316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder: Why It’s Perfect for Harsh Environments

When it comes to high-performance materials used in advanced manufacturing, 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder stands out as a versatile, durable, and corrosion-resistant option. This high-grade alloy powder is specially designed for industries where strength, precision, and resistance to harsh environments are non-negotiable. Whether you're into additive manufacturing (3D printing), powder metallurgy, or thermal spray coatings, this material delivers outstanding results. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder from every angle. From its composition and properties to applications, specifications, pricing, and FAQs, this article will provide everything you need to know. Let’s get started!

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When it comes to high-performance materials used in advanced manufacturing, 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder stands out as a versatile, durable, and corrosion-resistant option. This high-grade alloy powder is specially designed for industries where strength, precision, and resistance to harsh environments are non-negotiable. Whether you’re into eklemeli üretim (3D baskı), toz metalurjisiveya termal sprey kaplamalar, this material delivers outstanding results.

Bu kapsamlı kılavuzda şunları keşfedeceğiz 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder from every angle. From its composition and properties to applications, specifications, pricing, and FAQs, this article will provide everything you need to know. Let’s get started!

Overview of 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Peki, tam olarak nedir 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder? To put it simply, it’s a powdered form of the popular 316 stainless steel alloyile tanınan üstün korozyon di̇renci̇, yüksek mekanik dayanımve mükemmel kaynaklanabilirlik. This powder version has been engineered into a küresel şekil, which improves its flowability, packing density, and performance in high-tech manufacturing processes.

Why Choose 316 Stainless Steel in Powder Form?

Think of it this way: traditional stainless steel is already a powerhouse material, widely used in industries ranging from aerospace to medical devices. Now imagine taking that same material and refining it into a küresel toz that can be used for Karmaşık parçaların 3D baskısı, coating surfacesveya forming components through powder metallurgy. That’s what makes this material so revolutionary—it combines the best of traditional stainless steel with the flexibility of modern powder-based techniques.

Key Features of 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Before diving into the technical details, let’s highlight the most important features that make 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Powder a go-to material in advanced industries:

  • Olağanüstü Korozyon Direnci: Perfect for environments exposed to saltwater, chemicals, or high humidity.
  • Yüksek Mukavemet ve Dayanıklılık: Handles mechanical stress and wear with ease.
  • Küresel Şekil: Ensures smooth flowability, making it ideal for 3D baskı and other precision applications.
  • Isı Direnci: Maintains its strength and integrity at high temperatures.
  • Biyouyumluluk: Safe for medical applications, such as surgical tools and implants.
  • Çok Yönlülük: Şunlar için uygundur havacılık ve uzay, otomotiv, DENİZCİLİK, tıbbive daha fazlası.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive deeper into the technical aspects, including its composition and properties.

Chemical Composition and Properties of 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

The performance of any alloy comes down to its chemical makeup and mechanical properties. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what makes 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Powder çok etkili.

Kimyasal Bileşimi 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

ElementYüzde (%)Alaşımdaki Rolü
Demir (Fe)DengeBase element providing structural integrity.
Krom (Cr)16–18Korozyon ve oksidasyon direncini artırır.
Nikel (Ni)10–14Improves ductility, toughness, and resistance to stress corrosion cracking.
Molibden (Mo)2–3Increases resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in chloride-rich environments.
Manganez (Mn)≤2.0Improves toughness and machinability.
Silisyum (Si)≤1.0Enhances oxidation resistance in high-temperature conditions.
Karbon (C)≤0.08Low carbon content reduces carbide precipitation, improving corrosion resistance after welding.
Fosfor (P)≤0.045Improves machinability but is kept low to enhance corrosion resistance.
Sülfür (S)≤0.03Enhances machinability in small amounts.

Dahil edilmesi Krom, nikelve molibden is what sets 316 paslanmaz çelik apart from lower-grade alloys like 304, offering superior performance in harsh environments.

Mechanical and Physical Properties of 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Yoğunluk~8,0 g/cm³Provides structural stability and weight for manufactured components.
Çekme Dayanımı485–700 MPaHigh strength to withstand mechanical stresses.
Akma Dayanımı170–250 MPaResists deformation under load.
Sertlik~20–30 HRCAşınma direnci ve işlenebilirlik için dengeli sertlik.
Uzama~40–50%Offers excellent ductility for forming and machining processes.
Korozyon DirenciÜstünPerforms exceptionally in chloride-rich and acidic environments.
Erime Noktası~1,375°CHandles high temperatures without losing structural integrity.

Bu özellikler 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Powder gerektiren uygulamalar için en iyi seçimdir. strength, corrosion resistanceve termal kararlılık.

Applications of 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

What industries and applications benefit the most from 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Toz? The short answer: almost every industry that demands yüksek performansli malzemeler. Here’s a detailed look at the most common uses.

Yaygın Uygulamaları 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Havacılık ve UzayPrecision-engineered components like turbine blades and fasteners.
DenizcilikPropellers, valves, and underwater equipment resistant to saltwater corrosion.
TıbbiSurgical tools, implants, and biocompatible devices.
OtomotivHigh-strength parts like gears and exhaust systems.
Kimyasal İşlemeTanks, reactors, and pipelines that handle corrosive materials.
3D BaskıComplex, custom parts with high precision.
Gıda İşlemeFood-safe equipment for handling acidic or salty substances.

Çok yönlülüğü 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Toz ensures it remains a staple across diverse industries.

Spesifikasyonlar, Boyutlar ve Standartlar 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Seçerken 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder, it’s essential to consider the specifications, sizes, and industry standards it adheres to.

Özellikler ve Boyutlar

Parçacık BoyutuKatmanlı imalat için 15-45 µm; toz metalurjisi için 45-150 µm.
ŞekilOptimum akışkanlık ve homojenlik için küresel.
StandartlarConforms to ASTM A240, ASTM A276, and UNS S31600 standards.

Bu spesifikasyonlar şunları sağlar 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Toz meets the stringent requirements of modern manufacturing.

Pricing and Suppliers of 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Maliyeti 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Toz gibi faktörlere bağlıdır parçacık boyutu, sipariş hacmive tedari̇kçi̇ konumu. Here’s a breakdown of pricing and reputable suppliers.

Tedarikçiler ve Fiyatlandırma

TedarikçiFiyat Aralığı (Kg Başına)KonumEk Hizmetler
Höganäs AB$50-$80İsveçÖzel partikül boyutları, teknik destek.
Marangoz Katkısı$60-$100ABDKatmanlı üretim için özel tozlar.
Sandvik Malzeme Teknolojisi$55-$90KüreselHassas uygulamalar için yüksek saflıkta tozlar.
Gelişmiş Metal Tozları$45-$75KüreselÇeşitli sektörler için özel çözümler.

Pricing varies based on sipariş hacmi ve başvuru şartlari.

Avantajları ve Sınırlamaları 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

No material is perfect. Let’s weigh the pros and cons of 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Toz.


  • Yüksek Korozyon Direnci: Performs well in extreme environments, including marine and chemical industries.
  • Çok Yönlü Uygulamalar: Suitable for 3D printing, powder metallurgy, and traditional manufacturing.
  • Biyouyumluluk: Safe for medical use and food processing.


  • Daha Yüksek Maliyet: More expensive than lower-grade stainless steels like 304.
  • Sınırlı Güç: While strong, it’s not as high-strength as duplex or super-austenitic alloys.

FAQs About 316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

What is 316 Stainless Steel Powder used for?It’s used in aerospace, marine, medical, and chemical industries.
Küresel şekil neden önemlidir?It ensures better flowability, packing density, and uniformity in manufacturing.
3D baskı için kullanılabilir mi?Yes, it’s ideal for additive manufacturing due to its properties and shape.
Ne kadar tutuyor?Prices range from $45 to $100 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
How does it compare to 304 stainless steel?316 offers better corrosion resistance and strength in harsh environments.


316 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder is a versatile, high-performance material that plays a crucial role in modern manufacturing. Its üstün korozyon di̇renci̇, yüksek mukavemetlive küresel toz formu make it ideal for applications across havacılık ve uzay, DENİZCİLİK, tıbbi, and other demanding industries. Whether you’re 3D printing complex parts or manufacturing components for harsh environments, 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Toz delivers unmatched reliability and precision.

Ready to explore how this material can transform your project? Connect with trusted suppliers and discover the possibilities of 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Toz Bugün!

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