widely used in Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generationund nuclear industries for high-temperature, high-stress applications.
How much does Haynes 282 powder cost?Prices typically range from $900 to $1150 per kilogram, depending on the supplier and specifications.
Can Haynes 282 powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, Haynes 282 powder is commonly used in additive Fertigung for creating parts that require heat resistance und creep strength.
What industries use Haynes 282 powder?Industries such as Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generation, nuclearund chemical processing utilize this alloy for its high-temperature performance.
Is Haynes 282 powder weldable?Yes, Haynes 282 powder has excellent weldabilityund damit geeignet für fabrication und repair Anwendungen.
Can Haynes 282 powder handle extreme heat?Absolutely, Haynes 282 offers excellent mechanical strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 900°C (1650°F).

Conclusion: Why Haynes 282 Powder is the Best Choice for High-Temperature Applications

Zusammengefasst, Haynes 282 powder ist eine high-performance superalloy that offers an exceptional combination of creep resistance, oxidation resistanceund high-temperature strength. These properties make it a top choice for industries that require materials capable of withstanding extreme heat and stress over long periods, such as Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generationund nuclear energy.

Während Haynes 282 powder may come at a höhere Kosten than standard alloys, its long-term durability und reliability in demanding environments make it a wise investment. So, whether you’re designing turbine blades for an aircraft or building components for a nuclear reactor, Haynes 282 powder will deliver the performance and stability needed to get the job done.

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