CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder: A Breakthrough in Material Science

CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder is revolutionizing modern materials science. This advanced alloy combines the unique properties of copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), and titanium (Ti) to create a material with exceptional shape memory effects, mechanical strength, and corrosion resistance. It isn’t just a metal; it’s a smart material—one that remembers its shape and reacts to environmental changes, making it indispensable in industries like aerospace, biomedicine, automotive, and robotics. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder, including its composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and advantages versus limitations. Ready to dive in? Let’s explore why this material is shaping the future!

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CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder is revolutionizing modern materials science. This advanced alloy combines the unique properties of cobre (Cu), níquel (Ni), aluminio (Al)y titanio (Ti) to create a material with exceptional shape memory effects, resistencia mecánicay resistencia a la corrosión. It isn’t just a metal; it’s a smart material—one that remembers its shape and reacts to environmental changes, making it indispensable in industries like aeroespacial, biomedicina, automocióny robótica.

En esta completa guía, exploraremos todo lo que necesita saber sobre CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powderincluyendo su composición, propiedades, aplicaciones, especificaciones, preciosy advantages versus limitations. Ready to dive in? Let’s explore why this material is shaping the future!

Overview of CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

¿Qué es exactamente CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder, and why is it generating so much buzz? Imagine a material that can deform under stress and then snap back to its original shape when heated. That’s the magic of shape memory alloys (SMAs). These materials use phase transformation—a shift between two crystal structures—to achieve this behavior.

Now, add to that the precision of forma de polvo esférico. The spherical geometry ensures excelente fluidez, consistent particle distributiony alta densidad de empaquetado, making this material ideal for Impresión 3D, pulverización térmicay pulvimetalurgia.

Pero, ¿qué establece CuNiAlTi apart from other SMAs like NiTi (Nitinol)? The inclusion of copper and aluminum reduces costs while improving conductividad térmica y eléctricamientras que titanio mejora resistencia mecánica y biocompatibilidad. Esta combinación hace que CuNiAlTi a versatile, cost-effective alternative for a wide range of high-tech applications.

Key Features of CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Let’s break down the standout features of CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Powder:

  1. Efecto de memoria de forma: Deforms under stress and recovers its original shape when heated—great for actuators, springs, and biomedical devices.
  2. Alta resistencia y durabilidad: Withstands heavy loads and repeated cycles without losing performance.
  3. Resistencia a la corrosión: Performs well in harsh environments, including marine and chemical industries.
  4. Conductividad térmica y eléctrica: Ideal for heat exchangers, sensors, and smart electrical devices.
  5. Biocompatibilidad: Safe for medical implants and devices.
  6. Forma esférica: Ensures smooth flowability and uniform layering in additive manufacturing.

Composición y propiedades de CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

The unique chemical makeup of CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy is what gives it its incredible properties. Let’s take a closer look.

Composición química de CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

ElementoPorcentaje (%)Papel en la aleación
Cobre (Cu)60-70Provides thermal/electrical conductivity and cost-effectiveness.
Níquel (Ni)15-25Enhances shape memory effect and corrosion resistance.
Aluminio (Al)5-10Improves strength, oxidation resistance, and overall durability.
Titanio (Ti)5-8Adds mechanical strength, biocompatibility, and high-temperature stability.

The precise ratios can be tailored to specific applications to optimize performance.

Propiedades mecánicas y físicas de CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Densidad~7,8 g/cm³Provides structural stability and weight.
Resistencia a la tracción500–700 MPaExceptional strength for demanding applications.
Shape Recovery Strain~6-8%Recovers up to 8% deformation upon heating.
Transformation Temperature90–180°CThe range in which the shape memory effect is activated.
Conductividad térmica~30 W/m-KSuitable for heat exchangers and thermal management systems.
Conductividad eléctrica~15% IACSUseful in smart electrical devices and sensors.
Punto de fusión~1,050°CAlta estabilidad térmica para entornos extremos.

Estas propiedades hacen que CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Powder a go-to choice for smart engineering solutions.

Applications of CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

¿Dónde puede utilizar CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Powder? Practically anywhere that demands precisión, adaptabilidady durabilidad. Let’s explore the key industries and applications.

Aplicaciones comunes de CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

AeroespacialActuadores, sensores y componentes estructurales ligeros.
Productos sanitariosStents, surgical tools, and orthopedic implants.
AutomociónAdaptive suspension systems, crash-resistant components, and thermal systems.
RobóticaSmart actuators, flexible joints, and responsive components.
ElectrónicaSwitches, thermal management systems, and smart sensors.
Fabricación aditivaComplex 3D-printed parts for aerospace and biomedical uses.
MarinaCorrosion-resistant components for underwater applications.

The adaptability of CuNiAlTi alloy makes it indispensable across a wide range of high-tech sectors.

Especificaciones, tamaños y normas para CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Al elegir CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Powderes crucial tener en cuenta especificaciones, tamaño de las partículasy normas del sector to ensure a perfect fit for your project.

Especificaciones y tamaños

Tamaño de las partículas10–45 µm for additive manufacturing; 45–150 µm for powder metallurgy.
FormaSpherical for optimal flowability and uniformity.
NormasConforms to ASTM F2063 and ISO 5832 standards.

Estas especificaciones garantizan CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Powder meets the stringent demands of modern manufacturing.

Precios y proveedores de CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Búsqueda de fuentes CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Powder? Here’s an overview of pricing and trusted suppliers.

Proveedores y precios

ProveedorGama de precios (por kg)UbicaciónServicios adicionales
Höganäs AB$120-$180SueciaGranulometrías personalizadas, asistencia técnica.
Aditivo para carpinteros$140–$200EE.UU.Polvos especializados para fabricación aditiva.
Tecnología de materiales Sandvik$130-$190GlobalHigh-purity powders for precision applications.
Polvos metálicos avanzados$110–$170GlobalTailored solutions for various industries.

Pricing depends on volumen de pedidos, requisitos de purezay delivery locations.

Ventajas y limitaciones de CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Cada material tiene sus puntos fuertes y sus puntos débiles. Desglosemos los pros y contras de CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Powder.


  1. Efecto de memoria de forma: Offers smart adaptability for innovative designs.
  2. Resistencia a la corrosión: Performs well in extreme environments.
  3. Conductividad térmica y eléctrica: Suitable for heat-sensitive and electrical applications.
  4. Rentable: More affordable than Nitinol while delivering comparable performance.
  5. Biocompatibilidad: Ideal for medical implants and devices.


  1. Higher Cost than Traditional Alloys: While cheaper than Nitinol, it’s still pricier than standard materials.
  2. Processing Expertise Required: Proper techniques are essential to maximize performance.
  3. Disponibilidad limitada: Specialized material not always in stock.

FAQs About CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

What is CuNiAlTi alloy powder used for?Aerospace, medical devices, robotics, and automotive components.
¿Cómo funciona el efecto de memoria de forma?The alloy deforms under stress and returns to its original shape when heated.
¿Es biocompatible?Yes, it’s safe for medical implants and devices.
¿Qué industrias utilizan este material?Aerospace, automotive, medical, electronics, and robotics.
¿Cuánto cuesta?Prices range from $110 to $200 per kilogram, depending on specifications.


CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder representa el futuro de materiales inteligentes. Its ability to adapt, recover, and perform under extreme conditions makes it a must-have for industries like aeroespacial, médicoy automoción. Whether you’re designing cutting-edge medical implants or building responsive actuators for robotics, this alloy delivers the performance and reliability you need.

Ready to transform your projects with CuNiAlTi Shape Memory Alloy Powder? Reach out to trusted suppliers today and take advantage of this revolutionary material!

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