Сферический порошок из легированной быстрорежущей стали S390: лучшее для износостойких промышленных инструментов

In the realm of high-performance materials, S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder stands as a pinnacle of innovation, designed for applications that demand unmatched hardness, wear resistance, and heat stability. Whether you're crafting precision cutting tools, high-wear components, or exploring additive manufacturing, S390 alloy powder delivers performance that's hard to beat. What sets S390 apart? It's a martensitic steel alloy fortified with elements like tungsten, vanadium, cobalt, and molybdenum, designed for extreme conditions. Its spherical particle shape, achieved through advanced atomization techniques, ensures superior flowability, packing density, and uniformity in manufacturing processes like 3D printing, thermal spraying, and metal injection molding (MIM). This guide dives deep into the composition, applications, specifications, and advantages of S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder. Whether you're a manufacturer, engineer, or researcher, this comprehensive resource will help you understand why S390 alloy powder is the go-to material for high-performance applications.

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Overview of S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

In the realm of high-performance materials, S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder stands as a pinnacle of innovation, designed for applications that demand unmatched hardness, wear resistance, and heat stability. Whether you’re crafting precision cutting tools, high-wear components, or exploring additive manufacturing, S390 alloy powder delivers performance that’s hard to beat.

Что устанавливает S390 apart? It’s a martensitic steel alloy fortified with elements like tungsten, vanadium, cobalt, and molybdenum, designed for extreme conditions. Its сферическая форма частиц, achieved through advanced atomization techniques, ensures superior flowability, packing density, and uniformity in manufacturing processes like 3D-печать, термическое напыление, и литье металлов под давлением (MIM).

Это руководство глубоко погружается в состав, приложения, технические характеристики, и преимущества of S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder. Whether you’re a manufacturer, engineer, or researcher, this comprehensive resource will help you understand why S390 alloy powder is the go-to material for high-performance applications.

What is S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder?

По своей сути, S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder это premium-grade tool steel powder designed for extreme wear resistance and cutting-edge performance. The “S390” designation represents its high-performance characteristics, and its сферическая морфология ensures optimal handling and precision during manufacturing.

Imagine a material that combines the toughness of traditional high-speed steels with the precision of modern powder metallurgy. S390 alloy powder is the result of meticulous engineering, capable of withstanding high temperatures, resisting wear, and delivering unparalleled hardness.

Whether you’re creating режущие инструменты, пресс-формы, или промышленные компоненты, S390’s unique properties make it the material of choice for industries that demand nothing less than perfection.

Composition and Properties of S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

Chemical Composition of S390 Alloy Powder

Исключительная производительность S390 alloy powder can be attributed to its carefully balanced chemical composition. Each element plays a critical role in enhancing its mechanical and physical properties.

ЭлементТиповой состав (%)Роль в сплаве
Углерод (C)1.60–1.70Improves hardness and strength.
Вольфрам (Вт)10.00–11.00Enhances wear resistance and hot hardness.
Хром (Cr)4.80–5.50Provides corrosion resistance and hardenability.
Ванадий (V)4.80–5.20Increases wear resistance and edge retention.
Кобальт (Co)7.50–8.50Improves red hardness and high-temperature strength.
Молибден (Mo)1.00–1.50Enhances toughness and reduces brittleness.
Железо (Fe)БалансForms the base structure of the alloy.

Основные физические и механические свойства

Плотность~8.3 g/cm³
Твердость (HRC)66–68 (after heat treatment)
Прочность на разрыв~2200 MPa
Термическая стабильностьRetains properties up to 600°C
ТекучестьExcellent due to spherical morphology.
ИзносостойкостьExceptional for high-stress environments.
Коррозионная стойкостьModerate, can be enhanced with coatings.

Unique Characteristics of S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

  1. Unmatched Hardness: With hardness levels reaching up to 68 HRC, S390 excels in wear resistance, making it ideal for cutting tools and molds.
  2. Superior Thermal Stability: Retains its properties at high temperatures, ensuring consistent performance in высокоскоростная обработка.
  3. Сферическая форма для точности: The spherical particle morphology ensures постоянный поток, высокая плотность упаковки, и uniform melting в производстве.
  4. Повышенная износостойкость: The combination of tungsten, vanadium, and cobalt makes S390 highly resistant to wear and abrasion.
  5. Коррозия Сопротивление: Chromium content provides moderate corrosion resistance, suitable for extended tool life.

Applications of S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

Благодаря своим исключительным свойствам, S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder finds applications across a wide range of industries. Here’s a breakdown of its most common uses:

Аэрокосмическая промышленностьTurbine blades, wear-resistant components, and precision fasteners.
Автомобильная промышленностьHigh-performance engine parts, gears, and cutting tools.
Инструментальная оснасткаDrill bits, end mills, saw blades, and other cutting tools.
Промышленное производствоDies, molds, wear-resistant coatings, and machine parts.
Аддитивное производство3D-печать высокопрочных, износостойких компонентов.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

Диапазон размеров частиц15–45 µm (for 3D printing), 45–150 µm (thermal spraying).
ФормаСферическая форма, обеспечивающая равномерную текучесть и упаковку.
УпаковкаКонтейнеры с вакуумной упаковкой (варианты 1 кг, 5 кг, 10 кг).
Соответствие стандартамASTM A600, ISO 9001 for quality assurance.

Suppliers and Pricing for S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

Название поставщикаОбластьДиапазон цен (USD/кг)Специальные возможности
Глобальные решения в области сплавовСеверная Америка$100-$150High-purity powders for industrial tools.
Современные металлические порошкиЕвропа$110–$160ISO-certified powders for precision tooling.
Asia-Pacific Steel SuppliersАзиатско-Тихоокеанский регион$90-$140Оптовые скидки при больших заказах.
Промышленные порошковые покрытияГлобальная$120–$170Customizable particle sizes and grades.

Advantages and Limitations of S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

Исключительная твердость и износостойкость.Higher cost compared to lower-grade steels.
Outstanding thermal stability for hot machining.Requires precise heat treatment for optimal performance.
Spherical shape ensures precision in manufacturing.Moderate corrosion resistance; may need coatings.
Versatile for multiple industries and applications.Limited machinability in its hardened state.

FAQs About S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder

What is S390 alloy powder used for?It’s used for cutting tools, molds, and high-wear industrial components.
Почему она сферическая?The spherical shape improves flowability and ensures consistent deposition.
Подходит ли он для 3D-печати?Yes, its flowability and particle size make it ideal for additive manufacturing.
How does it compare to other tool steels?S390 offers higher hardness and wear resistance than most tool steels.
Where can I buy S390 alloy powder?Такие поставщики, как Global Alloy Solutions и Advanced Metal Powders, предлагают его по всему миру.


S390 Spherical High-Speed Steel Alloy Powder это ultimate solution for industries that demand durability, precision, and performance. С его исключительная твердость, термическая стабильность, и износостойкость, S390 is the go-to material for creating cutting-edge tools, molds, and industrial components.

Whether you’re involved in аддитивное производство, термическое напыление, или traditional tooling, S390 delivers the reliability and consistency you need to produce high-quality results. Ready to take your projects to the next level? Choose S390 alloy powder—the material that’s built to exceed expectations!

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