IN690 Powder: Why This Alloy is Perfect for High-Temperature Demands

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When it comes to high-performance materials that can withstand extreme temperatures y corrosive environments, IN690 powder stands out as a top contender. This superaleación a base de níquel is designed for industries that need materials with excelente resistencia a la corrosión, especially in oxidizing environments como centrales nucleares, chemical processing facilitiesy aerospace applications.

In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to cover all aspects of IN690 powder—from its composición y properties to its applications, preciosy suppliers. Whether you’re an engineer, material scientist, or just someone curious about high-performance alloys, this guide will give you a deep understanding of why IN690 powder is a go-to material for critical projects.

Overview of IN690 Powder

IN690 powder, also known as Alloy 690, is a nickel-based superalloy that contains high levels of chromium. The high chromium content is what gives IN690 its superior resistance to oxidación y corrosion en aqueous y high-temperature environments. This makes it particularly suitable for applications like nuclear reactors, heat exchangersy chemical processing equipment.

Key Features of IN690 Powder:

  • Superb Corrosión Resistance: Performs well in both oxidizing y sulfuric environments.
  • Estabilidad a altas temperaturas: Retains strength and stability at elevated temperatures.
  • Versatile Manufacturing: Suitable for Impresión 3D, pulvimetalurgiay thermal spray processes.
  • Applications in Critical Industries: Used in nuclear power, chemical processingy aeroespacial.

Now, let’s dive into the composición química y propiedades mecánicas that make IN690 powder an engineering marvel.

Composition and Key Properties of IN690 Powder

Comprender la composición de IN690 powder is crucial to grasp why it excels in high-temperature y corrosive environments. The combination of nickel, chromium, and other elements like iron y molibdeno ensures that it can withstand both oxidizing acids y sulfur-containing gases.

Composición química

ElementoPorcentaje (%)Papel en la aleación
Níquel (Ni)58.0-63.0Base element providing excelente resistencia a la corrosión y high-temperature stability.
Cromo (Cr)27.0-31.0Provides superior resistance to oxidizing environments y corrosive media como sulfuric acid.
Hierro (Fe)7.0-11.0Improves mechanical strength and adds to the alloy’s overall durability.
Molibdeno (Mo)0.0-0.5Increases resistencia a la corrosión en non-oxidizing environments and enhances high-temperature performance.
Carbono (C)0,05 máx.Helps improve the mechanical strength but must be controlled to avoid grain boundary embrittlement.
Silicio (Si)0,5 máx.Enhances oxidation resistance and improves castability.
Manganeso (Mn)0,5 máx.Adds to oxidation resistance and improves the alloy’s weldability.

Mechanical and Thermal Properties

IN690 powder is designed to perform under stress and at high temperatures. Below are some of the key mecánico y propiedades térmicas that make it highly sought after in various industries.

Densidad8,19 g/cm³
Punto de fusión1343°C
Resistencia a la tracción600-650 MPa at room temperature
Límite elástico240-280 MPa at room temperature
Alargamiento a la rotura30%
Resistencia a la fluenciaExcellent, particularly up to 870°C
Resistencia a la oxidaciónPerforms well in oxidative environments up to 1000°C
Conductividad térmica13.3 W/m·K
SoldabilidadGood, but requires preheating y post-weld heat treatments to avoid cracking.

Advantages of IN690 Powder: Why It’s a Popular Choice

You’re probably wondering—what makes IN690 powder such a popular choice for high-temperature y corrosion-prone environments? Let’s break it down.

1. Exceptional Corrosion Resistance

IN690 powder has a high chromium content, which makes it incredibly resistant to oxidizing acids y harsh chemicals. Whether you’re dealing with sulfuric acid, nitric acid, or even chlorides, IN690 can handle it. This is why it’s the material of choice para nuclear reactors, chemical processing plantsy pollution control systems.

2. Stability at High Temperatures

Some materials break down or lose their properties when exposed to extreme heat, but not IN690 powder. With a melting point of over 1300°C, this alloy retains its fuerza y oxidation resistance even at temperatures as high as 1000°C. This makes it invaluable in gas turbines, heat exchangersy furnace components.

3. Versatility in Manufacturing Processes

Not only is IN690 powder great for traditional manufacturing methods like casting y welding, but it also excels in fabricación aditiva y pulvimetalurgia. This means you can use it for 3D printing complex parts that are both durable and corrosion-resistant.

4. Long-Term Durability

When you’re investing in materials for critical applications, long-term durability is key. IN690 powder is known for its creep resistance and ability to withstand stress over extended periods, making it ideal for components that need to last in entornos difíciles.

Applications of IN690 Powder: Where It’s Used

Thanks to its unique combination of resistencia a la corrosión, high-temperature stabilityy mechanical strength, IN690 powder is used in some of the most demanding applications across a variety of industries.

Usos comunes

Nuclear PowerSteam generators, heat exchangersy control rods en nuclear reactors due to its superior corrosion resistance.
Procesado químicoVessels, pipingy heat exchangers exposed to sulfuric acid y chlorides.
AeroespacialComponentes de turbinas de gas, afterburnersy heat shields that require high-temperature stability and oxidation resistance.
Control de la contaminaciónFlue gas desulfurization systems, chimney liningsy waste incinerators exposed to harsh gases.
Petróleo y gasDownhole equipment, valvesy seals that operate in corrosive, high-pressure environments.
Fabricación aditivaPiezas impresas en 3D para aeroespacial, energíay chemical processing components that require corrosion and heat resistance.

These are just a few examples of the industries and applications where IN690 powder excels.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for IN690 Powder

Before you order IN690 powder, it’s crucial to know the right specifications for your specific application. Let’s take a look at the sizes, gradosy standards you should be aware of.


Tamaño de las partículasNormalmente oscila entre 15 a 45 micras para pulvimetalurgia y fabricación aditiva.
Morfología del polvoGenerally spherical for superior flowability in Impresión 3D y thermal spray aplicaciones.
Normas ASTMASTM B163 for nickel-based alloys used in heat exchangers y chemical processing equipment.
Normas ISOISO 15156 for materials used in sour gas environments.
UNS NumberUNS N06690
AMS StandardsAMS 5580, covering nickel-based alloys like IN690 for high-temperature applications.

These specifications ensure that you’re getting the right grade y particle size for your particular industrial application.

Suppliers and Pricing of IN690 Powder

El precio de IN690 powder can vary based on factors such as supplier, particle sizey order volume. Here’s a look at some major suppliers and the general price range you can expect.

Proveedores y precios

ProveedorGama de precios (por kg)Notas
Höganäs AB$700 – $900A leader in polvos metálicos, offering IN690 for fabricación aditiva y pulvimetalurgia.
Tecnología Carpenter$720 – $950Specializes in high-performance alloys, offering custom particle sizes for specific applications.
Oerlikon Metco$710 – $940Provides IN690 powder for thermal spray y Impresión 3D.
Sandvik$730 – $960Offers advanced materials for aeroespacial y energy sectors, including IN690 powder.
Kennametal$720 – $945Supplier of premium nickel alloys, including IN690 for critical industrial applications.

In general, the price per kilogram of IN690 powder ranges from $700 to $960, depending on the supplier and the specific size y grade you need.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of IN690 Powder

Como cualquier material, IN690 powder comes with its ventajas y limitaciones. Let’s break these down so you can decide if it’s the right material for your next project.


Resistencia a la corrosión: Superior performance in oxidizing environments.Ideal for chemical processing y nuclear power applications.
Estabilidad a altas temperaturas: Maintains mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.Perfect for gas turbines, heat exchangersy furnace components.
Long-Term Durability: Excellent creep resistance for components under stress over time.Ensures reliability en critical applications como nuclear reactors.
Versatile Manufacturing: Suitable for Impresión 3D, thermal sprayy pulvimetalurgia.Allows for geometrías complejas en fabricación aditiva.
Resistencia a la oxidación: Performs well in environments up to 1000°C.Useful in high-temperature applications como furnaces y gas turbines.


Coste elevado: More expensive than many other materials.May not be suitable for budget-sensitive aplicaciones.
Challenging to Machine: Requires specialized tools for precision machining.Can increase machining time y costes, especially for intricate parts.
Disponibilidad limitada: Not always readily available in large quantities.Can lead to longer lead times, particularly for custom formulations or large orders.
Oxidation at Very High Temperatures: Oxidation can become an issue above 1000°C.May require coatings for applications at extreme upper temperature limits.

Preguntas frecuentes

If you still have questions, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about IN690 powder.

What is IN690 powder used for?It is typically used in nuclear reactors, heat exchangersy chemical processing equipment due to its excellent resistencia a la corrosión.
How much does IN690 powder cost?The average price of it ranges from $700 to $960 per kilogram, depending on the supplier y particle size.
Can IN690 powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, it is widely used in fabricación aditiva processes like fusión selectiva por láser (SLM) y fusión por haz de electrones (EBM).
What industries use IN690 powder?Industries like nuclear power, chemical processing, aeroespacialy oil and gas use IN690 powder for high-performance applications.
What makes IN690 powder corrosion-resistant?The high chromium content in IN690 provides excellent resistance to oxidizing acids y harsh chemicals como sulfuric acid y chlorides.
What are the main advantages of IN690 powder?It offers high-temperature stability, resistencia a la corrosióny long-term durability, making it ideal for critical applications.
What are the limitations of using IN690 powder?The main limitations include its high cost y machining difficulty, which can increase production time y costes.
Is IN690 powder suitable for high-temperature environments?Yes, it performs well at temperatures up to 1000°C, making it ideal for furnace components y gas turbines.
Can IN690 powder handle corrosive environments?Absolutely. Thanks to its high chromium y nickel content, IN690 provides excellent corrosion resistance in environments exposed to acids.

Final Thoughts: Is IN690 Powder Right for Your Project?

If you need a material that can withstand extreme temperatures, oxidacióny corrosion,it is one of the best options available. Its high chromium content, combined with the inherent strength of nickel, makes it a great choice for industries like nuclear power, chemical processingy aeroespacial.

While the cost might be a bit higher compared to other materials, the long-term performance y durability de IN690 powder often make up for the initial investment. Whether you’re using it for fabricación aditiva, thermal spray coatings, or traditional casting, IN690 powder is a versatile and reliable choice for critical applications.

In conclusion, if your project demands high-temperature stability, resistencia a la corrosióny long-term reliability, it is an excellent material to consider. With its proven track record in some of the most demanding industries, you can trust IN690 to deliver the performance y durability your application needs.

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