La poudre Stellite 3 expliquée : Un guide complet de ses incroyables propriétés

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When it comes to high-performance materials that can withstand intense wear, heat, and corrosion, Stellite 3 powder is a name that stands out. Cobalt-based alloys like Stellite 3 are widely recognized for their incredible durability and performance in extreme environments. Whether you’re working in aerospace, oil & gas, or even medical applications, Stellite 3 powder offers a unique combination of properties that make it indispensable.

Mais qu'est-ce que c'est exactement ? Stellite 3 powder, and why has it become such a popular choice in various industries? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key details about this remarkable material, from its composition et propriétés à son applications, advantages, and limitations. We’ll also dive into pricing details, supplier information, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Overview: What is Stellite 3 Powder?

Stellite 3 powder is a cobalt-based alloy powder known for its exceptional résistance à l'usure, duretéet corrosion résistance. Like other Stellite alloys, it is primarily used in applications where materials are subject to extreme wear and tear, high temperatures, and corrosive environments. Stellite 3, in particular, is noted for its superior abrasion resistance when compared to other alloys in the Stellite family.

Les principaux éléments de la Stellite 3 powder inclure cobalt, chrome, tungstèneet carbone, with small amounts of other elements. These components work together to create a material that can maintain its properties under harsh conditions, such as those found in l'outillage industriel, oil & gas drillinget composants aérospatiaux.

In short, if you’re looking for a material that can take a beating—and keep performing—Stellite 3 powder est un candidat de premier plan.

Composition et propriétés

Comprendre la composition des Stellite 3 powder is crucial to appreciating its unique properties. Each element in the alloy contributes to its overall performance, making it a robust and reliable choice for various high-stress applications.


ÉlémentPourcentage (%)Rôle dans l'alliage
Cobalt (Co)45-65%Forms the base of the alloy, providing strength, wear resistance, and the ability to withstand high temperatures.
Chrome (Cr)25-30%Increases corrosion resistance, particularly in oxidizing environments.
Tungstène (W)10-15%Enhances hardness and wear resistance, especially at elevated temperatures.
Carbone (C)2-3%Forms carbides that increase the material’s hardness and wear resistance.
Nickel (Ni)≤ 1%Sometimes added to improve toughness and ductility, though in small amounts.

Propriétés principales

Densité8.5–9.0 g/cm³
Point de fusion1,250-1,350°C
Dureté55-60 HRC (Rockwell Hardness) depending on heat treatment and specific applications.
Résistance à la traction1,100-1,500 MPa
Résistance à l'usureExtremely high, particularly in abrasive environments.
Résistance à la corrosionExcellent, especially in environments with oxidizing acids or saltwater exposure.
Stabilité thermiqueMaintains hardness and wear resistance even at temperatures exceeding 800°C.
Résistance à l'oxydationHigh resistance to oxidation, making it suitable for high-temperature applications such as turbine blades and furnace components.

Why Stellite 3 Powder? Key Characteristics

Vous vous demandez peut-être : qu'est-ce qui fait que Stellite 3 powder a better choice compared to other alloys like Inconel, Hastelloy, or even other cobalt-based alloys? Let’s break down the key characteristics that make Stellite 3 powder stand out:

1. Résistance à l'usure inégalée

L'un des principaux avantages de la Stellite 3 powder is its outstanding wear resistance. This is primarily due to the high levels of chromium, tungsten, and carbon, which form hard carbides that protect the material from mechanical wear and abrasion. If your application involves cutting tools, industrial machinery, or turbines, Stellite 3 powder will give you the durability you need.

2. Performances supérieures à haute température

Stellite 3 powder retains its hardness and strength even at elevated temperatures, making it ideal for components exposed to extreme heat. This is particularly useful in industries like aerospace, where moteurs à réaction et aubes de turbine must maintain their integrity under high thermal stress.

3. Excellente résistance à la corrosion

Thanks to its high chromium content, Stellite 3 powder offers excellent corrosion resistance, particularly in environments that involve exposure to acides oxydants ou eau salée. This makes it a suitable choice for marine applications, oil & gas drillinget traitement chimique.

4. Incredible Abrasion Resistance

When compared to other Stellite alloys, Stellite 3 est réputé pour sa qualité supérieure résistance à l'abrasion. It’s often used in applications where materials are subject to grinding, scraping, or other abrasive forces. If your project involves outils de coupe ou industrial dies, Stellite 3 is a great fit.

5. Versatility in Manufacturing Processes

Stellite 3 powder is versatile and can be used in multiple manufacturing processes, including traditional coulée, métallurgie des poudreset fabrication additive (3D printing). Its fine powder form makes it particularly suitable for Impression 3D applications, where precise control over material properties is essential.


Compte tenu de ses propriétés impressionnantes, Stellite 3 powder is widely used across various industries. Here are some of the most common applications:

AérospatialeTurbine blades, jet engine components, and exhaust valves that need to withstand high temperatures and wear.
Pétrole et gazOutils de forage, sièges de soupapes et autres composants exposés à des environnements abrasifs et corrosifs.
MédicalOutils chirurgicaux et implants nécessitant une biocompatibilité, une résistance à l'usure et une résistance à la corrosion.
AutomobileComposants de moteurs à haute performance, soupapes d'échappement et pièces soumises à des frottements et à une chaleur élevés.
Production d'électricitéAubes de turbines à vapeur et à gaz, revêtements de fours et autres composants à haute température.
MarineHélices, pompes et autres équipements exposés à l'eau salée et à des environnements corrosifs.
Outillage industrielOutils de coupe, matrices et équipements résistants à l'usure utilisés dans les processus de fabrication et d'usinage.
Traitement chimiqueVannes, pompes et pièces exposées à des produits chimiques corrosifs et à des températures élevées.

Comme vous pouvez le constater, Stellite 3 powder is used in a variety of industries where its wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and heat tolerance are highly beneficial.

Spécifications, tailles, qualités et normes

En choisissant Stellite 3 powder, it’s essential to understand the specifications, sizes, and grades that best suit your project’s needs. These specifications ensure that the material performs as expected in various applications.

Taille des particulesTypically ranges from 15 to 45 microns, suitable for additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and thermal spraying.
Normes ASTMASTM F75 et F1537 pour les applications médicales et chirurgicales.
Normes ISOISO 5832-4 pour les alliages de cobalt-chrome de qualité médicale.
Numéro UNSUNS R30003 for Stellite 3.
Gamme de dureté55-60 HRC depending on heat treatment and specific application requirements.
Morphologie des poudresPoudre sphérique préférée pour la fabrication additive et les processus de revêtement comme la pulvérisation thermique.

Ces spécifications garantissent que Stellite 3 powder meets the rigorous standards required for applications across fields such as aérospatiale, dispositifs médicauxet l'outillage industriel.

Fournisseurs et prix

Le prix des Stellite 3 powder can vary depending on factors like the size of the order, the supplier, and the specific formulation. Below, we’ve listed some well-known suppliers and their typical pricing ranges for Stellite 3 powder:

FournisseurFourchette de prix (par kg)Notes
Kennametal$200 – $300A leading supplier of Stellite alloys, including Stellite 3 powder.
Oerlikon Metco$250 – $350Specializes in high-quality Stellite powders for thermal spraying and additive manufacturing.
Technologie des charpentiers$220 – $320Known for producing top-level cobalt-based alloys, including Stellite 3 for medical and industrial applications.
Höganäs AB$220 – $300A global leader in powder metallurgy, offering Stellite 3 powder for various industries.
Powder Alloy Corporation$230 – $350A supplier of a wide range of metal powders, including Stellite 3 for aerospace and industrial tooling.

Prices can fluctuate based on market conditions, order size, and specific application needs. Custom formulations or specialized specifications may also increase the overall cost.

Avantages et limites

Tandis que Stellite 3 powder offers many advantages, it’s essential to understand its limitations as well. Let’s explore the pros and cons of using Stellite 3 powder in your projects.


AvantagePourquoi c'est important
Résistance supérieure à l'usure: Thanks to its high tungsten and carbon content, Stellite 3 has excellent wear resistance.Ideal for applications like cutting tools, industrial dies, and turbine blades that experience high mechanical stress.
Performance à haute température: Stellite 3 can maintain its hardness and strength at elevated temperatures.Parfait pour une utilisation dans des environnements à haute température tels que les moteurs à réaction, les soupapes d'échappement et les turbines de production d'énergie.
Résistance à la corrosion: The high chromium content provides excellent corrosion protection in harsh environments.Convient aux applications marines, chimiques, pétrolières et gazières où la corrosion est un problème.
Résistance à l'abrasion: Stellite 3 is known for its superior abrasion resistance compared to other Stellite alloys.Useful in applications where materials are subject to grinding, scraping, or other abrasive forces.
Fabrication polyvalente: Stellite 3 powder can be used in various manufacturing processes, including 3D printing.Il offre une grande souplesse de production, ce qui le rend idéal pour un large éventail d'industries.


LimitationPourquoi c'est un défi
Coût: Stellite 3 powder is more expensive than other wear-resistant materials like steel or aluminum.May not be the most cost-effective option for less demanding applications.
Usinabilité difficile: The hardness of Stellite 3 can make it challenging to machine or process.Nécessite des outils et des techniques spécialisés, ce qui entraîne une augmentation des délais et des coûts de production.
Poids: Stellite 3 is heavier than lighter alloys like aluminum or titanium.Might not be suitable for applications where minimizing weight is critical, such as aerospace components.
Ductilité limitée: Stellite 3 is less ductile compared to other materials, making it harder to form or bend.Ce n'est peut-être pas le meilleur choix pour les applications qui nécessitent beaucoup de flexibilité ou de déformation.


Voici quelques questions fréquemment posées sur Stellite 3 powderLes questions sont accompagnées de réponses détaillées pour vous aider à mieux comprendre ce matériel :

What is Stellite 3 powder used for?Stellite 3 powder is used in industries like aerospace, oil & gas, automotive, and chemical processing for high-temperature, wear-resistant, and corrosion-resistant components.
How much does Stellite 3 powder cost?Les prix varient généralement entre $200 et $350 par kilogramme, en fonction du fournisseur et de l'application spécifique.
Is Stellite 3 powder biocompatible?Yes, Stellite 3 powder is biocompatible, making it suitable for medical implants and surgical tools.
What makes Stellite 3 powder corrosion-resistant?The high chromium content in Stellite 3 powder provides excellent resistance to corrosion in oxidizing environments such as saltwater and acidic conditions.
Can Stellite 3 powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, Stellite 3 powder is commonly used in additive manufacturing processes like powder-bed fusion for creating complex, high-performance parts.
What industries use Stellite 3 powder?Stellite 3 powder is used in industries such as aerospace, oil & gas, automotive, power generation, marine, and chemical processing.
How does Stellite 3 powder compare to other alloys?Par rapport à d'autres alliages à base de cobalt comme le Stellite 6, Stellite 3 offers better abrasion resistance but can be more challenging to machine.
Is Stellite 3 powder magnetic?No, Stellite 3 powder is generally non-magnetic, making it suitable for sensitive environments like medical devices and electronic equipment.

Conclusion: Why Choose Stellite 3 Powder?

In conclusion,it is a high-performance alloy that offers exceptional wear, heat, and corrosion resistance. Whether you’re working in aerospace, oil & gas, or industrial tooling, Il is an excellent choice for applications that demand long-term durability and reliable performance under extreme conditions.

Tandis que Stellite 3 powder may come with some challenges—such as higher costs and more difficult machinability—it remains a top option when maximum durability and resistance are non-negotiable. From technologie de pointe à outils industriels et dispositifs médicaux, Stellite 3 powder continues to prove its worth in the most demanding environments.

Prêt à explorer le potentiel de la Stellite 3 powder in your next project? Now that you’ve got all the details, it’s time to make an informed decision and take your application to the next level!

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