Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Küresel Toz: Üstün Güç Çok Yönlülükle Buluşuyor

If you’re diving into the world of advanced materials and engineering powders, Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder deserves your attention. This alloy has carved its niche in industries requiring exceptional corrosion resistance, thermal stability, and wear resistance. Whether you’re in aerospace, automotive, additive manufacturing, or oil and gas, this high-performance alloy is designed to meet the most demanding applications. In this in-depth guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder. From its composition and properties to its applications, pricing, and suppliers, this article will serve as your go-to resource. Let’s dig in!

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If you’re diving into the world of advanced materials and engineering powders, Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder deserves your attention. This alloy has carved its niche in industries requiring exceptional corrosion resistance, thermal stability, and wear resistance. Whether you’re in havacılık ve uzay, otomotiv, eklemeli üretimveya petrol ve gaz, this high-performance alloy is designed to meet the most demanding applications.

In this in-depth guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder. From its composition and properties to its applications, pricing, and suppliers, this article will serve as your go-to resource. Let’s dig in!

Overview of Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Ne yapar Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Powder stand out? The alloy is a carefully engineered combination of 54% iron (Fe), 25% chromium (Cr), 16% molybdenum (Mo)ve traces of boron (B) ve karbon (C). This specific composition results in a material that exhibits yüksek korozyon direnci, superior wear propertiesve thermal stability in extreme conditions.

Bu küresel şekil of the powder particles is key for modern manufacturing processes like 3D baskı, toz metalurjisive termal sprey kaplamalar. The uniformity of the spheres ensures mükemmel akışkanlık, paketleme yoğunluğuve efficient sintering—all critical factors for precision engineering.

Bir düşünün Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 as the workhorse alloy. It’s built tough, lasts long, and delivers exceptional performance even when the going gets rough.

Key Features of Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Neden Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder so widely used? Here’s a closer look at its defining characteristics:

  1. Üstün Korozyon Direnci
    With its high chromium and molybdenum content, this alloy performs exceptionally in corrosive environments like tuzlu su, asidik çözeltilerve oksitleyici atmosferler.
  2. Yüksek Aşınma Direnci
    The addition of boron and carbon increases hardness, making it ideal for components exposed to abrasion and friction.
  3. Termal Kararlılık
    Retains mechanical and structural properties at elevated temperatures, perfect for yüksek isi uygulamalari.
  4. Küresel Parçacık Şekli
    The uniform shape ensures excellent flowability during additive manufacturing and smooth deposition in thermal spray processes.
  5. Oksidasyon Direnci
    Chromium forms a protective oxide layer, boosting the alloy’s lifespan in challenging environments.
  6. Çok Yönlülük
    Kimden 3D baskılı parçalar için coated turbine blades, Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 is suitable for a broad range of industrial applications.

Bileşimi ve Özellikleri Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Sırrı Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6’s performance lies in its balanced chemical composition and outstanding physical properties.

Kimyasal Bileşimi Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

ElementYüzde (%)Alaşımdaki Rolü
Demir (Fe)54Core structural material, providing strength and cost-effectiveness.
Krom (Cr)25Korozyon ve oksidasyon direncini artırır.
Molibden (Mo)16Improves thermal stability and resistance to çukur korozyonu.
Bor (B)2Sertliği ve aşınma direncini arttırır.
Karbon (C)2.6Improves strength and contributes to wear resistance.

This precise composition ensures a unique blend of dayanıklılık, korozyon direncive ısı toleransı.

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Yoğunluk~7,9 g/cm³High density ensures robustness and durability.
Erime Noktası~1380°CSuitable for high-temperature environments and applications.
Sertlik~850 HVExceptional hardness ensures wear resistance in abrasive conditions.
Termal KararlılıkExcellent up to 1200°CRetains properties under extreme heat.
Korozyon DirenciOlağanüstüPerforms well in both acidic and saline environments.
AkışkanlıkMükemmelSpherical particles allow smooth flow in manufacturing processes.

Bu özellikler Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 a top choice for applications where güvenilirlik ve performans kritiktir.

Applications of Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Nerede? Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 used? Its versatility and unique properties make it a go-to material in numerous industries.

Common Uses for Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Havacılık ve UzayCoatings for turbine blades, combustion chambers, and structural parts.
OtomotivWear-resistant gears, pistons, and exhaust components.
Petrol ve GazBoru hatları, vanalar ve sondaj aletleri için korozyona dayanıklı kaplamalar.
Katmanlı Üretim3D-printed parts requiring high strength and durability.
Enerji ÜretimiComponents for turbines, boilers, and heat exchangers.
Tıbbi CihazlarSurgical tools and implants requiring biyouyumluluk and wear resistance.

Kimden yüksek stresli bileşenler için hassas aletler, Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 delivers unmatched performance.

Teknik Özellikler, Boyutlar ve Standartlar Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Detaylı Özellikler

Parçacık Boyutu15–45 µm for additive manufacturing; 45–150 µm for thermal spray coatings.
ŞekilSpherical for uniform flow and deposition.
StandartlarISO 22068, ASTM B834

Bu spesifikasyonlar şunları sağlar Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 meets the highest quality standards for industrial applications.

Fiyatlandırma ve Tedarikçiler Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Kaynak arıyorum Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Powder? Here’s a breakdown of suppliers and pricing.

Tedarikçi ve Fiyatlandırma Detayları

TedarikçiFiyat Aralığı (Kg Başına)KonumEk Hizmetler
Höganäs AB$180-$300İsveçÖzel partikül boyutları ve teknik destek.
GKN Katkı Maddesi$200–$320ABDKatmanlı üretim için özel tozlar.
Sandvik Malzeme Teknolojisi$190–$310KüreselHigh-purity powders for precision engineering.
Gelişmiş Toz Çözümleri$170–$290KüreselBelirli sektörler için özel çözümler.

Prices may vary based on miktar, parçacık boyutuve customization needs.

Avantaj ve Sınırlamaların Karşılaştırılması Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

Her malzemenin güçlü ve zayıf yönleri vardır. İşte nasıl Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 yığılır:

Olağanüstü korozyon ve aşınma direnciStandart alaşımlara kıyasla daha yüksek maliyet.
Yüksek sıcaklıklarda özelliklerini korurRequires expertise for proper application.
Spherical powder ensures excellent flowabilityLimited availability from certain suppliers.
Versatile for diverse manufacturing methodsBelirli uygulamalar için sonradan işleme gerektirebilir.

Sınırlamalarına rağmen performans avantajlari far outweigh the downsides for most industrial needs.

FAQs About Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder

What is Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 used for?Additive manufacturing, thermal coatings, and corrosion-resistant parts.
Why choose Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 over other alloys?Offers superior wear resistance, corrosion protection, and thermal stability.
3D baskıda kullanılabilir mi?Yes, its spherical shape is ideal for additive manufacturing processes.
How much does Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 cost?Prices range from $180 to $320 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
Is it suitable for high-temperature applications?Absolutely, it performs well up to 1200°C.


Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Spherical Powder is a high-performance alloy that combines olağanüstü korozyon direnci, aşınma direncive termal kararlılık. İster içinde olun havacılık ve uzay, otomotivveya petrol ve gaz, this material is designed to meet the demands of modern engineering. Ready to take your projects to the next level? Explore the possibilities with Fe54Cr25Mo16B2C2.6 Powder Bugün!

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