Komplett guide för Cu-Zn-mässing: Enastående egenskaper och användningsområden


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Brass is one of the most versatile alloys you can encounter in the world of manufacturing and engineering. Specifically, Cu-Zn Brass—an alloy of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn)—has been a cornerstone material for centuries. From its golden appearance to its excellent mechanical properties, Cu-Zn brass has found applications across industries ranging from rörmokeri to musical instruments. But what makes this alloy so special? Why do engineers and manufacturers keep turning to Cu-Zn brass for their projects?

In this ultimate guide, we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about Cu-Zn brass—whether you’re selecting materials for a new product or just curious about its properties. We’ll cover the basics, types, applications, and some insider tips on how to get the most out of this highly adaptable alloy.

Overview of Cu-Zn Brass

What is Cu-Zn Brass?

I grund och botten, Cu-Zn brass is a mixture of koppar och zink, typically with a copper content som sträcker sig från 55% to 95%, och zink making up the remainder. The exact ratio of copper to zinc can significantly alter the material’s properties, making brass more malleable, starkareeller till och med more corrosion-resistant depending on the intended application.

Unlike brons (which is primarily copper and tin), Cu-Zn brass is known for its golden hue, which makes it an attractive choice for decorative applications, in addition to its functional uses.

Key Characteristics of Cu-Zn Brass

  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: While not as corrosion-resistant as pure copper, brass still holds up well in atmospheric conditions, especially in terms of tarnish resistance.
  • Formbarhet: The zinc content makes brass more malleable than copper, allowing it to be easily shaped into complex forms.
  • Good Strength: Depending on the zinc content, brass can exhibit impressive tensile and yield strength, making it suitable for structural applications.
  • Elektrisk konduktivitet: Brass retains some of copper’s good electrical conductivity, though it’s less conductive than pure copper.
  • Användbarhet: Cu-Zn brass can be easily worked, either by smide, gjutning, eller maskinbearbetning, making it a favorite in manufacturing industries.

Types, Composition, and Properties of Cu-Zn Brass

Egenskaperna hos Cu-Zn brass can be finely tuned by adjusting the ratio of copper to zinc, and in some cases, adding trace amounts of other elements like bly, tenn, eller aluminium. Each type of brass has specific advantages depending on the design requirements.

Types and Composition of Cu-Zn Brass

Brass TypeCopper (Cu) ContentZinc (Zn) ContentYtterligare elementPrimary Properties
Alpha Brass65-90%10-35%Excellent corrosion resistance, good cold-working properties, ductile at room temp.
Alpha-Beta Brass55-65%35-45%Tougher than alpha brass, can be hot worked, moderate corrosion resistance.
Beta Brass45-55%45-55%Very strong and hard, less ductile, typically used for casting and forging.
Muntz Metal60%40%High strength, excellent for marine applications, high resistance to corrosion.
Blyad mässing55-65%35-45%Lead (up to 3%)Improved machinability, used in high-precision parts, somewhat lower corrosion resistance.
Tin Brass60-70%30-40%Tin (up to 2%)Higher corrosion resistance than standard brass, used in marine and high-moisture environments.
Aluminum Brass75-85%15-25%Aluminum (up to 2%)Excellent corrosion resistance, especially in seawater, higher strength than standard brass.

Alpha Brass

Alpha brass is highly ductile and easy to work with, making it great for cold working processer som rolling eller stämpling. It’s commonly used in dekorativa föremål, smycken, och musikinstrument.

Beta Brass

Å andra sidan.., Beta brass is much harder och starkare, though less ductile. This makes it ideal for applications where styrka is more important than malleability, such as in växlar och Ventiler.

Mechanical and Physical Properties of Cu-Zn Brass

The mechanical properties of Cu-Zn brass vary widely based on its composition, but here’s a general breakdown of what you can expect from some of the most common types.

FastighetAlpha BrassAlpha-Beta BrassBeta BrassBlyad mässingAluminum Brass
Draghållfasthet (MPa)250-400350-500500-650300-450500-600
Sträckgräns (MPa)100-200150-300400-550150-250400-550
Hårdhet (HB)50-100100-150150-20080-120150-200
Töjning vid brott (%)20-40%10-20%5-10%15-25%10-20%
Densitet (g/cm³)8.4-8.78.4-8.78.4-8.78.5-8.758.5-8.75
Electrical Conductivity (% IACS)28-40%20-30%15-20%20-30%15-25%

Applications of Cu-Zn Brass

Cu-Zn brass is known for its mångsidighet. Its uses span across industries due to its användbarhet, korrosionsbeständighet, och estetiskt tilltalande. Let’s break down some of the most common applications of this alloy.

Common Applications of Cu-Zn Brass

RörmokeriFittings, valves, and faucets due to its workability and resistance to corrosion from water.
Electrical EngineeringElectrical connectors and terminals thanks to its decent conductivity and ease of machining.
MusikinstrumentBrass instruments like trumpets, trombones, and saxophones because of its acoustic properties and aesthetics.
FordonRadiators, heat exchangers, and other components due to its thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.
Decorative ArtsJewelry, architectural fittings, and sculpture because of its golden appearance and ease of forming.
Marin teknikPropellers, fasteners, and other marine hardware due to its resistance to saltwater corrosion.
MyntningUsed in coins for its durability and cost-effectiveness, as well as its resistance to tarnishing.

Plumbing and Electrical Applications

Perhaps one of the most recognizable uses for Cu-Zn brass is in rörmokeri. Brass fixtures, valves, and kranar are ubiquitous in homes and commercial buildings because brass can withstand water corrosion samtidigt som man erbjuder Hållbarhet och tillförlitlighet.

I elektriska tillämpningar, brass is prized for its ledningsförmåga och maskinbearbetbarhet. While not as conductive as pure copper, brass is still a great choice for elektriska anslutningar och terminaler, especially in environments where korrosionsbeständighet är nyckeln.


When you think of brass, musical instruments like trumpets och trombones probably come to mind. Brass is highly valued in instrument-making for its akustiska egenskaper. The material’s ability to be formed into komplexa former while retaining styrka och vibrational qualities gör den idealisk för wind instruments.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Cu-Zn Brass

When sourcing Cu-Zn brass, it’s important to understand the Specifikationer, storlekar, och branschstandarder that govern this material. Whether you’re buying raw brass stock eller anpassade delar, knowing the betyg och standarder will ensure you get the right material for your project.

Common Specifications, Sizes, and Industry Standards for Cu-Zn Brass

FormTypiska tillgängliga storlekarBranschstandarder
Stänger/stavarDiameter: 6 mm to 300 mmASTM B16, EN 12164, ISO 426-2
Plates/SheetsTjocklek: 0,5 mm till 100 mmASTM B36, BS 2870, EN 1652
LedningarDiameter: 0.1 mm to 10 mmASTM B206, EN 12166
Tubes/PipesOuter Diameter: 6 mm to 500 mmASTM B135, BS 2871, EN 12449
GjutgodsCustom sizes based on designASTM B584, EN 1982

Brass is often produced in accordance with ASTM, DIN, och EN standards, which cover everything from kemisk sammansättning till mekaniska egenskaper. Till exempel, ASTM B16 specifies requirements for free-cutting brass rods, medan EN 12164 covers brass bars for machining.

Suppliers and Pricing of Cu-Zn Brass

The price of Cu-Zn brass can fluctuate based on factors like zinkinnehåll, Form, storlek, och orderkvantitet. Dessutom är market values av koppar och zink play significant roles in determining the overall cost.

Leading Suppliers and Pricing Estimates for Cu-Zn Brass

LeverantörPlatsPris per kgMinsta antal beställningar
Stormarknader för metallUSA, Global$6 – $1210 kg
Shanghai Metal CorporationKina$5 – $1050 kg
Alro MetalsUSA$7 – $13Anpassade storlekar
KME Tyskland GmbHTyskland$6 – $11Anpassade beställningar
Aviva MetalsUSA$7 – $1420 kg

On average, prices for Cu-Zn brass range from $5 to $14 per kgberoende på type och Form. Barer, stavar, och ark tend to be on the lower end of the scale, while custom castings eller delar med hög precision can command premium prices.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Cu-Zn Brass

Like any material, Cu-Zn brass has its Fördelar och Begränsningar. While it shines in areas like användbarhet och korrosionsbeständighet, there are some trade-offs to consider—such as kostnad och ledningsförmåga compared to other metals.

Advantages of Cu-Zn Brass

Motståndskraft mot korrosionBrass resists tarnishing and corrosion, especially in moist or marine environments.
AnvändbarhetEasy to machine, cast, and form into complex shapes, making it ideal for manufacturing.
Estetisk tilltalandeIts bright, golden appearance makes it a popular choice for decorative applications.
FormbarhetZinc content increases malleability, allowing the alloy to be cold-worked.
HållbarhetBrass offers impressive durability, especially in high-wear applications.

Disadvantages of Cu-Zn Brass

Lower Conductivity than CopperBrass has lower electrical conductivity than pure copper, limiting its use in some electrical applications.
Less Corrosion-Resistant than BronzeWhile brass resists corrosion, it’s not as corrosion-resistant as bronze, especially in saltwater environments.
Relatively ExpensiveBrass can be more expensive than other metals like aluminum or steel, depending on the grade and form.

FAQs About Cu-Zn Brass

What is Cu-Zn brass used for?Cu-Zn brass is used in a variety of applications, including plumbing, electrical connectors, musical instruments, and more.
How much does Cu-Zn brass cost?Cu-Zn brass typically costs between $5 and $14 per kg, depending on the type and form.
Is brass corrosion-resistant?Yes, brass offers good corrosion resistance, particularly in moist environments, though it’s not as corrosion-resistant as bronze.
Can brass be welded?Yes, brass can be welded, but it requires specialized techniques like TIG welding to avoid cracking or weakening.
What is the difference between brass and bronze?Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, while bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Brass is more malleable, while bronze typically offers better corrosion resistance.
Why is brass used in musical instruments?Brass is used in musical instruments because of its acoustic properties, ease of forming, and attractive appearance.
Can Cu-Zn brass be recycled?Yes, brass is highly recyclable, and recycling brass retains much of its original properties.


Cu-Zn brass är en remarkably versatile alloy som balanserar styrka, användbarhet, och utseende. Oavsett om du tillverkar VVS-komponenter, musikinstrument, eller marin hårdvara, this alloy offers a unique combination of properties that make it stand out in a wide range of applications. While it may not be the most korrosionsbeständig or the cheapest option on the market, its estetiskt tilltalande och användbarhet make it a favorite for both functional and decorative uses.

Genom att förstå typer, fastigheter, och tillämpningar of Cu-Zn brass, you can make informed decisions about how to use this material in your next project. Whether you’re crafting a trumpet or engineering marine propellers, this golden alloy has got you covered.

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