IN713C Powder: A Complete Breakdown of Its Superior Properties

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If you’ve been searching for a high-performance material that thrives in extreme temperatures und demanding environments, you may have come across IN713C powder. This Superlegierung auf Nickelbasis is engineered to deliver exceptional strength, creep resistanceund oxidation stability, making it a popular choice in industries like Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generationund Automobil.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about IN713C powder. We’ll explore its Zusammensetzung, key properties, applications, and even dive into Preisgestaltung und supplier details. Whether you’re an engineer, a designer, or just someone curious about high-performance materials, this guide will help you understand why IN713C powder is such a game-changer in the world of superalloys.

Overview of IN713C Powder

IN713C powder ist eine Superlegierung auf Nickelbasis designed for high-temperature applications that require creep resistance, oxidation stabilityund long-term durability. Originally developed for investment casting, it is now widely used in Pulvermetallurgie und additive Fertigung. It’s particularly prized for its ability to maintain mechanical strength at temperatures up to 950°C (1742°F), making it ideal for turbine blades, jet enginesund high-performance automotive components.

Key Features of IN713C Powder:

  • High-temperature strength: Retains mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.
  • Oxidation resistance: Performs well in oxidative environments.
  • Kriechen resistance: Excellent for long-term applications under stress.
  • Versatile for manufacturing: Compatible with 3D-Druck, investment castingund Pulvermetallurgie processes.
  • Used in critical industries: Common in Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generationund Automobil sectors.

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of IN713C powder by looking at its chemische Zusammensetzung, mechanische Eigenschaftenund thermal characteristics.

Composition and Key Properties of IN713C Powder

To fully appreciate IN713C powder, it’s essential to understand its metallurgical composition. Each element in this superalloy plays a crucial role in delivering the strength, oxidation resistanceund thermal stability that make IN713C stand out.

Chemical Composition of IN713C Powder

ElementProzentsatz (%)Rolle in der Legierung
Nickel (Ni)70.0-75.0Base element providing high-temperature stability und oxidation resistance.
Chrom (Cr)11.0-13.0Enhances oxidation resistance und corrosion protection.
Molybdän (Mo)4.0-5.0Increases high-temperature strength und Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Aluminium (Al)5.5-6.5Contributes to oxidation resistance and helps with Ausscheidungshärtung.
Titan (Ti)0.5-1.5Improves Ausscheidungshärtung, enhancing creep resistance und Zugfestigkeit.
Kobalt (Co)0.0-1.0Improves high-temperature strength und wear resistance.
Kohlenstoff (C)0.05-0.15Improves hardness und Zugfestigkeit, but careful control is needed to avoid cracking.
Zirkonium (Zr)0.05-0.15Enhances creep resistance by stabilizing the alloy’s grain boundaries.
Bor (B)0.005-0.015Strengthens the grain boundaries, improving the overall high-temperature performance of the alloy.

Mechanical and Thermal Properties of IN713C Powder

The strength of IN713C powder lies in its ability to maintain its mechanische Eigenschaften at high temperatures. Below are some of the key mechanisch und thermische Eigenschaften:

Dichte7.94 g/cm³
Schmelzpunkt1260°C – 1350°C
Zugfestigkeit900-1100 MPa at room temperature
Streckgrenze700-800 MPa bei Raumtemperatur
Dehnung beim Bruch8-12%
KriechwiderstandExcellent, particularly up to 870°C
OxidationsbeständigkeitStable in oxidative environments up to 950°C
Härte250-300 HB (Brinell Hardness)
WärmeleitfähigkeitLow, which helps improve performance in high-temperature applications.
SchweißeignungLimited—requires special techniques like preheat und post-weld heat treatments to avoid cracking.

Advantages of IN713C Powder: Why It’s a Go-To for High-Performance Applications

You might be wondering—what makes IN713C powder die “go-to” superalloy for demanding environments? The truth is, its unique combination of Stärke, stabilityund resistance to high temperatures sets it apart from other materials. Let’s explore the key advantages of using IN713C powder for your engineering projects.

1. Outstanding High-Temperature Performance

IN713C powder is engineered to maintain its mechanical strength even when exposed to temperatures as high as 950°C. This makes it an ideal choice for turbine blades, exhaust systemsund combustors that need to function in extreme heat.

2. Creep Resistance for Long-Term Durability

When materials are exposed to high stress over long periods, they tend to deform—a process called creep. IN713C powder has excellent creep resistance, which means it can maintain its shape and integrity even under prolonged stress. This is especially critical in industries like Luft- und Raumfahrt und power generation, where component failure can be catastrophic.

3. Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance

Ever seen metal rust or degrade over time? That’s oxidation at work. IN713C powder is designed to resist Oxidation und corrosion even in raue Umgebungen, thanks to its high levels of chromium und aluminum. Whether you’re dealing with jet engines oder gas turbines, this superalloy will hold up just fine.

4. Ideal for Additive Manufacturing and Powder Metallurgy

One of the coolest things about IN713C powder is its versatility in manufacturing processes. Whether you’re using it for additive Fertigung (3D-Druck) oder Pulvermetallurgie, its spherical particle shape und narrow particle size distribution make it a great fit for creating complex, high-performance components.

Applications of IN713C Powder: Where It Shines

Thanks to its exceptional high-temperature performance and resistance to Oxidation und creep, IN713C powder is used across a wide range of high-performance industries. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common applications.

Häufige Verwendungszwecke

Luft- und RaumfahrtTurbinenschaufeln, combustor componentsund afterburners that are exposed to extreme heat and oxidative environments.
StromerzeugungTurbine discs, bladesund seals in gas turbines und steam turbines.
AutomobilindustrieKomponenten des Turboladers und exhaust systems where high strength and heat resistance are critical.
Öl und GasWerkzeuge für das Bohrloch, valvesund seals that must withstand high-pressure, high-temperature environments.
Additive Fertigung3D-gedruckte Teile für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Energieund automotive components that require high heat and strength.

From jet engines zu industrial turbines, IN713C powder proves its worth in applications where failure is simply not an option.

Spezifikationen, Größen und Normen

Before you place an order for IN713C powder, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the right specifications for your application. Let’s break down the sizes, Notenund standards you should be aware of.


PartikelgrößeTypischerweise reicht die Bandbreite von 15 to 53 microns, depending on the application (e.g., additive Fertigung oder thermal spray).
Morphologie des PulversSpherical particles for improved flowability and deposition.
ASTM-NormenASTM B637 für Superlegierungen auf Nickelbasis verwendet in Luft- und Raumfahrt und industrial applications.
ISO-NormenISO 15156 for materials used in sour gas environments.
UNS-NummerUNS N07713
AMS StandardsAMS 5391 für nickel-based alloys like IN713C.

These specifications ensure that you’re getting the right grade und size von IN713C powder for your specific industrial needs.

Lieferanten und Preisgestaltung

Given the specialized nature of IN713C powder, prices can vary significantly based on factors like supplier, particle sizeund order volume. Here’s a look at some major suppliers and the general price range you can expect.

Lieferanten und Preisgestaltung

AnbieterPreisspanne (pro kg)Anmerkungen
Höganäs AB$600 – $850A leader in Metallpulver, offering IN713C for additive Fertigung und Pulvermetallurgie.
Tischlertechnik$620 – $850Specializes in high-performance alloys, offering custom particle sizes for specific applications.
Oerlikon Metco$610 – $840Provides IN713C powder for thermal spray coatings und 3D-Druck.
Sandvik$630 – $860Offers advanced materials for Luft- und Raumfahrt und energy sectors, including IN713C powder.
Kennametal$620 – $845Supplier of premium nickel-based alloys, including IN713C for Industrie und energy applications.

On average, the price per kilogram of IN713C powder ranges from $600 to $860, making it a premium material for Hochleistungsanwendungen.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of IN713C Powder

Wie jedes Material, IN713C powder comes with its Vorteile und Einschränkungen. Let’s break down the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.


Hochtemperaturfestigkeit: Retains mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.Ideal for turbine blades, exhaust systemsund combustors.
Oxidationsbeständigkeit: Performs well in oxidative environments.Protects against Verschlechterung in jet engines und industrial turbines.
Kriechwiderstand: Excellent for long-term applications under stress.Ensures reliability in critical components like turbine discs und seals.
Versatile Manufacturing: Suitable for 3D-Druck, thermal sprayund Pulvermetallurgie.Allows for komplexe Geometrien in additive Fertigung.
Korrosionsbeständigkeit: Performs well in raue Umgebungen.Increases lifespan in corrosive applications wie oil and gas.


Hohe Kosten: More expensive than many other materials.May not be suitable for budget-sensitive Anwendungen.
Challenging to Machine: Requires specialized tools for precision machining.Increases machining time and cost, especially for intricate parts.
Begrenzte Verfügbarkeit: Not always readily available in large quantities.Can lead to longer lead times, especially for custom formulations or large orders.
Oxidation at Very High Temperatures: Oxidation can become an issue above 950°C without coatings.May require coatings for applications at the upper temperature limits.


Still have questions? Here are some frequently asked questions about IN713C powder to help clear things up.

What is IN713C powder used for?It is typically used in turbine blades, combustorsund exhaust systems innerhalb Luft- und Raumfahrt und power generation industries.
How much does IN713C powder cost?The typical price for it ranges from $600 to $860 per kilogram, depending on the supplier and specific requirements.
Can IN713C powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, it is widely used in additive Fertigung processes like Selektives Laserschmelzen (SLM) und Pulverbettschmelzen (PBF).
What industries use IN713C powder?Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generation, Automobilund oil and gas industries regularly use it in their high-performance components.
What makes IN713C powder oxidation-resistant?The high levels of chromium und aluminum in IN713C powder give it superior oxidation resistance, even in harsh, high-temperature environments.
What are the main advantages of IN713C powder?It offers high-temperature strength, oxidation resistanceund creep resistance, making it ideal for components in extreme environments.
What are the limitations of using IN713C powder?The main limitations include its high cost und machining difficulty, which can increase production time und Kosten.
Can IN713C powder handle extreme heat?Yes, it is designed to retain its properties up to 950°C, making it ideal for turbine blades und combustor components.
Is IN713C powder suitable for corrosive environments?Yes, thanks to its chromium und aluminum content, it provides excellent Korrosionsbeständigkeit in harsh environments.

Conclusion: Is IN713C Powder Right for Your Next Project?

If you’re looking for a material that can handle extreme temperatures, oxidative environmentsund long-term stress, IN713C powder is a strong contender. Its ability to maintain mechanische Eigenschaften at high temperatures, combined with its oxidation resistance und creep performance, makes it ideal for critical applications in Luft- und Raumfahrt, power generation, and more.

While the cost und machining difficulty might be higher than other materials, the long-term benefits—such as durability, oxidation resistanceund creep resistance—often outweigh the initial investment, especially for Hochleistungsanwendungen.

In conclusion, if your project demands a material that can thrive in extreme conditions, IN713C powder is an excellent choice. With its proven performance in the most demanding industries, you can trust IN713C to deliver reliable, long-lasting results where it matters most.

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