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MS1(1.2709) Metallpulver

Översikt över 15n20 pulverstål

15n20 är en mångsidig och allmänt använd stålsort i pulverform som uppskattas för sin anmärkningsvärda styrka, hårdhet och hållbarhet. Det finmalda metallpulvret har en utmärkt komprimerbarhet och har blivit ett oumbärligt råmaterial inom pulvermetallurgin. Pulvermetallurgi, processen för tillverkning av komponenter från komprimerade metallpulver,

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Högtemperaturlegering C276

in718 pulver

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the way we produce complex parts and components. One material that has gained significant traction in this field is IN718 powder, a superalloy known for its exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature performance. This article delves into the world of IN718

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AgCuTi kraft

Overview of IN625 Powder

IN625 is a nickel-based superalloy powder widely used in various high-temperature applications due to its exceptional strength, oxidation resistance, and corrosion resistance. This advanced engineering material finds applications in industries such as aerospace, chemical processing, and energy production. The unique composition and properties of IN625 powder make it an excellent

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Laserstråle för pulverbäddfusion (PBF-LB)

Nickel Powder: Suppliers,Types and Properties

Nickel powder is a finely divided, particulate form of the metallic element nickel. This silvery-white material has captured the attention of various industries due to its exceptional properties and versatility. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of nickel powder, exploring its composition, characteristics, applications, and everything you need

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Laserteknik för nätformning (LENS)

översikt över 3D-skrivare med Inconel-pulver

Inconel powder 3D printers are specialized additive manufacturing systems designed to work with Inconel, a family of austenitic nickel-chromium-based super alloys. These alloys are known for their exceptional strength, oxidation resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures, making them ideal for applications in the aerospace, automotive, and energy industries. Inconel

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Högtemperaturlegering C276

3D-skrivare för titanpulver

titanium powder 3d printer, also known as additive manufacturing (AM) with titanium powders, is a revolutionary technology that has gained significant traction in various industries, including aerospace, medical, and automotive sectors. This process involves selectively fusing layers of titanium powder using a high-energy source, such as a laser or an

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MS1(1.2709) Metallpulver

Översikt över 15n20 pulverstål

15n20 är en mångsidig och allmänt använd stålsort i pulverform som uppskattas för sin anmärkningsvärda styrka, hårdhet och hållbarhet. Detta finmalda metallpulver uppvisar utmärkta

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Högtemperaturlegering C276

in718 pulver

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the way we produce complex parts and components. One material that has gained significant traction in

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AgCuTi kraft

Overview of IN625 Powder

IN625 is a nickel-based superalloy powder widely used in various high-temperature applications due to its exceptional strength, oxidation resistance, and corrosion resistance. This advanced engineering

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Högtemperaturlegering C276

3D-skrivare för titanpulver

titanium powder 3d printer, also known as additive manufacturing (AM) with titanium powders, is a revolutionary technology that has gained significant traction in various industries,

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