Poudre de fer carbonylée : le matériau ultime pour la technologie de pointe

Carbonyl Iron Powder (CIP) is a highly pure and versatile material that has found a place in industries ranging from electronics and automotive to medicine and metallurgy. Its unique properties, such as excellent purity, fine particle size, and magnetic characteristics, make it an indispensable material for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re manufacturing soft magnetic components, magnetic inks, or dietary supplements, carbonyl iron powder is a game-changing material you need to explore. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into Carbonyl Iron Powder, covering its composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and much more. We’ll also explore its advantages and limitations, compare it to alternative materials, and answer common questions to help you understand why it’s a preferred choice across industries.

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Carbonyl Iron Powder (CIP) is a highly pure and versatile material that has found a place in industries ranging from electronics and automotive to medicine and metallurgy. Its unique properties, such as excellent purity, fine particle size, and magnetic characteristics, make it an indispensable material for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re manufacturing soft magnetic components, magnetic inks, or dietary supplements, carbonyl iron powder is a game-changing material you need to explore.

Dans ce guide complet, nous nous pencherons sur les points suivants Poudre de fer carbonique, couvrant ses composition, propriétés, applications, spécifications, prix, and much more. We’ll also explore its avantages et limites, compare it to alternative materials, and answer common questions to help you understand why it’s a preferred choice across industries.

Vue d'ensemble

What is Carbonyl Iron Powder?

A la base, Poudre de fer carbonique is a highly pure form of iron, typically produced by the thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)₅). This process results in ultra-fine, spherical iron particles with excellent purity and uniformity. The powder is characterized by its small particle size (sub-micron to a few microns), surface élevéeet propriétés magnétiques douces, making it a versatile material for industrial and scientific applications.

Think of it as the “Swiss Army knife” of metallic powders: lightweight, magnetic, and easy to adapt for various needs. Whether you’re creating electromagnetic shielding for your latest gadget or fortifying your dietary supplement with iron, carbonyl iron powder delivers.

Caractéristiques principales

Pourquoi la Poudre de fer carbonique so popular? Here are its standout features:

  • Haute pureté: Contains over 97% pure iron, with minimal impurities.
  • Taille des particules fines: Offers particle sizes as small as 1 micron, ensuring smooth processing.
  • Soft Magnetic Properties: Ideal for electromagnetic shielding, transformers, and inductors.
  • Forme sphérique: Uniform particles enhance densité d'emballage and flowability.
  • Polyvalence: Suitable for applications in electronics, metallurgy, medicine, and more.

Composition et propriétés

Let’s take a closer look at the composition chimique et propriétés physiques that make Carbonyl Iron Powder so unique.

Composition chimique

ComposantPourcentage typique (%)Rôle
Fer (Fe)≥ 97%Base material, provides magnetic properties.
Carbone (C)≤ 0,5%Residual carbon from the decomposition process.
Oxygène (O)≤ 0,1%Traces from oxidation during processing.
Azote (N)≤ 0,05%Minimal impurity.

Physical and Magnetic Properties

Taille des particules1-10 µmFine particles enable high packing density and smooth dispersion.
Densité~7.86 g/cm³Dense, high-performance material.
Point de fusion~1,538°CHigh-temperature resistance for demanding applications.
Perméabilité magnétiqueHautExcellent for electromagnetic shielding and soft magnetic materials.
Surface0.5–2.0 m²/gHigh surface area enhances reactivity in chemical and catalytic uses.
Capacité d'écoulementExcellente grâce à la forme sphériqueSmooth processing in manufacturing and additive applications.

La combinaison de propriétés magnétiques, petite taille des particuleset haute pureté makes Carbonyl Iron Powder a standout material for industries requiring precision and performance.


Grâce à sa polyvalence, Poudre de fer carbonique is used across a wide range of industries. Let’s explore some of its most common applications.

Applications clés

ÉlectroniqueElectromagnetic shielding, inductors, and transformers.
AutomobileSoft magnetic components, fuel injection systems, and brake pads.
MédecineIron supplements for treating anemia and fortifying foods.
MétallurgiePowder metallurgy for precision parts and high-performance alloys.
Impression 3DAdditive manufacturing of lightweight, high-strength components.
Industrie chimiqueCatalysts and chemical reactions requiring high-purity iron.

Par exemple, en électronique, Carbonyl Iron Powder is used to create electromagnetic shielding materials that block unwanted radiation in smartphones, laptops, and other devices. Meanwhile, in médecine, its bioavailability makes it an excellent source of dietary iron for treating iron deficiency.

Spécifications, tailles et normes

Choisir la bonne spécifications for Carbonyl Iron Powder is essential to ensure optimal performance in your application. Here’s a breakdown of the typical sizes, grades, and standards.

Specifications of Carbonyl Iron Powder

Taille des particules1–10 µm (available in custom sizes).
La pureté≥97%
NotesCIP-S (Standard), CIP-H (High Purity), CIP-F (Fine Particle).
NormesASTM E1941 (Iron Powders), ISO 9001 (Quality Certification).

Le forme sphérique et petite taille des particules ensure smooth processing, making it suitable for precision applications like fabrication additive et métallurgie des poudres.

Pricing and Suppliers of Carbonyl Iron Powder

Le coût de la Poudre de fer carbonique varie en fonction de facteurs tels que purity, particle sizeet quantité commandée. Below is a summary of popular suppliers and price ranges.

Fournisseurs et détails des prix

FournisseurFourchette de prix (par kg)LocalisationServices complémentaires
BASF$50–$150MondialCustom grades and technical support.
Sintez-CIP$30–$100RussiePrix compétitifs pour les commandes en gros.
JFE Steel Corporation$40–$120JaponPoudres de haute qualité à usage industriel.
Groupe des poudres CNPC$20–$80ChineLarge-scale production and global shipping.

Prices typically fluctuate based on bulk purchase discounts, spécifications personnaliséeset frais d'expédition.

Advantages and Limitations of Carbonyl Iron Powder

Comme tout autre matériau, Poudre de fer carbonique has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s compare its advantages and limitations.

Avantages et limites

High purity ensures consistent performance in critical applications.Higher cost compared to conventional iron powders.
Fine particle size enables precision manufacturing.Requires specialized handling to avoid oxidation.
Excellent magnetic properties for electromagnetic shielding.Limited availability for ultra-high-purity grades.
Versatile across industries from electronics to medicine.Peut nécessiter un post-traitement pour des applications spécifiques.

For most users, the les avantages l'emportent largement sur les limites, especially in high-performance applications where purity and precision ne sont pas négociables.

FAQs About Carbonyl Iron Powder

What is Carbonyl Iron Powder used for?Electronics, medicine, automotive, metallurgy, and chemical industries.
How is Carbonyl Iron Powder produced?By thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)₅).
What makes it different from regular iron powder?Higher purity, finer particle size, and superior magnetic properties.
Is it safe for use in dietary supplements?Yes, it’s widely used as a bioavailable source of dietary iron.
Quelle est la fourchette de prix ?Prices range from $20 to $150 per kilogram, depending on specifications.


Poudre de fer carbonique is a versatile, high-performance material that plays a critical role in industries ranging from électronique à médecine. Son caractère exceptionnel purity, magnetic propertieset taille des particules fines make it a go-to choice for manufacturers and researchers alike.

Whether you’re creating blindage électromagnétique, produisant dietary supplements, or exploring fabrication additive, Carbonyl Iron Powder offers unmatched performance and reliability. Ready to take your projects to the next level? Explore the possibilities with Poudre de fer carbonique aujourd'hui !

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

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