Hastelloy C-22 Powder: Unbeatable Performance in Harsh Environments

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If you’re delving into industries that demand the highest levels of corrosion resistance, durability, и mechanical strength, then you’ve likely come across Hastelloy C-22 powder. This high-performance alloy is widely used in industries where extreme conditions—like exposure to harsh chemicals or high temperatures—are the norm. Whether you’re involved in chemical processing, аэрокосмическая промышленность, or environmental applications, Hastelloy C-22 powder offers a unique blend of properties that make it stand out in the world of advanced materials.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Hastelloy C-22 powder—from its состав и properties to its applications, specifications, и pricing details. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of why this alloy is a go-to solution for industries that demand top-notch performance in the harshest environments.

Overview of Hastelloy C-22 Powder

Hastelloy C-22 powder это nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten alloy with superior resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, и stress corrosion cracking. It excels in harsh environments where other materials might fail, particularly in oxidizing и reducing conditions. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for industries that require коррозионная стойкость across a broad spectrum of chemical environments, especially at elevated temperatures.

Key Features of Hastelloy C-22 Powder:

  • Исключительная коррозионная стойкость: Performs well in both oxidizing и reducing environmentsБлагодаря этому он подходит для chemical processing и pollution control equipment.
  • High Versatility: Can be used in applications requiring resistance to chloride-induced pitting и crevice corrosion.
  • Good Fabricability: It can be fabricated using welding, machining, и forming techniques.
  • Resistance to Aggressive Chemicals: Withstands attack from chlorides, acids, и alkalis.
  • Широкий спектр применения: Used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, power generation, и wastewater treatment.

Composition and Properties of Hastelloy C-22 Powder

The secret behind Hastelloy C-22 powder’s incredible performance lies in its химический состав. As a суперсплав на основе никеля, it combines nickel, chromium, молибден, и tungsten, with trace elements that further enhance its resistance to corrosion и окисление.

Chemical Composition of Hastelloy C-22 Powder

The following table outlines the typical химический состав из Hastelloy C-22 powder, which gives it the ability to withstand harsh environments.

ЭлементWeight Percentage (%)Роль в сплаве
Никель (Ni)56.0 maxProvides base corrosion resistance and is the primary element for high-temperature performance.
Хром (Cr)20.0-22.5Enhances oxidation resistance and protects against crevice and pitting corrosion.
Молибден (Mo)12.5-14.5Improves resistance to chloride-induced corrosion and increases creep strength.
Вольфрам (Вт)2.5-3.5Contributes to overall прочность and further improves resistance to pitting corrosion.
Железо (Fe)2.0-6.0Provides structural integrity and enhances fabricability.
Кобальт (Co)2,5 макс.Adds to the overall прочность of the alloy, particularly at elevated temperatures.
Углерод (C)0,015 макс.Keeps the alloy ductile while preventing excessive hardness.
Марганец (Mn)0,5 макс.Improves weldability and contributes to the alloy’s structural stability.
Кремний (Si)0,08 макс.Enhances oxidation resistance at high temperatures.
Фосфор (P)0.02 maxLimits grain boundary embrittlement, ensuring long-term durability in corrosive environments.

Key Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Hastelloy C-22 Powder

Hastelloy C-22 powder isn’t just about corrosion resistance—it also delivers strong mechanical performance и thermal stability. Here’s a breakdown of its key properties:

Плотность8.69 g/cm³
Температура плавления1357-1399°C
Предельная прочность на разрыв690 МПа
Предел текучести310 МПа
Удлинение при разрывеApproximately 40%
Твердость90-95 HRB (Rockwell B)
Теплопроводность9.5 W/m·K
Устойчивость к окислениюExcellent up to 1200°C
Сопротивление ползучестиOutstanding creep resistance under high heat и stress conditions.
СвариваемостьВысоко weldable with no requirement for post-weld heat treatment.

Applications of Hastelloy C-22 Powder

So, where exactly does Hastelloy C-22 powder shine? Its primary strength lies in its versatility across multiple industries, particularly those exposed to corrosive environments. Whether you’re dealing with chemical processing или pollution control, Hastelloy C-22 powder provides a robust solution.

Common Applications of Hastelloy C-22 Powder by Industry

Химическая обработкаИспользуется в reactor vessels, piping systems, heat exchangers, и evaporators for handling acids и corrosive chemicals.
Контроль загрязнения окружающей средыIdeal for flue gas desulfurization systems, scrubbers, и filters that manage highly corrosive gases.
Аэрокосмическая промышленностьIntegrated into engine components и exhaust systems that require высокая прочность и коррозионная стойкость.
ФармацевтикаИспользуется в reactor vessels и piping for handling aggressive chemicals in drug manufacturing processes.
Производство электроэнергииApplied in nuclear reactors, heat exchangers, и turbine blades that operate in high-temperature, corrosive environments.
Морская техникаИспользуется в seawater handling systems, desalination plants, и offshore oil rigs due to its resistance to saltwater corrosion.
Очистка сточных водEmployed in equipment that handles waste streams containing aggressive chemicals и corrosive substances.

Why Choose Hastelloy C-22 Powder for These Applications?

The reasons are simple: Hastelloy C-22 powder offers outstanding resistance to a wide range of aggressive chemicals, в том числе acids, salts, и chlorides. On top of that, it can withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for applications involving heat и corroding substances.

If you’re working in a highly corrosive environment or need material that can handle fluctuating conditions (oxidizing and reducing), Hastelloy C-22 powder is your best bet.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Hastelloy C-22 Powder

When it comes to choosing Hastelloy C-22 powder, it’s crucial to understand the specifications, sizes, и standards that apply. Depending on your application, you’ll need to ensure that the powder meets the appropriate отраслевые стандарты для performance и safety.

Specifications and Standards for Hastelloy C-22 Powder

Номер УНСN06022
AMS StandardsАМС 5837, covering corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloys использованный в высокопроизводительные приложения.
Стандарты ASTMASTM B574, ASTM B575, outlining the material specifications for nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloys.
Стандарты ISOISO 15156 for materials used in sour gas environments.
Размер частицRanges from от 15 до 45 мкм depending on the application (e.g., 3D-печать, термическое напыление).
Морфология порошкаTypically spherical, ensuring good flowability для аддитивное производство и порошковая металлургия.
Температура плавления1357-1399°C
Плотность8.69 g/cm³

Доступные размеры и формы

Hastelloy C-22 powder is available in various sizes and forms to meet the needs of different industries and applications. Here’s a quick breakdown:

ФормаДоступные размеры
ПорошокTypically available in sizes ranging from от 15 до 45 мкм for use in 3D-печать and other applications.
ПроводAvailable in diameters from 0.5 to 5 mm for welding and brazing applications.
Листы и пластиныAvailable in thicknesses ranging from 2 mm to 50 mm.

Suppliers and Pricing of Hastelloy C-22 Powder

При поиске поставщиков Hastelloy C-22 powder, it’s essential to find a reputable supplier that can provide the material in the required specifications and quantities. Here’s a table of some well-known suppliers and an estimate of ценообразование для Hastelloy C-22 powder.

Поставщики и ценообразование

ПоставщикДиапазон цен (за кг)Примечания
Höganäs AB$750 – $950Specializes in high-performance metal powders for порошковая металлургия и thermal spray.
Технология столярных работ$760 – $980Offers custom formulations for a wide range of applications, including аддитивное производство.
Oerlikon Metco$740 – $970Supplies Hastelloy C-22 powder для thermal spray coatings и laser cladding.
Кеннаметал$765 – $985Provides суперсплавы на основе никеля для аэрокосмическая промышленность, chemical processing, и power generation.
Sandvik$770 – $990Focuses on advanced materials for high-temperature и corrosive environments.

The price of Hastelloy C-22 powder typically ranges from $750 to $990 per kilogram, depending on the supplier, particle size, и order volume. Keep in mind that prices may vary based on market demand и material availability.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Hastelloy C-22 Powder

Как и любой другой материал, Hastelloy C-22 powder has its strengths и weaknesses. While it’s widely regarded as one of the best materials for коррозионная стойкость и high-temperature applications, there are some considerations to keep in mind before choosing it for your project.


Исключительная коррозионная стойкость: Performs well in oxidizing и reducing environments.Suitable for industries that handle aggressive chemicals и corrosive materials.
Широкий спектр применения: Used in multiple industries, в том числе chemical processing и pollution control.Offers versatility across many sectors.
Высокотемпературная стабильность: Retains strength and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures.Ideal for аэрокосмическая промышленность и power generation приложения.
Good Fabricability: Can be easily welded, machined, и formed.Suitable for complex manufacturing processes.
Resistance to Chloride-Induced Corrosion: Withstands chloride pitting и crevice corrosion.Great for applications involving saltwater или chlorinated chemicals.


Стоимость: More expensive than other high-performance alloys.May not be suitable for budget-sensitive projects.
Сложность обработки: Requires specialized tools for machining.Can increase manufacturing time и затраты.
Доступность: Depending on the supplier, it may not always be available in large quantities.Could result in long lead times for bulk orders.
Post-Weld Heat Treatment: Though it can be welded easily, post-weld solution annealing may be required to optimize corrosion resistance and mechanical properties.Adds extra processing steps to the manufacturing workflow.

Вопросы и ответы

To wrap things up, let’s address some of the most frequently asked questions about Hastelloy C-22 powder. Whether you’re considering it for your next project or just want to learn more, these answers should help clarify any lingering doubts.

What is Hastelloy C-22 powder used for?It’s used in industries like chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, marine engineering, и аэрокосмическая промышленность where коррозионная стойкость is critical.
How much does Hastelloy C-22 powder cost?Prices typically range from $750 to $990 per kg, depending on the supplier and specifications.
Can Hastelloy C-22 powder be used in 3D printing?Yes, Hastelloy C-22 powder is commonly used in аддитивное производство for applications that require high corrosion resistance и прочность.
What industries use Hastelloy C-22 powder?Industries such as chemical processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, power generation, и marine engineering rely on Hastelloy C-22 for its superior properties.
What are the main advantages of Hastelloy C-22 powder?It’s known for its high corrosion resistance, strength at elevated temperatures, and good fabricability.
Is Hastelloy C-22 powder weldable?Yes, it has excellent weldability with no need for post-weld heat treatment, though some applications may benefit from post-weld annealing.
How is Hastelloy C-22 powder different from Hastelloy C-276?While both are highly corrosion-resistant alloys, Hastelloy C-22 offers better resistance to oxidizing environments compared to C-276.
Is Hastelloy C-22 powder suitable for seawater applications?Yes, its chloride resistance makes it ideal for marine engineering и desalination plants.
What are the limitations of Hastelloy C-22 powder?The main limitations include its более высокая стоимость and the difficulty in machining, which may require specialized equipment.

Final Thoughts: Why Hastelloy C-22 Powder is a Top Choice for Extreme Environments

When it comes to choosing an alloy that can handle the most harsh, corrosive environments, Hastelloy C-22 powder это top contender. Its exceptional corrosion resistance, high-temperature stability, и универсальность make it an ideal choice for industries ranging from chemical processing на аэрокосмическая промышленность и marine engineering.

Yes, it may come with a более высокая цена compared to other alloys, but its long-term performance and ability to withstand aggressive chemicals и extreme conditions often justify the investment. If your project requires надежная работа in environments where failure is not an option, Hastelloy C-22 powder should be at the top of your list.

В заключение, Hastelloy C-22 powder is more than just a material—it’s a solution to some of the most challenging engineering problems in corrosive и high-temperature environments.

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