Blyhaltig nickel-silverlegering: Det bästa materialet för precisions- och dekorativa användningsområden


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If you’ve been searching for an alloy that’s both aesthetically pleasing och mechanically dependable, look no further than Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy. This versatile material offers a unique blend of styrka, korrosionsbeständighet, och användbarhet, making it highly valued across a broad spectrum of industries—from musikinstrument till precisionsmaskiner.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy, from its sammansättning och fastigheter till sin tillämpningar och prissättning. Whether you’re an engineer looking to optimize your next design or a manufacturer considering materials for a new product line, this guide will provide you with all the necessary insights. Let’s get started!

Overview of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy is part of the nickel silver family, which itself is a group of copper-based alloys that typically contain nickel och zink. Despite what the name suggests, leaded nickel silver innehåller no actual silver. The “silver” in the name refers to its lustrous, silver-like appearance, while the lead addition enhances machinability.

Key Features of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy:

  • Utmärkt maskinbearbetbarhet due to the presence of lead
  • Korrosionsbeständighet, particularly in water and mildly corrosive environments
  • Hög hållfasthet och duktilitet, making it ideal for forming and shaping
  • Icke-magnetiska egenskaper, which are essential in certain electrical and precision applications
  • Estetiskt tilltalande with a shiny, silver-like finish, making it perfect for decorative items

Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy is frequently compared to other kopparlegeringar, såsom mässing och brons, but it often outperforms these materials in terms of maskinbearbetbarhet och estetiska egenskaper. This makes it a versatile choice for a variety of functional och dekorativa tillämpningar.

Types, Composition, and Properties of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

Leaded Nickel Silver comes in varying grades, each with a specific composition that affects its mekaniska egenskaper och prestanda. Let’s take a closer look at the different types and what makes each unique.

Types and Composition of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloys

LegeringstypKoppar (Cu)Nickel (Ni)Zink (Zn)Bly (Pb)Viktiga egenskaper
C7920062-63%12-13%24-25%0.5-1.0%Excellent machinability, good corrosion resistance, used in precision parts
C7930061-63%11-12%25-26%0.5-1.0%High strength, good corrosion resistance, typically used in high-performance springs and connectors
C7940060-62%9.5-11%27-28%0.5-1.0%Enhanced ductility, good formability, used in decorative trims and musical instruments
C7980060-61%6.0-8.0%30-31%0.5-1.0%Best workability among the group, used in complex machining applications, often selected for intricate parts and fittings

Note: Compositions may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer.

Mechanical Properties of Leaded Nickel Silver

Leaded Nickel Silver alloys present a combination of styrka, duktilitet, och maskinbearbetbarhet that allows them to be used in a wide range of demanding applications.

Draghållfasthet (MPa)400-550450-600370-500350-480
Sträckgräns (MPa)200-300240-360180-270160-230
Töjning vid brott (%)20-40%15-30%25-45%30-50%
Brinell-hårdhet (HB)100-140120-16090-13080-120
Densitet (g/cm³)
Elektrisk konduktivitet5-10% IACS4-8% IACS7-12% IACS6-10% IACS

Key Characteristics of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloys

  • Bearbetbarhet: Tillägget av bly significantly improves machinability, allowing for precise, complex parts to be manufactured with ease.
  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: These alloys offer måttlig korrosionsbeständighetvilket gör dem lämpliga för indoor och mild outdoor miljöer.
  • Styrka: While not as strong as stål, Leaded Nickel Silver alloys provide sufficient strength for light to medium-duty applikationer.
  • Duktilitet: Their high ductility allows them to be formed into komplexa former utan att spricka eller tappa styrka.

Applications of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

Leaded Nickel Silver alloys are widely used across industries, from musikinstrument till precisionsteknik. Their combination of estetiskt tilltalande och functional properties make them a preferred material for both dekorativa och mekaniska tillämpningar.

Common Applications of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloys

MusikinstrumentFlutes, saxophones, guitar frets, and other wind instruments
Elektriska komponenterConnectors, terminals, switches, and precision contacts
FordonBushings, gears, and precision fittings
Jewelry and DecorativeBracelets, rings, and other high-end decorative pieces due to its silver-like finish
Flyg- och rymdindustrinHigh-performance springs and connectors in aircraft systems
Industriella maskinerPrecision gears, bushings, and components requiring excellent machinability
MarinDecorative trims, fittings, and components exposed to mild corrosive environments


Leaded Nickel Silver is often used in musikinstrumentsärskilt i wind instruments som flutes och saxophones. Legeringens bright, silver-like appearance och akustiska egenskaper make it a popular choice over other materials. It also resists missfärgning, ensuring instruments retain their aesthetic appeal over time.

Elektriska komponenter

The alloy’s non-magnetic nature och korrosionsbeständighet gör den idealisk för elektriska anslutningar, terminaler, och precision contacts. Engineers often prefer Leaded Nickel Silver for precision electrical components because it offers a higher level of dimensional stability than other copper-based alloys.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

Välja rätt betyg och storlek of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy is crucial depending on the application. Various forms and sizes are available, each meeting specific branschstandarder for mechanical and chemical properties.

Available Forms, Sizes, and Standards of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

FormTypiska tillgängliga storlekarBranschstandarder
Ark/plattorTjocklek: 0,5 mm till 100 mmASTM B122, DIN 17660
Stänger/stavarDiameter: 3 mm till 500 mmASTM B151, EN 12163
LedningarDiameter: 0,1 mm till 5 mmASTM B206, EN 12166
RörYttre diameter: 10 mm till 300 mmASTM B135, BS 2870
GjutgodsAnpassade storlekar baserat på kundens kravASTM B30

Dessa branschstandarder ensure that the material meets the required mekaniska egenskaper, toleranser, och kemisk sammansättning for specific applications. For example, ASTM B122 specifies tolerances and properties for Leaded Nickel Silver sheets used in precisionskomponenter och dekorativa föremål.

Suppliers and Pricing of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

The price of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy fluctuates depending on various factors, including the betyg, Form, och mängd required. Additionally, the price of raw materials such as koppar och nickel can influence overall costs.

Leading Suppliers and Pricing Estimates for Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

LeverantörPlatsPris per kgMinsta antal beställningar
Aviva MetalsUSA$25 – $4050 kg
Shanghai Metal CorporationKina$20 – $35100 kg
Bronze Alloys Ltd.STORBRITANNIEN$22 – $38150 kg
MetalTek InternationalGlobalt$28 – $45Anpassad (beror på projekt)

Prices will vary based on the Form of the material (sheet, rod, wire) and the specific grade. Bulk purchases often result in cost savings, and it’s important to consider your long-term material needs when planning a purchase.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

Som vilket material som helst, Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy har sin Fördelar och nackdelar. While it excels in many areas, it’s important to consider the limitations when compared to other alloys like mässing eller rostfritt stål.

Advantages of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

Utmärkt bearbetbarhetThe lead content allows for precise machining, ideal for intricate parts
Estetisk tilltalandeIts silver-like finish makes it perfect for decorative and high-end applications
Motståndskraft mot korrosionOffers moderate resistance to corrosion, particularly in mildly corrosive environments
Icke-magnetiskIdeal for applications where magnetic interference is a concern
God formbarhetCan be easily formed into complex shapes without cracking

Disadvantages of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

Högre kostnadMore expensive than standard brass or bronze alloys due to the presence of nickel
Lower StrengthNot as strong as stainless steel, limiting its use in heavy-duty applications
Begränsat korrosionsmotståndNot suitable for highly corrosive environments like seawater
Lead ContentThe presence of lead, although small, may raise environmental and health concerns

Medan Leaded Nickel Silver offers many benefits, it’s essential to weigh these against the kostnad och specific application requirements. For example, while it’s more dyra than brass or bronze, its maskinbearbetbarhet och estetiskt tilltalande can make it a kostnadseffektivt val in the right context.

FAQs About Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy

What is Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy used for?It’s commonly used in musical instruments, decorative items, and precision components.
Does Leaded Nickel Silver contain silver?No, the “silver” refers to its silver-like finish, not the actual material.
Is Leaded Nickel Silver expensive?Yes, it’s more expensive than standard brass or bronze alloys due to its nickel content.
Can Leaded Nickel Silver be welded?Yes, but it requires specialized techniques like brazing or TIG welding to avoid defects.
Is Leaded Nickel Silver corrosion-resistant?It offers moderate corrosion resistance, suitable for indoor and mild outdoor environments.
Is Leaded Nickel Silver magnetic?No, it is non-magnetic, making it suitable for sensitive electronic applications.
How does Leaded Nickel Silver compare to brass?Leaded Nickel Silver is stronger, more corrosion-resistant, and has a better finish than brass.
Is Leaded Nickel Silver environmentally friendly?The presence of lead raises some environmental concerns, so it is not considered eco-friendly.


Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy is a versatile and high-performance material that combines styrka, maskinbearbetbarhet, och estetiskt tilltalande. Oavsett om du arbetar med musikinstrument, precisionskomponenter, eller dekorativa föremål, this alloy offers a unique set of properties that make it an excellent choice.

While it may come at a higher price point than other copper-based alloys, its långsiktiga fördelar—such as ease of machining and resistance to corrosion—make it a kostnadseffektivt alternativ for many applications. By understanding the different betyg, tillämpningar, och Specifikationer of Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy, you can make informed decisions that will optimize your project’s prestanda och lång livslängd.

In summary, if your project demands a material that’s both stark och vacker, Leaded Nickel Silver Alloy bör vara högst upp på din lista.

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