High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly


High-temperature build bed assembly is a critical component in many industrial applications, particularly in 3D printing and additive manufacturing. This process involves using advanced materials capable of withstanding high temperatures to ensure precise, reliable, and efficient production. In this article, we’ll dive into the nuances of high-temperature build bed assembly, explore various metal powder models, and provide detailed insights into their applications, properties, and suppliers. Let’s get started!

Overview of High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly

High-temperature build bed assembly is an integral part of advanced manufacturing processes, where the build platform must endure extreme temperatures. This is essential in sectors such as aerospace, automotive, and medical device manufacturing, where high precision and material performance are crucial. The materials used for these assemblies must offer excellent thermal stability, mechanical strength, and resistance to thermal expansion.

Viktiga detaljer:

  • Syfte: To provide a stable and precise platform for high-temperature manufacturing processes.
  • Använda material: High-temperature alloys, ceramics, and composites.
  • Applikationer: Aerospace components, automotive parts, medical devices, and industrial machinery.
montering av byggbädd för hög temperatur

Metallpulver för High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly

Let’s explore some specific metal powders used in high-temperature build bed assemblies. These powders are selected for their superior thermal and mechanical properties.

Inconel 625Nickel-kromlegeringUtmärkt korrosionsbeständighet, hög hållfasthetAerospace, chemical processing
Inconel 718Nickel-Chromium Alloy with Molybdenum and NiobiumHigh yield strength, good weldabilityAerospace, turbine engines
Ti-6Al-4V (Titanium Grade 5)Titan-Aluminium-VanadiumlegeringHögt förhållande mellan styrka och vikt, korrosionsbeständighetFlyg- och rymdindustrin, biomedicinska implantat
Rostfritt stål 316LLegering av järn-krom-nickel-molybdenUtmärkt korrosionsbeständighet, goda mekaniska egenskaperMarina tillämpningar, kemisk bearbetning
Maråldrat stålIron-Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum AlloyUltrahög hållfasthet, god seghetTooling, high-performance parts
Aluminium AlSi10MgAluminium-kisel-magnesiumlegeringGood casting properties, lightweightFordon, flyg- och rymdindustrin
Kobolt-krom (CoCr)Kobolt-krom-molybdenlegeringHög slitstyrka, biokompatibilitetMedical implants, dental prosthetics
Hastelloy XNickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Iron AlloyUtmärkt hållfasthet vid höga temperaturer, oxidationsbeständighetGas turbines, petrochemical processing
Haynes 282Nickel-Iron-Chromium AlloyHigh creep strength, thermal stabilityAerospace, industrial gas turbines
Nimonic 90Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt AlloyHög hållfasthet, oxidationsbeständighetTurbinblad, avgasventiler

In-Depth Descriptions of Metal Powders

  1. Inconel 625
  • Sammansättning: Predominantly nickel (58% minimum), with chromium, iron, and molybdenum.
  • Egenskaper: Known for excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion, high strength, and toughness. It performs well in high-temperature environments and is resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion.
  • Applikationer: Ideal for aerospace components, marine environments, chemical processing, and nuclear reactors.
  1. Inconel 718
  • Sammansättning: Nickel-based with significant amounts of chromium, iron, molybdenum, and niobium.
  • Egenskaper: Exhibits high yield, tensile, and creep-rupture properties at temperatures up to 700°C. It is also known for its weldability and resistance to post-weld cracking.
  • Applikationer: Extensively used in the aerospace industry for turbine engines, as well as in the oil and gas sector.
  1. Ti-6Al-4V (Titanium Grade 5)
  • Sammansättning: Titanium alloyed with 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium.
  • Egenskaper: Offers an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, making it lightweight yet incredibly strong. It also has excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.
  • Applikationer: Commonly used in aerospace components, biomedical implants, and high-performance automotive parts.
  1. Rostfritt stål 316L
  • Sammansättning: Iron alloyed with chromium, nickel, and molybdenum.
  • Egenskaper: Provides excellent corrosion resistance, especially against chlorides and other industrial solvents. It also has good mechanical properties and weldability.
  • Applikationer: Utilized in marine applications, chemical processing equipment, and medical devices.
  1. Maråldrat stål
  • Sammansättning: Iron alloyed with nickel, cobalt, and molybdenum.
  • Egenskaper: Known for its ultra-high strength and good toughness, it can be easily machined and welded.
  • Applikationer: Used in tooling, high-performance parts, and aerospace components.
  1. Aluminium AlSi10Mg
  • Sammansättning: Aluminum alloyed with silicon and magnesium.
  • Egenskaper: Offers good casting properties, lightweight, and high thermal conductivity. It also has decent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.
  • Applikationer: Primarily used in the automotive and aerospace industries.
  1. Kobolt-krom (CoCr)
  • Sammansättning: Cobalt alloyed with chromium and molybdenum.
  • Egenskaper: High wear resistance, excellent biocompatibility, and good mechanical properties at high temperatures.
  • Applikationer: Ideal for medical implants, dental prosthetics, and aerospace components.
  1. Hastelloy X
  • Sammansättning: Nickel-based alloy with chromium, molybdenum, and iron.
  • Egenskaper: Known for its high-temperature strength, excellent oxidation resistance, and fabricability.
  • Applikationer: Widely used in gas turbines, petrochemical processing, and industrial furnaces.
  1. Haynes 282
  • Sammansättning: Nickel-iron-chromium alloy with molybdenum and titanium.
  • Egenskaper: Exhibits high creep strength and thermal stability, making it suitable for high-temperature applications.
  • Applikationer: Used in aerospace and industrial gas turbines.
  1. Nimonic 90
    • Sammansättning: Nickel alloyed with chromium and cobalt.
    • Egenskaper: High strength and excellent oxidation resistance, maintaining its properties at elevated temperatures.
    • Applikationer: Commonly used in turbine blades, exhaust valves, and other high-temperature components.

Tillämpningar av High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly

High-temperature build bed assemblies are crucial in various industries due to their ability to maintain stability and precision under extreme conditions.

Flyg- och rymdindustrinTurbine EnginesComponents must withstand high temperatures and stress.
FordonMotordelarRequires high thermal stability and mechanical strength.
Medicintekniska produkterImplants and ProstheticsBiocompatibility and precision are essential.
Kemisk bearbetningReactor ComponentsMust resist corrosion and high temperatures.
MarinShipbuilding and Offshore EquipmentComponents must withstand harsh environments.
Industriella maskinerHigh-Temperature FurnacesRequires materials that maintain integrity at high temperatures.

Specifikationer, storlekar, kvaliteter och standarder

Understanding the specifications, sizes, grades, and standards is essential for selecting the right material for high-temperature build bed assembly.

Inconel 625ASTM B443, AMS 5599Powder size: 15-45 µmNAASME SB-443
Inconel 718AMS 5662, ASTM B637Powder size: 15-45 µmNAASME SB-637
Ti-6Al-4VASTM F136, AMS 4907Powder size: 15-45 µmBetyg 5ISO 5832-3
Rostfritt stål 316LASTM A240, AMS 5507Powder size: 15-45 µmNAEN 1.4404
Maråldrat stålAMS 6514, ASTM A538Powder size: 15-45 µmBetyg 300DIN 1.2709
Aluminium AlSi10MgASTM F3318, ISO 20160Powder size: 15-45 µmNASV AC-43000
Kobolt-krom (CoCr)ASTM F1537, ISO 5832-4Powder size: 15-45 µmNAEN 1.3912
Hastelloy XAMS 5536, ASTM B572Powder size: 15-45 µmNAUNS N06002
Haynes 282AMS 5915, ASTM B637Powder size: 15-45 µmNAUNS N07208
Nimonic 90BS HR 6015, ASTM B637Powder size: 15-45 µmNAUNS N07090

Leverantörer och prisuppgifter

Knowing where to source materials and understanding the pricing can significantly impact project planning and budgeting.

LeverantörMetallpulverPris per kgPlatsKontaktuppgifter
ATI MetalsInconel 625$200USA[email protected]
SnickeriteknikInconel 718$180USA[email protected]
Praxair YtteknologiTi-6Al-4V$300USApraxair.com
Hoganas ABRostfritt stål 316L$100Sverige[email protected]
Sandvik OspreyMaråldrat stål$250STORBRITANNIENmaterials.sandvik
AP&CAluminium AlSi10Mg$120Kanadaadvancedpowders.com
HC StarckKobolt-krom (CoCr)$350Tysklandhcstarck.com
Haynes InternationalHastelloy X$220USAhaynesintl.com
Ametek specialiserade metallprodukterHaynes 282$260USAametekmetals.com
VDM MetalsNimonic 90$230Tysklandvdm-metals.com

Fördelar och nackdelar med High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly

Evaluating the pros and cons of high-temperature build bed assemblies helps in understanding their applicability and limitations.

High Precision and StabilityHög kostnad
Ability to Handle Extreme TemperaturesComplex Maintenance
Förbättrade materialegenskaperBegränsad tillgång till material
Mångsidiga tillämpningarSpecialized Equipment Needed
Improved Product QualityLong Lead Times

Application of High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly

High-temperature build bed assemblies are used in a variety of high-stakes applications due to their exceptional properties. Let’s delve into some specific examples.

Flyg- och rymdindustrin

In the aerospace sector, components such as turbine blades and engine parts must withstand extreme temperatures and mechanical stresses. The materials used in high-temperature build bed assemblies, like Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V, offer the necessary strength and thermal stability. For instance, Inconel 718 is preferred for its high yield and tensile strength, while Ti-6Al-4V provides a superior strength-to-weight ratio, crucial for aerospace applications.


The automotive industry relies on high-temperature build bed assemblies for engine parts, exhaust systems, and other components exposed to high heat. Materials like Stainless Steel 316L and Aluminum AlSi10Mg are commonly used due to their corrosion resistance and lightweight properties. Stainless Steel 316L, for example, is ideal for exhaust systems as it resists high-temperature oxidation and corrosion.

Medicintekniska produkter

Medical implants and prosthetics often require materials that are biocompatible and capable of withstanding body temperatures without degrading. Cobalt-Chrome (CoCr) is a popular choice in this domain due to its biocompatibility and high wear resistance, making it suitable for joint replacements and dental implants.

Kemisk bearbetning

In chemical processing, reactor components and other equipment must resist corrosive environments and high temperatures. Hastelloy X is a prime example, known for its excellent high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance, making it ideal for such harsh conditions.

Marina tillämpningar

Marine environments pose challenges such as saltwater corrosion and extreme conditions. Stainless Steel 316L is frequently used in marine applications due to its superior corrosion resistance and durability, ensuring long-lasting performance in harsh marine conditions.

Industriella maskiner

High-temperature furnaces and other industrial machinery require materials that can maintain integrity at elevated temperatures. Haynes 282 and Maraging Steel are commonly used in these applications for their high creep strength and mechanical stability.

montering av byggbädd för hög temperatur


To address common questions and provide further clarity, here is a detailed FAQ section.

What is a high-temperature build bed assembly?It is a platform used in high-temperature manufacturing processes to ensure stability and precision.
Why are specific metal powders used in high-temperature applications?These powders offer superior thermal stability, mechanical strength, and resistance to thermal expansion.
What are the key industries using high-temperature build bed assemblies?Aerospace, automotive, medical devices, chemical processing, marine, and industrial machinery.
Hur väljer jag rätt metallpulver för min applikation?Consider factors like temperature resistance, mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and specific industry standards.
What are the advantages of using high-temperature build bed assemblies?They provide high precision, handle extreme temperatures, enhance material properties, and improve product quality.
What are the common disadvantages?High cost, complex maintenance, limited material availability, specialized equipment needed, and long lead times.
Where can I source high-temperature metal powders?Suppliers like ATI Metals, Carpenter Technology, Praxair Surface Technologies, and others.
What standards should I look for when selecting metal powders?Standards like ASTM, AMS, ISO, EN, and UNS ensure quality and suitability for specific applications.
Can high-temperature build bed assemblies be customized?Yes, they can be tailored to specific requirements depending on the application and material properties needed.
Are there any recent advancements in high-temperature build bed assembly?Yes, ongoing research focuses on improving material properties and developing new alloys for better performance.


High-temperature build bed assembly plays a pivotal role in advanced manufacturing processes, ensuring the precision, stability, and quality of components subjected to extreme conditions. By understanding the various metal powders, their properties, applications, and the pros and cons, manufacturers can make informed decisions to enhance their production capabilities.

Whether you’re in aerospace, automotive, medical devices, or any other industry requiring high-temperature applications, selecting the right materials and suppliers is crucial. Keep in mind the specifications, standards, and industry requirements to achieve the best results for your high-temperature build bed assembly needs.

Stay informed about the latest advancements and continuously evaluate your material choices to stay ahead in the competitive manufacturing landscape.

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MET3DP Technology Co, LTD är en ledande leverantör av lösningar för additiv tillverkning med huvudkontor i Qingdao, Kina. Vårt företag är specialiserat på 3D-utskriftsutrustning och högpresterande metallpulver för industriella tillämpningar.

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