Haynes 75 Powder: Superior Composition and Versatile Applications

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When it comes to high-performance alloys, few materials stand out quite like Haynes 75 powder. This nickel-chromium alloy is renowned for its exceptional resistance to oxydation et high temperatures, making it a go-to material in industries such as aérospatiale, power generationet chemical processing. Whether you need a material that can withstand extreme heat or resist corrosion, Haynes 75 powder offers unparalleled performance.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into everything you need to know about Haynes 75 powder—its composition, properties, applications, and much more. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of why Haynes 75 is a top choice for many critical industrial applications.

Vue d'ensemble

Haynes 75 powder est un superalliage à base de nickel that is designed primarily for use in high-temperature environments. Its excellent combination of oxidation resistance et mechanical strength makes it perfect for applications where both résistance à la corrosion et thermal stability are essential.

Some of the key features of Haynes 75 powder inclure :

  • Excellente résistance à l'oxydation at high operating temperatures.
  • Excellentes propriétés mécaniques, y compris creep resistance et résistance à la traction.
  • Polyvalence in manufacturing processes, including fabrication additive et thermal spray coatings.
  • Bonne soudabilité, which makes it suitable for complex fabrication et repair applications.

Haynes 75 powder is used primarily in applications like gas turbine engines, industrial furnaceset chemical reactors, where materials are routinely exposed to high levels of heat et corrosive environments.

Composition and Properties of Haynes 75 Powder

The performance of Haynes 75 powder can be attributed to its precise chemical composition. This alloy is primarily a nickel-chromium formulation, with additional elements that enhance its oxidation resistance, durabilityet mechanical strength. Understanding this composition is crucial for determining how Haynes 75 powder can meet the needs of specific applications.

Composition chimique

ÉlémentWeight Percentage (%)Rôle dans l'alliage
Nickel (Ni)75.0Forms the base of the alloy, providing high-temperature strength et résistance à la corrosion.
Chrome (Cr)18.5Enhances oxidation resistance at high temperatures.
Fer (Fe)5.0Adds strength and toughness, but in controlled amounts to maintain corrosion resistance.
Manganèse (Mn)1.0Improves the alloy’s workability et robustesse.
Silicium (Si)0.5Helps in oxidation resistance and reduces the risk of carburization.
Carbone (C)0.08Adds to the alloy’s creep resistance at high temperatures.
Titane (Ti)0.2Improves creep strength and helps stabilize the alloy during extended exposure to elevated temperatures.

Le high nickel content en Haynes 75 powder provides the material with its excellente résistance à la corrosion, while the addition of chromium boosts its ability to withstand oxidizing environments at elevated temperatures.

Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Le mécanique et propriétés thermiques de Haynes 75 powder are what make it a standout choice in high-stress, high-temperature environments. Below, we break down the key properties that make this alloy so versatile.

Densité8.30 g/cm³
Point de fusion1350°C – 1400°C (2462°F – 2552°F)
Résistance ultime à la traction760 MPa (110 ksi)
Limite d'élasticité275 MPa (40 ksi)
Allongement à la rupture45%
Dureté75-85 HRB (Rockwell B)
Conductivité thermique11.2 W/m·K
Résistance au fluageExcellent, particularly at temperatures above 800°C (1472°F).
Résistance à l'oxydationOutstanding, up to temperatures of 1000°C (1832°F).

These properties make Haynes 75 powder a top choice in high-temperature, high-stress applications, where maintaining mechanical integrity et resisting oxidation are both critical.

Applications of Haynes 75 Powder

La polyvalence des Haynes 75 powder makes it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. It’s especially valuable in environments where materials are exposed to extreme heat et oxidizing atmospheres. Below, we explore some of the most common uses of Haynes 75 powder across various industries.

Common Applications by Industry

AérospatialeUtilisé dans gas turbine engines, exhaust systemset combustion chambers due to its high-temperature stability.
Production d'électricitéEmployed in industrial gas turbines, boilerset heat exchangers where oxidation resistance is critical.
Traitement chimiqueIdeal for equipment exposed to corrosive chemicals at high temperatures, such as reactors, valveset piping.
AutomobileApplied in turbochargers et exhaust components that require heat resistance et longevity.
Furnace ManufacturingUtilisé dans industrial furnaces, burnerset retorts that operate at elevated temperatures.

Why Haynes 75 Powder is Ideal for These Applications

The reason Haynes 75 powder is so widely used across these industries is that it provides a unique combination of oxidation resistance et mechanical strength at high temperatures. In aérospatiale, for example, the material’s ability to maintain integrity in gas turbine engines means fewer repairs and longer service life. Similarly, in chemical processing, the alloy’s resistance to both heat et corrosive chemicals ensures equipment reliability and reduces downtime.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Haynes 75 Powder

Lorsque l'on sélectionne Haynes 75 powder, it’s crucial to ensure that the material meets the necessary normes industrielles and fits the specific size et form required for your application. Below, we outline the most common specifications and available sizes for Haynes 75 powder.

Spécifications et normes

UNS NumberN06075
AMS StandardsAMS 5597, covering sheet, strip, and plate pour high-temperature applications.
Normes ASTMASTM B564, ASTM B619, for forged fittings et seamless pipes.
Normes ISOISO 15156, for materials used in sour gas environments.
Powder Particle Size15 to 45 microns, ideal for fabrication additive et thermal spray coatings.
Densité8.30 g/cm³
Plage de fusion1350°C – 1400°C (2462°F – 2552°F)

Tailles et formes disponibles

Haynes 75 powder can be purchased in a variety of sizes depending on the intended manufacturing process ou application. Below are the most commonly available sizes and forms:

FormulaireTailles disponibles
PoudreParticle sizes typically range from 15 à 45 microns, used for fabrication additive et moulage par injection de métaux.
Rod/BarAvailable in diameters ranging from 0.5 to 6 inches, used for valves, pipinget large components.
Feuilles et plaquesAvailable in thicknesses ranging from 2 mm to 50 mm, used for furnace components, heat exchangers, and more.

Suppliers and Pricing of Haynes 75 Powder

Trouver des fournisseurs fiables pour Haynes 75 powder is crucial to ensure you get high-quality material that meets all industry standards. Below is a list of some trusted suppliers and the estimated pricing for Haynes 75 powder.

Fournisseurs et prix

FournisseurFourchette de prix (par kg)Notes
Höganäs AB$900 – $1050Specializes in high-performance metal powders for fabrication additive et thermal spray.
Technologie des charpentiers$950 – $1100Offers custom formulations for high-temperature applications.
Oerlikon Metco$920 – $1080Supplies Haynes 75 powder pour thermal spray coatings et laser cladding.
Sandvik$880 – $1100Focuses on advanced materials for corrosive environments et high-temperature conditions.

Prices generally range from $880 to $1100 per kilogram, depending on the supplier, particle sizeet order volume. Pricing may also fluctuate based on market demand and material availability.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Haynes 75 Powder

Tandis que Haynes 75 powder is an excellent material for high-temperature applications, like any material, it comes with both avantages et limitations. Below, we break down the pros and cons of Haynes 75 powder to help you determine if it’s the right choice for your specific needs.


Stabilité à haute température: Maintain strength and structural integrity at temperatures up to 1000°C.Perfect for use in gas turbines, heat exchangerset industrial furnaces.
Résistance à l'oxydation: Resists oxidation in high-temperature environments.Provides long-lasting protection in combustion chambers, exhaust systemset chemical reactors.
Bonne soudabilité: Can be easily welded without compromising mechanical properties.Suitable for complex fabrication et repair work in demanding environments.
Résistance à la corrosion: Performs well in environments containing sulfur compounds et carbonization.Ideal for chemical processing et power generation des applications.


Coût: More expensive than standard stainless steels or other high-temperature alloys.May not be suitable for budget-sensitive projects.
Disponibilité limitée: Some specialized forms or particle sizes may require custom orders.Can lead to longer lead times et higher costs pour des applications spécifiques.
Oxidizing Environments: While resistant to oxidation, Haynes 75 may not perform as well in severely oxidizing atmospheres.Consider other nickel-based alloys for extreme oxidation resistance.
Durcissement au travail: Can harden during processing, which may affect machinability.Requires special care during machining et forming des opérations.


To further clarify some of the most common questions about Haynes 75 powder, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Whether you’re considering this alloy for your next project or just want to learn more, these answers should help.

What is Haynes 75 powder used for?It’s widely used in industries such as aérospatiale, power generationet chemical processing for high-temperature, high-stress applications.
How much does Haynes 75 powder cost?Prices typically range from $880 to $1100 per kilogram, depending on the supplier and specifications.
Can Haynes 75 powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, Haynes 75 powder is commonly used in fabrication additive for creating parts that require heat resistance et oxidation resistance.
What industries use Haynes 75 powder?Industries such as aérospatiale, chemical processing, power generationet automobile utilize this alloy for its high-temperature performance.
Is Haynes 75 powder weldable?Yes, Haynes 75 powder has good weldabilityIl est donc adapté aux fabrication et repair des applications.
How does Haynes 75 compare to Haynes 188?Tandis que Haynes 75 is ideal for high-temperature oxidation resistance, Haynes 188 offers better thermal fatigue resistance en cyclic environments.
Can Haynes 75 powder handle high temperatures?Absolutely, Haynes 75 offers excellent mechanical strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 1000°C (1832°F).
What are the main advantages of Haynes 75 powder?Its key advantages include high-temperature stability, oxidation resistanceet bonnes propriétés mécaniques en environnements difficiles.
What are the limitations of Haynes 75 powder?The main limitations include its coût plus élevé et limited availability in certain sizes or forms.

Conclusion: Why Haynes 75 Powder is the Ideal Choice for High-Temperature Applications

In industries where high-temperature strength et oxidation resistance are critical, Haynes 75 powder offers an exceptional balance of performance and durability. Its unique combination of mechanical properties and resistance to harsh environments makes it a top choice for applications like gas turbines, industrial furnaceset chemical reactors.

Tandis que Haynes 75 powder may come at a coût plus élevé compared to other alloys, its long-term benefits—including reduced maintenance, longer service lifeet improved performance—make it a smart investment for industries that demand matériaux haute performance.

So, if you’re looking for a material that can withstand extreme heat, resist oxidation, and maintain its mechanical integrity in some of the harshest environments, Haynes 75 powder is definitely worth considering. Whether you’re in aérospatiale, power generation, or chemical processing, this alloy has the potential to significantly enhance the longevity et l'efficacité of your equipment.

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