12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder: High-Value Material for Critical Industries

In the world of advanced materials, 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder stands out as a high-performance alloy designed for demanding applications. Its unique combination of chromium (Cr) and aluminum (Al) in an iron-based matrix provides exceptional oxidation resistance, thermal stability, and mechanical strength. Thanks to its spherical powder form, this alloy is a popular choice in additive manufacturing, thermal spraying, and powder metallurgy. This guide dives deep into every aspect of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder, from its composition and properties to its applications, specifications, and pricing details. Whether you’re an engineer building heat-resistant components or a researcher exploring advanced manufacturing methods, this comprehensive guide will answer all your questions while helping you make an informed decision. Let's get started!

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Dans le monde des matériaux avancés, 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder stands out as a high-performance alloy designed for demanding applications. Its unique combination of chrome (Cr) et aluminium (Al) in an iron-based matrix fournit exceptional oxidation resistance, thermal stabilityet résistance mécanique. Thanks to its spherical powder form, this alloy is a popular choice in fabrication additive, pulvérisation thermiqueet métallurgie des poudres.

This guide dives deep into every aspect of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder, de son composition et propriétés à son applications, specificationset détails de la tarification. Whether you’re an engineer building heat-resistant components or a researcher exploring advanced manufacturing methods, this comprehensive guide will answer all your questions while helping you make an informed decision. Let’s get started!

Overview of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder

What is 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder?

12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder est un iron-based alloy qui contient environ 12% chromium et 5% aluminium. This specific combination of elements allows the alloy to form a protective aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) layer when exposed to high temperatures, which makes it highly resistant to oxydation et corrosion.

The spherical shape of the powder is achieved through advanced techniques d'atomisation, tels que atomisation du gaz, which ensures consistent particle size, excellent flowability, and uniform distribution. These characteristics make it ideal for Impression 3D, pulvérisation thermiqueet d'autres precision manufacturing techniques.

Why is 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder Important?

Think about it: in industries that demand materials to withstand extreme heat and harsh environments, traditional metals often fall short. This is where 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder shines. It’s like a shield that doesn’t just endure high temperatures but thrives under them.

Its ability to create a self-healing oxide layer is what sets it apart. This feature ensures that the alloy remains durable and resistant to wear, even in atmosphères oxydantes à des températures supérieures à 1,000°C. Whether you’re building components for a gaz turbine, fourou automotive exhaust system, this alloy is a reliable choice.

Composition and Properties of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder

Comprendre la composition et propriétés is crucial when evaluating the performance of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder pour des applications spécifiques.

Chemical Composition of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder

ÉlémentPourcentage (%)Rôle dans l'alliage
Fer (Fe)ÉquilibreProvides the base structure and mechanical strength.
Chrome (Cr)~12Améliore la résistance à l'oxydation et corrosion résistance.
Aluminium (Al)~5Forms a protective oxide layer, improving thermal and oxidation stability.

Propriétés physiques et mécaniques

Densité~7,2 g/cm³Dense structure ensures durability and wear resistance.
Point de fusion~1,450°CConvient aux applications à haute température.
Dureté~250 HVProvides good wear resistance for industrial applications.
Résistance à l'oxydationExcellentStable up to 1,100°C, making it ideal for heat-intensive environments.
Résistance à la corrosionSupérieurePerforms well in corrosive atmospheres, such as those with acids or salt.
Conductivité thermiqueModéréBalances heat resistance with structural stability.

Ces propriétés font que 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder un candidat de premier plan à l'élection du high-temperature and corrosion-prone environments.

Applications of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder

La polyvalence des 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder makes it a go-to material in multiple industries. Its résistance à l'oxydation and strength are particularly valued in aérospatiale, énergieet secteurs de l'automobile.

Key Applications of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder

AérospatialeHigh-temperature components, engine parts, and thermal barriers.
L'énergieTurbine blades, heat exchangers, and furnace parts.
AutomobileExhaust systems, catalytic converters, and sensors.
Fabrication additive3D-printed components for precision and heat-resistance.
Machines industriellesHeating elements, wear-resistant tools, and furnace linings.
ÉlectroniqueHigh-temperature resistors and conductive components.

De 3D-printed turbine parts à corrosion-resistant exhaust systems, this alloy plays a critical role in fabrication moderne.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder

To meet the diverse needs of industries, 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder est produit dans différents taille des particules et adhère à des règles strictes en matière de normes internationales.

Specifications for 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder

Taille des particules15–45 µm for additive manufacturing; 45–150 µm for thermal spraying.
La pureté≥99%
FormeSphérique pour un débit et un conditionnement homogènes.
NormesISO 9001 (Quality Management), ASTM A297 (Heat-Resistant Alloys).

Ces spécifications garantissent une performance optimale de la poudre dans les domaines suivants critical manufacturing applications.

Pricing and Suppliers of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder

Lors de l'approvisionnement 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder, comprendre les la tarification et disponible fournisseurs can help you make a cost-effective decision.

Fournisseurs et détails des prix

FournisseurFourchette de prix (par kg)LocalisationServices complémentaires
ATI Metals$300-$600ÉTATS-UNISTaille des particules sur mesure, assistance technique.
Technologie des matériaux Sandvik$350-$700MondialPoudres de haute pureté pour applications industrielles.
GKN Additive$320-$650ÉTATS-UNISPoudres spécialisées pour la fabrication additive.
Technologie des charpentiers$350–$750MondialTailored solutions for heat-resistant applications.

Les prix varient en fonction de taille des particules, quantité commandéeet options de personnalisation.

Advantages and Limitations of 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder

Chaque matériau a ses propres avantages et inconvénients. Here’s a balanced look at the avantages et limitations de 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder.

Avantages et limites

Résistance exceptionnelle à l'oxydation et à la corrosionCoût plus élevé que celui des alliages standard.
High-temperature stability for demanding applicationsNécessite un équipement spécialisé pour le traitement.
Ideal for additive manufacturing and thermal sprayingDisponibilité limitée auprès des petits fournisseurs.
Durable and wear-resistant for industrial applicationsMay require post-processing for certain uses.

FAQs About 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder

What is 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Powder used for?Aerospace, automotive, energy, and industrial machinery applications.
Why choose this alloy over others?Offers superior oxidation and corrosion resistance at high temperatures.
Est-il adapté à l'impression 3D ?Oui, sa forme sphérique assure une excellente fluidité pour la fabrication additive.
Quelle est la fourchette de prix habituelle ?Prices range from $300 to $750 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
How does it perform in high-heat environments?Exceptional, withstanding oxidation beyond 1,100°C.


12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder est un matériau haute performance engineered for the most applications exigeantes. Son résistance à l'oxydation, durabilité mécaniqueet stabilité thermique en font un choix de premier plan pour des secteurs tels que aérospatiale, énergieet automobile.

Que vous développiez Pièces imprimées en 3D, composants du fourou systèmes d'échappementCet alliage offre une combinaison de reliability and innovation. Prêt à faire passer vos projets à la vitesse supérieure ? Explorez les possibilités avec 12Cr12Al5 Alloy Spherical Powder aujourd'hui !

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

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