Atomización con gas inerte al vacío


Visión general

In the world of advanced manufacturing, the quest for perfection in materials has led to the development of numerous sophisticated techniques. One such revolutionary method is Atomización con gas inerte al vacío (VIGA). This process plays a critical role in producing high-quality metal powders, essential for various applications such as additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and specialized coatings. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of VIGA, exploring its processes, benefits, limitations, and applications.

Overview of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomisation

Vacuum Inert Gas Atomisation (VIGA) is a state-of-the-art method used to produce fine, spherical metal powders. This process involves melting a metal under a vacuum and then introducing an inert gas to atomize the molten metal into tiny droplets, which solidify into fine powders. VIGA is renowned for its ability to produce high-purity powders with controlled particle sizes, making it indispensable in high-precision industries.

atomización de gas inerte al vacío

Cómo Atomización con gas inerte al vacío Obras

VIGA operates under a controlled environment to ensure the production of superior quality metal powders. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  1. Fundición: Metal or alloy is melted in a vacuum induction furnace.
  2. Atomización: The molten metal is poured through a nozzle into a chamber where it is atomized by a high-pressure stream of inert gas (such as argon or nitrogen).
  3. Solidificación: The tiny metal droplets rapidly cool and solidify into fine, spherical powders.
  4. Colección: The powders are collected in a chamber, separated from the inert gas, and sieved to achieve the desired particle size distribution.

Key Metal Powder Models Produced by VIGA

The VIGA process can produce a wide range of metal powders, each with unique properties tailored for specific applications. Here are some notable models:

Modelo de polvo metálicoComposiciónPropiedadesAplicaciones
Acero inoxidable 316LFe-16.5Cr-10Ni-2MoAlta resistencia a la corrosión, buena soldabilidadImplantes médicos, componentes aeroespaciales
Ti-6Al-4VTi-6Al-4VAlta relación resistencia-peso, biocompatibleAerospace parts, biomedical devices
AlSi10MgAl-10Si-0.4MgLigero, buena conductividad térmicaPiezas de automóviles, intercambiadores de calor
Inconel 718Ni-52Cr-19Fe-5Nb-3Mo-1TiResistencia a altas temperaturas, resistencia a la corrosiónTurbine blades, nuclear reactors
CobreCu puroExcelente conductividad eléctrica y térmica.Componentes eléctricos, disipadores de calor
Acero martensítico envejecido (18Ni300)Fe-18Ni-9Co-5Mo-1.5TiAlta resistencia, buena tenacidadHerramientas, piezas de alto rendimiento
Cromo-cobalto (CoCrMo)Co-28Cr-6MoAlta resistencia al desgaste, biocompatibleImplantes dentales, dispositivos ortopédicos
Nickel-Based Superalloys (Hastelloy X)Ni-22Cr-18Fe-9MoExcepcional resistencia a la oxidación y la corrosiónAeroespacial, procesamiento químico
Aleación de aluminio 7075Al-5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6CuAlta resistencia, buena resistencia a la fatigaAerospace frames, sporting goods
Estelita 21Co-28Cr-4MoWear resistance, high temperature stabilityCutting tools, engine components

Applications of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomisation

The versatility of VIGA-produced powders opens up numerous applications across various industries. Here are some of the most significant uses:

AeroespacialÁlabes de turbina, componentes estructurales, elementos de fijación
MédicoImplantes ortopédicos, prótesis dentales
AutomociónEngine parts, lightweight structural components
ElectrónicaConductive inks, soldering materials
EnergíaNuclear reactors, fuel cells
HerramientasHerramientas de corte, moldes, troqueles.
Fabricación aditivaImpresión 3D, creación de prototipos
RevestimientosThermal barrier coatings, wear-resistant coatings

Ventajas de Atomización con gas inerte al vacío

VIGA offers several advantages that make it a preferred choice for metal powder production:

  • Alta pureza: The vacuum environment minimizes contamination, ensuring high-purity powders.
  • Tamaño de partículas controlado: Precise control over atomization parameters results in uniform particle sizes.
  • Partículas esféricas: The process produces spherical powders, enhancing flowability and packing density.
  • Versatilidad: Capaz de procesar una amplia gama de metales y aleaciones.
  • Reduced Oxidation: The inert gas environment reduces oxidation, preserving the powder’s properties.

Disadvantages of Vacuum Inert Gas Atomisation

Despite its many benefits, VIGA has some limitations:

  • Coste elevado: The equipment and operation costs are relatively high compared to other atomization methods.
  • Complejidad: The process requires sophisticated control systems and skilled operators.
  • Limited Production Scale: Typically, VIGA is more suited for small to medium-scale production.

Comparison of VIGA with Other Atomisation Methods

When choosing an atomization method, it’s crucial to compare VIGA with other techniques like Water Atomisation and Gas Atomisation. Here’s how they stack up:

MétodoForma de las partículasPurezaCosteProduction ScaleAplicaciones
VIGAEsféricaAltaAltaMedioHigh-precision industries, aerospace
Atomización del aguaIrregularModeradoBajoAltaPowder metallurgy, steel powders
Atomización de gasesEsféricaAltaModeradoMedioAdditive manufacturing, special alloys
atomización de gas inerte al vacío

Especificaciones, tamaños y normas

To ensure consistency and quality, metal powders produced via VIGA adhere to specific standards and specifications:

Polvo metálicoGama de tamaños de partículas (µm)Normas
Acero inoxidable 316L15-45, 45-150ASTM A276, ISO 5832-1
Ti-6Al-4V15-53, 53-150ASTM F2924, ISO 5832-3
AlSi10Mg20-63, 63-125ASTM B928, ISO 209-1
Inconel 71815-45, 45-150ASTM B637, ISO 6208
Cobre10-75, 75-150ASTM B216, ISO 3497
Acero martensítico envejecido (18Ni300)15-45, 45-150ASTM A646, ISO 4955
Cromo-cobalto (CoCrMo)20-53, 53-150ASTM F1537, ISO 5832-4
Nickel-Based Superalloys (Hastelloy X)15-53, 53-150ASTM B435, ISO 6208
Aleación de aluminio 707520-63, 63-125ASTM B209, ISO 6362-2
Estelita 2120-63, 63-150ASTM F75, ISO 5832-4

Proveedores y precios

Finding reliable suppliers and understanding pricing details is essential for procurement. Here’s a snapshot of some prominent suppliers and their pricing:

ProveedorPolvos metálicos ofrecidosGama de precios (por kg)Ubicación
Sandvik OspreyAcero inoxidable, titanio$150 – $300Suecia
Tecnología CarpenterNickel Alloys, Cobalt Alloys$200 – $500EE.UU.
Höganäs ABSteel Powders, Aluminum$50 – $200Suecia
Tecnología LPWVarious Alloys, Custom Powders$100 – $400REINO UNIDO
AP&C (Aditivo GE)Titanio, aluminio$200 – $600Canadá

Comparación de pros y contras

Understanding the advantages and limitations of VIGA is crucial for making informed decisions:

High purity and controlled compositionHigh cost of equipment and operation
Spherical particles with good flowabilityRequiere operarios cualificados
Versatility in metal and alloy typesLimited to small to medium-scale production
Reduced oxidation due to inert gasComplex process with stringent control
atomización de gas inerte al vacío


What is VIGA used for?VIGA is used to produce high-quality metal powders for applications in aerospace, medical, and additive manufacturing.
How does VIGA differ from gas atomization?VIGA uses a vacuum and inert gas to minimize contamination and oxidation, resulting in higher purity powders.
What metals can be processed using VIGA?A wide range of metals and alloys including stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, and nickel-based superalloys.
What are the particle size ranges achievable with VIGA?Typically, VIGA can produce powders with particle sizes ranging from 10 µm to 150 µm.
Is VIGA cost-effective?While VIGA offers high quality and precision, it is generally more expensive than other atomization methods.

In conclusion, Vacuum Inert Gas Atomisation stands out as a premier technique for producing high-quality metal powders, essential for various high-precision applications. Its ability to produce spherical, high-purity powders with controlled particle sizes makes it indispensable in fields ranging from aerospace to medical implants. While it comes with higher costs and complexity, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks for applications demanding top-tier material performance. As industries continue to innovate, the role of advanced techniques like VIGA in shaping the future of manufacturing cannot be overstated.

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