CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder: Perfect for Heat and Corrosion Challenges

In the ever-evolving world of advanced materials, CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder stands out as a versatile solution for a variety of industries. This unique copper-nickel alloy, composed of 40% nickel (Ni) and 60% copper (Cu), is recognized for its exceptional corrosion resistance, thermal stability, and electrical conductivity. With its spherical form, this powder is tailored for applications in additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, thermal spraying, and numerous other fields. In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into everything you need to know about CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder—from its composition and properties to its applications, specifications, and pricing. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this ultimate guide will serve as your go-to resource.

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Gelişmiş malzemelerin sürekli gelişen dünyasında, CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder stands out as a versatile solution for a variety of industries. This unique copper-nickel alloy, composed of 40% nickel (Ni) ve 60% bakır (Cu), is recognized for its exceptional korozyon direnci, termal kararlılıkve elektriksel iletkenlik. With its spherical form, this powder is tailored for applications in eklemeli üretim, toz metalurjisi, termal püskürtme, and numerous other fields.

Bu kılavuzda, aşağıdakiler hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şeyi derinlemesine inceleyeceğiz CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder-kendisinden Kompozisyon ve Özellikler onun için uygulamalar, spesifikasyonlarve fiyatlandırma. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this ultimate guide will serve as your go-to resource.

Genel Bakış CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder

Ne yapar CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder so special? This copper-nickel alloy brings together the nikelin gücü ve bakırın iletkenliği, forming a material with unique properties that are highly valued in demanding environments. Its high resistance to corrosionözellikle de marine and seawater applications, makes it a popular choice for industries like gemi̇ i̇nşaati ve offshore engineering.

Bu küresel şekil tozun üstün akışkanlık, yüksek paketleme yoğunluğuve tekdüze parçacık dağılımı, which are critical for modern manufacturing methods like 3D baskı ve termal kaplama. In short, CuNi40 is a material that combines performance, versatility, and dayanıklılık, making it indispensable in many technical applications.

Key Features of CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder

Why is CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder gaining so much attention? Let’s explore its standout features:

  1. Olağanüstü Korozyon Direnci: Performs remarkably well in saltwater and harsh chemical environments.
  2. İyi Termal ve Elektriksel İletkenlik: Excellent for heat exchangers, electrical connectors, and more.
  3. Yüksek Termal Kararlılık: Retains its properties even at elevated temperatures.
  4. Manyetik Olmayan Özellikler: Ideal for applications requiring low magnetic interference.
  5. Küresel Parçacık Şekli: Ensures smooth flowability, low porosity, and efficient packing for manufacturing.
  6. Çok Yönlülük: Suitable for industries ranging from marine to aerospace and electronics.

Composition and Properties of CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder

Yeteneklerini tam olarak anlamak için CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder, let’s break down its composition and key physical properties.

Chemical Composition of CuNi40 Alloy Powder

ElementYüzde (%)Alaşımdaki Rolü
Bakır (Cu)60Provides electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.
Nikel (Ni)40Enhances strength, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability.

This carefully balanced composition ensures a blend of korozyon direnci, termal performansve mekanik dayanıklılık.

Physical and Mechanical Properties of CuNi40 Alloy Powder

Yoğunluk~8,9 g/cm³High density contributes to structural stability.
Erime Aralığı1170–1240°CWide range suitable for high-temperature applications.
Elektriksel İletkenlik~5.8 MS/mGood for electrical and thermal applications.
Termal İletkenlik~29 W/m·KEffective for heat management systems.
Sertlik~80–150 HBSufficient hardness for wear resistance.
Korozyon DirenciMükemmelPerforms well in seawater, acids, and industrial environments.
AkışkanlıkÜstünKüresel şekil, eklemeli üretim süreçlerinde düzgün akış sağlar.

Bu özellikler CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder gerektiren sektörler için en iyi seçimdir dayanıklılık ve performans zorlu koşullarda.

Applications of CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder

What’s the big deal about CuNi40 Alloy Powder? Its unique combination of properties makes it suitable for a variety of industries and applications. Let’s take a closer look.

Key Applications of CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder

Gemi Makineleri MühendisliğiHeat exchangers, seawater piping, and shipbuilding components.
Havacılık ve UzayThermal coatings, engine components, and structural parts.
ElektronikConnectors, resistors, and conductive coatings.
Katmanlı Üretim3D-printed parts requiring high strength and corrosion resistance.
Enerji ÜretimiTurbine blades, boiler parts, and cooling systems.
Kimyasal İşlemeCorrosion-resistant equipment like valves and pumps.

The standout feature of CuNi40 Alloy Powder is its ability to perform consistently in corrosive and high-temperature environments, making it a reliable choice for demanding applications.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for CuNi40 Alloy Powder

For manufacturers and engineers, understanding the technical specifications of CuNi40 Alloy Powder is essential for ensuring compatibility with specific applications.

Özellikler ve Boyutlar

Parçacık BoyutuKatmanlı imalat için 15-45 µm; toz metalurjisi için 45-150 µm.
ŞekilOptimum akışkanlık ve homojenlik için küresel.
StandartlarMeets ASTM B151, ISO 428, and DIN 17664 standards.

These specifications ensure that the material meets the titiz talepler of industries like marine engineering and electronics.

Pricing and Suppliers of CuNi40 Alloy Powder

If you’re ready to source CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder, here’s a breakdown of leading suppliers and their pricing.

Tedarikçiler ve Fiyatlandırma Bilgileri

TedarikçiFiyat Aralığı (Kg Başına)KonumEk Hizmetler
Höganäs AB$80-$120İsveçÖzel partikül boyutları ve teknik destek.
GKN Katkı Maddesi$90-$130ABDKatmanlı üretim için özel tozlar.
Sandvik Malzeme Teknolojisi$85–$125KüreselHassas uygulamalar için yüksek saflıkta tozlar.
Gelişmiş Toz Çözümleri$75-$110KüreselBelirli sektörler için özel çözümler.

Fiyatlandırma aşağıdaki gibi faktörlere bağlıdır parçacık boyutu, miktarve özelleşti̇rme gereksi̇ni̇mleri̇.

Advantages and Limitations of CuNi40 Alloy Powder

Her malzeme gibi, CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s break them down.


  1. Üstün Korozyon Direnci: Performs exceptionally well in marine and chemical environments.
  2. Yüksek Termal Kararlılık: Yüksek sıcaklıklarda özelliklerini korur.
  3. Çok Yönlülük: Suitable for a wide range of industries and applications.
  4. Küresel Şekil: Ensures smooth flow and uniform packing for manufacturing.


  1. Daha Yüksek Maliyet: More expensive than conventional copper powders.
  2. Sınırlı Elektriksel İletkenlik: Lower than pure copper due to the addition of nickel.
  3. Özel Uygulamalar: Requires expertise to fully utilize its properties.

FAQs About CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder

What is CuNi40 Alloy used for?Marine, aerospace, electronics, and chemical processing applications.
Why choose CuNi40 over pure copper?CuNi40 offers superior corrosion resistance and thermal stability.
3D baskıda kullanılabilir mi?Yes, its spherical shape makes it ideal for additive manufacturing.
How much does CuNi40 Alloy cost?Prices range from $75 to $130 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
Korozyona dayanıklı mı?Yes, it performs exceptionally well in seawater and harsh environments.


CuNi40 Alloy Spherical Powder birleştiren yüksek performanslı bir malzemedir. korozyon direnci, termal kararlılıkve mekanik dayanım. İster üzerinde çalışıyor olun deni̇zci̇li̇k eki̇pmanlari, havacılık ve uzay bileşenleriveya 3D baskılı prototiplerbu alaşım şunları sağlar tutarlı performans En zorlu ortamlarda bile.

If you’re ready to take your projects to the next level, explore the possibilities of CuNi40 Alloy Powder today! Connect with trusted suppliers and discover how this remarkable material can revolutionize your manufacturing processes.

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