18Ni300 Powder: Överlägsen styrka och hållbarhet för krävande applikationer


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When it comes to high-performance materials used in industries like flyg- och rymdindustrin, fordonsindustrin, och verktyg, few alloys can match the versatility and strength of 18Ni300 Pulver. This high-strength, low-alloy steel, often referred to as maråldrat stål, is engineered to provide exceptional mekaniska egenskaper such as high draghållfasthet, seghet, and excellent dimensional stability after heat treatment.

Men vad är det som gör 18Ni300 Pulver stand out from other alloy powders? How does it compare to more traditional materials, and where can it be effectively utilized? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the composition, properties, applications, and advantages of 18Ni300 Pulver. Whether you’re an engineer, material scientist, or a decision-maker in additiv tillverkning, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about implementing this remarkable material in your projects.

Overview of 18Ni300 Powder

18Ni300 Pulver is a maraging steel powder that offers an optimal balance of styrka, Hårdhet, och duktilitet. It belongs to the class of martensitic age-hardenable steels and exhibits exceptional mechanical properties after the aging process. Its high nickelinnehåll (18%) and low kolinnehåll are responsible for its seghet och maskinbearbetbarhet, while added elements like molybden, kobolt, och titan enhance its overall performance.

This alloy is primarily used in applications that demand hög slitstyrka, dimensionell noggrannhet, och motståndskraft mot deformation. It’s especially popular in additiv tillverkning (3D printing), where its fine powder form allows for precise control over part geometry and properties.

Viktiga egenskaper :

  • Hög drag- och sträckgräns after heat treatment.
  • Excellent toughness och duktilitet at room and sub-zero temperatures.
  • God bearbetbarhet in the annealed condition.
  • Resistance to krypa och spänningskorrosion sprickbildning.
  • Fine grain structure for enhanced fatigue resistance.
  • Low thermal expansion och dimensional stability during heat treatment.

Composition and Properties of 18Ni300 Powder

Förståelse för sammansättning och mekaniska egenskaper av 18Ni300 Pulver is key to appreciating its versatility. The alloy’s unique combination of elements enables it to perform well under high-stress conditions och i kritiska tillämpningar where failure is not an option.


ElementProcentuell andel (%)
Nickel (Ni)18 – 19
Kobolt (Co)7 – 9
Molybden (Mo)4.5 – 5
Titan (Ti)0.6 – 0.8
Aluminium (Al)0.1 – 0.15
Kol (C)≤ 0.03
Järn (Fe)Balans

Den höga nickelinnehåll contributes to the alloy’s styrka och seghet. Kobolt och molybden further improve Hårdhet och krypmotstånd, medan titan aids in the precipitation-hardening process during aging, resulting in increased strength.

Mekaniska och fysikaliska egenskaper

Draghållfasthet1800 – 2000 MPa
Utbyteshållfasthet1700 – 1900 MPa
Töjning6 – 10%
Hårdhet (HRC)50 – 53
Täthet8,1 g/cm³
Termisk konduktivitet15 W/mK
Elektrisk resistivitet0.8 µΩm

Viktiga slutsatser:

  • 18Ni300 Pulver offers exceptional styrka och Hårdhet after heat treatment, making it ideal for applications that require slitstyrka och hög mekanisk prestanda.
  • Dess seghet och duktilitet göra den lämplig för cold work och miljöer med hög belastning.
  • The alloy maintains dimensional stability even after värmebehandling, ensuring minimal deformation or warping.

Applications of 18Ni300 Powder: Where and How It’s Used

Tack vare sin överlägsna mekaniska egenskaper and adaptability in additiv tillverkning, 18Ni300 Pulver has a wide range of applications. It’s commonly used across industries that require high-strength materials och komplexa geometrier, inklusive flyg- och rymdindustrin, fordonsindustrin, verktyg, och medicintekniska produkter.

Vanliga tillämpningar

Flyg- och rymdindustrinLanding gear components, turbine blades, structural parts
FordonHigh-performance gears, crankshafts, transmission components
VerktygMolds, dies, punches, extrusion tools
MedicinskKirurgiska instrument, ortopediska implantat
Additiv tillverkningComplex 3D-printed parts for custom designs
FörsvarMissile components, armor plating

Why 18Ni300 Powder Excels in These Applications

I flyg- och rymdindustrin, for instance, the need for materials that can perform under extrema temperaturer och höga påfrestningar är avgörande. 18Ni300 Pulver stands out due to its hög draghållfasthet, dimensional stability, och resistance to fatigue—all of which are necessary for components like landningsställ och turbinblad.

I verktyg, 18Ni300 Pulver is the material of choice for creating formar, dör, och punches because it can withstand högt slitage och repeated use without losing its dimensionell noggrannhet eller styrka.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for 18Ni300 Powder

När du väljer 18Ni300 Pulver for a specific application, it’s essential to understand the available Specifikationer, storlekar, och betyg. Different industries and manufacturing processes may require different partikelstorlekar och certifieringar, so knowing these details can help ensure the right material fit for the job.

Specifikationer och storlekar

Partikelstorlek10 to 45 µm (microns)
Flödesförmåga för pulver18 – 22 sec/50g (ASTM B213)
Skenbar densitet4.1 – 5.0 g/cm³
Tappdensitet4.6 – 5.4 g/cm³
StandarderASTM A646, AMS 6521, ISO 5755
Packaging Sizes1 kg, 5 kg, 25 kg
FormSpherical or irregular powder

Grades of 18Ni300 Powder Available

18Ni300 StandardGeneral-purpose use with high strength and ductility
18Ni300 High-StrengthEnhanced mechanical properties for heavy-duty use
18Ni300 AdditiveOptimized for additive manufacturing processes
18Ni300 ToolingIdeal for molds, dies, and tooling applications

Att välja rätt betyg

For example, if you’re working on komponenter för flyg- och rymdindustrin, you’ll want to choose a high-strength grade due to the extrema förhållanden these parts will face. On the other hand, for additiv tillverkning, den 18Ni300 Additive grade is optimized for 3D printing processes, erbjudande good flowability och uniform particle size distribution.

Suppliers and Pricing of 18Ni300 Powder

As with any specialized material, the pris av 18Ni300 Pulver kan variera beroende på leverantör, betyg, och mängd. Below is a breakdown of some common suppliers and the typical price ranges you can expect.

Leverantörer och prisuppgifter

LeverantörPlatsPrisintervall (per kg)Leveranstid
Advanced Powders Ltd.USA$100 – $1501-2 veckor
EuroAlloys Co.Europa$95 – $1352-3 veckor
AsiaTech MaterialsKina$90 – $1303-4 veckor
Global Powder SupplySTORBRITANNIEN$110 – $1601-2 veckor
Precision Metal PowdersIndien$85 – $1253-4 veckor

Factors That Influence Pricing

  • Kvantitet: Larger orders typically result in a lower price per kilogram.
  • Betyg: Hög hållfasthet och additive manufacturing grades are often more expensive due to the additional bearbetning required.
  • Location of Supplier: Local suppliers may offer faster delivery times, medan internationella leverantörer might provide lower base prices but could have higher shipping costs.

Advantages and Limitations of 18Ni300 Powder

Medan 18Ni300 Pulver offers numerous advantages, it’s important to consider its limitations as well. Depending on your project’s requirements, you may find that 18Ni300 is the perfect solution, or you might discover that another material is a better fit.

Fördelar och begränsningar

Exceptional tensile strength after agingHigher cost compared to standard steel alloys
Utmärkt dimensionsstabilitetRequires precise heat treatment to reach full strength
Good machinability in annealed stateNot suitable for applications requiring high corrosion resistance
Ideal for additive manufacturingLimited availability of certain grades in some regions
High wear resistance and toughnessCan be more complex to process compared to other alloys

Is 18Ni300 Powder Right for Your Application?

If you’re working on projects that require hög hållfasthet, seghet, och dimensional stability, 18Ni300 Pulver is a fantastic choice. However, if kostnad eller korrosionsbeständighet is a primary concern, you may want to explore other alloy options, such as Pulver av rostfritt stål eller nickelbaserade superlegeringar.

Vanliga frågor och svar (FAQ)

To address some common questions about 18Ni300 Pulver, we’ve compiled an FAQ section that covers the most frequently asked topics. This should help clarify any remaining questions you may have about this versatile material.

What is 18Ni300 Powder used for?18Ni300 Powder is used in industries like flyg- och rymdindustrin, fordonsindustrin, verktyg, och Medicinsk för applikationer som kräver hög hållfasthet och slitstyrka.
How much does 18Ni300 Powder cost?Prices for 18Ni300 Powder typically range from $85 to $160 per kilogram, beroende på leverantör, betyg, och mängd.
Is 18Ni300 Powder suitable for 3D printing?Yes, 18Ni300 Powder is highly suitable for additiv tillverkning, providing excellent flytbarhet och dimensional stability.
How does 18Ni300 Powder compare to other powders?Compared to standard powders like 316L rostfritt stål, 18Ni300 offers superior styrka och slitstyrka, though it may cost more.
Can 18Ni300 Powder be used in medical applications?Yes, 18Ni300 is used for kirurgiska instrument och ortopediska implantat på grund av dess styrka och seghet.
What is the heat treatment process for 18Ni300 Powder?18Ni300 undergoes solution annealing, followed by åldrande to precipitate hardening phases, which significantly boost its styrka.
What is the melting point of 18Ni300 Powder?Den smältpunkt of 18Ni300 Powder is approximately 1413°Cvilket gör den lämplig för miljöer med höga temperaturer.


18Ni300 Pulver is a top-tier material that excels in applications requiring hög hållfasthet, seghet, och dimensional stability. Its versatility across industries like flyg- och rymdindustrin, fordonsindustrin, verktyg, och Medicinsk makes it a go-to choice for those who need a material that can withstand extrema förhållanden while maintaining precision.

Whether you’re looking to implement 3D-printed parts, high-performance verktyg, eller komponenter för flyg- och rymdindustrin, 18Ni300 Pulver offers a fantastic combination of properties that can help ensure your project’s success. While it may come at a higher cost compared to more common materials, its långsiktig hållbarhet och enhanced performance make it a worthy investment for critical applications.

Så, är 18Ni300 Pulver the right material for your next project? If your application demands hög hållfasthet, utmattningshållfasthet, och dimensionell noggrannhet, there’s a good chance that this alloy will meet your needs—and then some.

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