CuZn35Pb1: Mässingslegeringen som levererar oöverträffad prestanda


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Vid val av material för precisionsbearbetning, korrosionsbeständighet, och styrka, few brass alloys match the versatility of CuZn35Pb1. Detta lead-containing brass alloy is renowned for its maskinbearbetbarhet, making it an ideal choice for industries requiring Precisionsdelar som fordonsindustrin, rörmokeri, och elektriska komponenter. But what makes CuZn35Pb1 so effective in these applications? How does it stack up against other brass alloys?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore every aspect of CuZn35Pb1-från dess sammansättning, fastigheter, och Specifikationer till sin tillämpningar, Fördelar, och Begränsningar. We’ll also compare it to other alloys to help you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right material for your next project.


CuZn35Pb1 är en mässingslegering består huvudsakligen av koppar (Cu), zink (Zn)och en liten andel av bly (Pb). The inclusion of lead significantly improves the alloy’s maskinbearbetbarhet, making it easier to work with in high-precision machining scenarios. CuZn35Pb1 is widely used in industries that require Korrosion-resistant, duktil, och formbar materials.

Viktiga egenskaper :

  • Utmärkt maskinbearbetbarhet due to the lead content, which makes it easier to cut and form without excessive tool wear.
  • Måttlig styrka som balanserar duktilitet och Hållbarhet, allowing it to be used in a variety of applications.
  • God korrosionsbeständighetsärskilt i icke-aggressiva miljöer som sötvatten och mildly acidic conditions.
  • Hög formbarhetvilket gör den idealisk för böjning, stämpling, och cold working processer.
  • Kostnadseffektivt, providing a balance between performance and price when compared to higher-end alloys.

Sammansättning och egenskaper

Förståelse för kemisk sammansättning och mekaniska egenskaper of CuZn35Pb1 is crucial for determining its suitability for specific applications. Below, we’ll break down its composition and dive into the properties that make this alloy stand out.

Kemisk sammansättning

ElementProcentuell andel (%)
Koppar (Cu)63 – 65
Zink (Zn)34 – 36
Bly (Pb)0.8 – 1.2
Järn (Fe)≤ 0.05
Övriga elementSpårmängder

Mekaniska och fysikaliska egenskaper

Draghållfasthet300 - 450 MPa
Utbyteshållfasthet150 - 300 MPa
Töjning20 – 30%
Täthet8,5 g/cm³
Hårdhet (HB)80 - 110 HB
Termisk konduktivitet120 W/m-K
Elektrisk konduktivitet25% IACS
Smältpunkt900 - 950°C

Notable Properties :

  • Bearbetbarhet: CuZn35Pb1 is widely recognized for its exceptionell bearbetbarhet, largely due to its lead content. The lead acts as a lubricant during cutting, reducing friction, minimizing tool wear, and allowing for faster production speeds.
  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: Although CuZn35Pb1 offers god korrosionsbeständighetsärskilt i sötvatten och mildly aggressive environments, it is less suitable for seawater applications or highly corrosive conditions.
  • Formbarhet: This alloy has excellent cold-working properties. It can be easily shaped through processes such as böjning, stämpling, och drawing without fracturing, making it ideal for complex designs.
  • Elektrisk och termisk konduktivitet: While not as conductive as pure copper, CuZn35Pb1 still offers decent electrical and thermal conductivityvilket gör den lämplig för low-power electrical components och heat-transfer applications.


CuZn35Pb1’s combination of maskinbearbetbarhet, styrka, och korrosionsbeständighet makes it highly versatile across a range of industries. Its ability to be easily shaped and machined makes it an ideal choice for Precisionsdelar i fordonsindustrin, rörmokeri, och electrical engineering.

Vanliga tillämpningar

IndustriTypiska tillämpningar
FordonFuel connectors, valve bodies, electrical components
RörmokeriFittings, valves, faucets, connectors
ElektriskPlintar, kontakter, brytarkomponenter
MaskinerGears, bushings, fasteners
Flyg- och rymdindustrinHydraulic components, sensor housings
KonsumentvarorDecorative hardware, locks, door handles

Why CuZn35Pb1 Is Preferred for These Applications

  1. Fordon: CuZn35Pb1 provides excellent machinability, making it suitable for fuel connectors och Ventilhus. Its corrosion resistance ensures that parts can endure exposure to fluids och gasses in automotive systems.
  2. Rörmokeri: The alloy’s resistance to Korrosion i sötvatten environments makes it a popular choice for beslag, Ventiler, och kranar. In plumbing, ease of machining and resistance to internal pressure are critical, and CuZn35Pb1 excels in both areas.
  3. Elektrisk: With decent electrical conductivity, CuZn35Pb1 is commonly used in terminaler och kontakter, särskilt för lågspänningsapplikationer. Its machinability ensures that intricate, small components can be made with ease.
  4. Maskiner: CuZn35Pb1’s machinability and moderate strength make it an ideal material for växlar, bussningar, och Fästelement in machinery where precision and durability are essential.

Specifikationer, storlekar och standarder

CuZn35Pb1 is available in various storlekar, former, och betyg to meet the specific requirements of different industries. Below, we’ll outline common specifications and standards for CuZn35Pb1, as well as the forms and sizes typically available.

Gemensamma specifikationer och standarder

ASTM B16Standard för fritt skuren stång och profiler av mässing
EN 12164Europastandard för koppar och kopparlegeringar
DIN 17660Tysk standard för kopparlegeringar i smidesutförande
JIS H3250Japansk standard för mässingsstänger

Tillgängliga storlekar och former

StavarDiameter: 5 mm till 150 mm
Ark/plattorTjocklek: 0,5 mm till 50 mm
RörDiameter: 6 mm till 100 mm
LedningarDiameter: 0,5 mm till 10 mm

De flesta leverantörer erbjuder cut-to-size services to ensure that the material fits perfectly into your design, allowing for greater flexibility in your manufacturing process.

Leverantörer och prissättning

Pricing for CuZn35Pb1 can vary based on factors such as the Form (e.g., rods, sheets, tubes), leverantörens placering, och marknadsförhållanden. Here’s a breakdown of typical pricing ranges and suppliers for it.

Leverantörer och prissättning

LeverantörPlatsPrisintervall (per kg)Ledtid
ThyssenKruppTyskland$10 – $251-3 veckor
Aviva MetalsUSA$12 – $282-4 veckor
Shanghai Metal CorpKina$8 – $203-5 veckor
Smiths metallcenterSTORBRITANNIEN£9 – £221-2 veckor

Factors Influencing CuZn35Pb1 Pricing

  • Form: Prices vary depending on whether you are purchasing stavar, ark, eller rör. More processed forms (e.g., cut-to-size) tend to be more expensive per kilogram.
  • Plats för leverantör: Shipping costs and import duties often influence prices, especially for international suppliers.
  • Marknadsförhållanden: Priser för koppar och zink—the primary components of CuZn35Pb1—fluctuate in response to global demand and supply, which can significantly affect the final cost of the alloy.

Fördelar och begränsningar

Like any material, it has its Fördelar och Begränsningar. Before selecting it for your project, it’s important to weigh these against your specific requirements.

Fördelar och begränsningar

Exceptionell maskinbearbetbarhet: Lead content improves cutting performance and reduces tool wear.Not suitable for high-corrosion environments: CuZn35Pb1 may not withstand harsh conditions like seawater or aggressive chemicals.
God korrosionsbeständighet: Ideal for freshwater and mildly acidic environments.Ledande innehåll: Some industries, such as food and water distribution, may restrict the use of lead-containing materials.
Kostnadseffektivt: A balance of performance at a lower cost than higher copper alloys.Måttlig styrka: CuZn35Pb1 may not be suitable for high-stress applications where greater strength is required.
Hög formbarhet: Can be easily shaped into complex designs without cracking.Miljöhänsyn: The presence of lead raises concerns about environmental impacts during disposal or recycling.
Versatile in machining: Excellent for high-precision applications requiring tight tolerances.Lägre elektrisk ledningsförmåga: While decent, it’s not ideal for high-power electrical applications.

Comparing CuZn35Pb1 with Other Brass Alloys

When choosing the right brass alloy for your project, it’s important to compare CuZn35Pb1 against similar materials to determine which alloy best fits your needs.

CuZn35Pb1 Compared to Other Brass Alloys

FastighetCuZn35Pb1CuZn39Pb1CuZn36Pb1CuZn37 (CW508L)
Draghållfasthet300 - 450 MPa320 - 450 MPa330 - 470 MPa330 - 450 MPa
Motståndskraft mot korrosionBraBraBraMåttlig
Elektrisk konduktivitet25% IACS26% IACS25% IACS27% IACS
FormbarhetUtmärktBraBraMycket bra

Viktiga jämförelser

  • CuZn35Pb1 vs. CuZn39Pb1: Both are lead-containing alloys with excellent machinability; however, CuZn39Pb1 has slightly superior corrosion resistance, making it a better option for environments where corrosion protection is more critical.
  • CuZn35Pb1 vs. CuZn36Pb1: CuZn36Pb1 offers slightly higher draghållfasthet, making it better suited for applications requiring more durability. However, CuZn35Pb1 is still the preferred choice for precisionsbearbetning due to its high lead content and excellent formability.
  • CuZn35Pb1 vs. CuZn37: CuZn37 offers better Formbarhet, making it ideal for applications requiring significant bending or drawing. However, CuZn35Pb1 is superior in maskinbearbetbarhet, making it the better choice for high-precision, intricate parts.

Vanliga frågor och svar (FAQ)

To help you better understand CuZn35Pb1 and its uses, here are some frequently asked questions along with detailed answers.

What is CuZn35Pb1 used for?Det används ofta i Fordonsdelar, elektriska anslutningar, VVS-armaturer, och maskinkomponenter.
How much lead is in CuZn35Pb1?It contains between 0.8% and 1.2% lead, which enhances its machinability.
Is CuZn35Pb1 easy to machine?Yes, it is known for its exceptionell bearbetbarhet, making it ideal for high-precision, intricate parts.
Can CuZn35Pb1 be used in potable water systems?På grund av sin ledande innehåll, it is generally not recommended for potable water systems unless lead-free alternatives are provided.
What is the tensile strength of CuZn35Pb1?Den har en draghållfasthet av runt 300 - 450 MPa, depending on the form and processing.
Is CuZn35Pb1 resistant to corrosion?Yes, it offers good resistance to corrosion in sötvatten och mildly acidic environments, though it may not perform well in havsvatten.


Den is a versatile and highly machinable mässingslegering that offers a great balance of styrka, korrosionsbeständighet, och Formbarhet. Widely used in industries like fordonsindustrin, rörmokeri, och maskiner, it is ideal for applications requiring high-precision parts that can be easily machined.

Medan den may not be suitable for high-corrosion environments eller potable water systems, it excels in sötvatten applications and precisionsbearbetning. Its lead content, while beneficial for machinability, may limit its use in certain industries due to environmental regulations.

Genom att förstå sammansättning, fastigheter, och tillämpningar of CuZn35Pb1, you can confidently choose this alloy for your next project, knowing that it will provide the performance and durability you need.

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