Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder: Unlocking Unmatched Potential

When it comes to high-performance materials designed to withstand extreme conditions, Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder stands out as a top contender. This advanced nickel-based alloy, enriched with cobalt, chromium, aluminum, and titanium, is engineered for use in demanding applications that require exceptional strength, thermal stability, and oxidation resistance. Its spherical form, created through precise atomization processes, makes it perfectly suited for cutting-edge manufacturing technologies like additive manufacturing (3D printing), thermal spraying, and metal injection molding. What makes this alloy special? The combination of elements delivers a material that’s strong yet lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and capable of maintaining its properties under high temperatures—qualities that industries such as aerospace, automotive, and power generation can’t do without. Additionally, the spherical shape ensures optimal flowability, uniform particle distribution, and high packing density, which are critical for achieving consistent results in advanced manufacturing processes. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder, from its composition and properties to its applications, specifications, and pricing. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this article will give you all the insights you need to unlock the full potential of this remarkable material.


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Overview of Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder

When it comes to high-performance materials designed to withstand extreme conditions, Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder stands out as a top contender. This advanced nickel-based alloy, enriched with cobalt, chromium, aluminum, and titanium, is engineered for use in demanding applications that require exceptional strength, thermal stability, and oxidation resistance. Dess sfärisk form, created through precise atomization processes, makes it perfectly suited for cutting-edge manufacturing technologies like additiv tillverkning (3D-utskrift), termisk sprutning, och formsprutning av metall.

What makes this alloy special? The combination of elements delivers a material that’s strong yet lightweight, korrosionsbeständig, and capable of maintaining its properties under high temperatures—qualities that industries such as flyg- och rymdindustrin, fordonsindustrin, och kraftproduktion can’t do without. Additionally, the spherical shape ensures optimal flowability, enhetlig partikelfördelning, och high packing density, which are critical for achieving consistent results in advanced manufacturing processes.

In this detailed guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder, från dess sammansättning och egenskaper till sin applications, specifications, and pricing. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this article will give you all the insights you need to unlock the full potential of this remarkable material.

What is Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder?

I grund och botten, Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder is a high-performance nickel-based alloy with a carefully balanced composition of cobalt, chromium, aluminum, and titanium. These elements work together to create a material that excels in high-stress, high-temperature environments. Its unique properties are further enhanced by its spherical particle shape, achieved through advanced atomization techniques such as gasatomisering eller Plasmaatomisering.

But what does this alloy really offer? Its nickel and cobalt base ensures excellent korrosionsbeständighet och termisk stabilitet, while chromium provides a protective oxide layer for oxidationsbeständighet. Aluminum and titanium contribute to lättviktsstyrka och precipitation hardening, making it a versatile material for applikationer med höga påfrestningar. In powdered form, this alloy is ideal for 3D printing complex geometries, spraying protective coatings, och creating dense sintered components.

Think of it like this: if traditional materials are the workhorses of manufacturing, Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 is the racehorse—engineered for speed, efficiency, and performance.

Composition and Properties of Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder

Chemical Composition Breakdown

The key to the superior performance of Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder lies in its precise elemental composition. Each element contributes specific properties that make this alloy a powerhouse of strength, durability, and thermal resistance.

ElementSammansättning (%)Roll i legeringen
Nickel (Ni)47Base element ensuring corrosion resistance and thermal stability.
Kobolt (Co)25Enhances high-temperature strength and wear resistance.
Krom (Cr)10Improves oxidation resistance by forming a protective oxide layer.
Aluminium (Al)12Contributes to lightweight characteristics and precipitation hardening.
Titan (Ti)6Improves strength through solid-solution strengthening and precipitation hardening.

Key Physical and Mechanical Properties

Täthet~8.2 g/cm³
Smältpunkt~1300–1350 °C
Hårdhet~300–400 HV
Draghållfasthet~900–1100 MPa
Termisk konduktivitet~14–20 W/m·K
OxideringsbeständighetExcellent up to 1000 °C
Motståndskraft mot korrosionOutstanding in harsh environments.

Unika egenskaper

  1. Hållfasthet vid höga temperaturer: Retains mechanical properties even in extreme heat, making it perfect for turbine blades and exhaust systems.
  2. Oxideringsbeständighet: Chromium forms a protective layer, preventing degradation in high-heat or oxygen-rich environments.
  3. Lightweight Yet Strong: Aluminum and titanium reduce weight while maintaining structural integrity.
  4. Fördel med sfärisk form: Ensures consistent flowability, high packing density, and precise layer deposition in additive manufacturing.

Applications of Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder

Mångsidigheten hos Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder makes it a crucial material in industries where performance and reliability are paramount. Its ability to withstand high temperatures, resist corrosion, and maintain strength under stress gives it an edge in a wide range of applications.

Flyg- och rymdindustrinJet engine components, turbine blades, exhaust systems, and heat shields.
FordonTurbocharger components, exhaust valves, and high-performance parts.
KraftgenereringGas and steam turbine components, heat exchangers, and boiler parts.
Additiv tillverkning3D printing of complex, lightweight structures for high-performance applications.
IndustriellWear-resistant coatings, molds, and tools subjected to extreme conditions.
MarinCorrosion-resistant components for harsh saltwater environments.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder

Partikelstorleksintervall15–45 µm (for additive manufacturing), 45–150 µm (for thermal spraying).
FormSpherical (ensures better flowability and uniformity).
FörpackningVakuumförslutna behållare (alternativ 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg).
StandardöverensstämmelseASTM B243, ISO 9001, AMS standards for aerospace and industrial use.

Suppliers and Pricing for Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder

Leverantörens namnRegionPrisintervall (USD/kg)Särskilda egenskaper
Avancerade metallpulverNordamerika$450–$700High-quality powders for additive manufacturing.
Global Alloy SolutionsEuropa$500–$750Custom particle sizing and ISO-certified products.
Asien och Stillahavsområdet MetalsAsien och Stillahavsområdet$400–$650Konkurrenskraftiga priser för bulkbeställningar.
PowderTech InnovationsGlobalt$480–$800Premium powders for aerospace and industrial needs.

Advantages and Limitations of Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder

Exceptional high-temperature strength.Higher production cost compared to standard alloys.
Överlägsen oxidations- och korrosionsbeständighet.Requires specialized processing equipment.
Idealisk för additiv tillverkning och ytbeläggningar.Limited availability in certain regions.
Lightweight yet strong for aerospace applications.May require post-processing for specific uses.

Comparison: Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 vs. Other Nickel-Based Alloys

FunktionNi47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6Inconel 718Hastelloy C
Hållfasthet vid höga temperaturerÖverlägsenHögMåttlig
Motståndskraft mot korrosionUtmärktHögÖverlägsen
KostnadMåttlig till högMåttligHög
TillämpningarTurbines, coatingsFlyg- och rymdindustrin, olja och gasChemical, marine

FAQs About Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder

What is Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 powder used for?It’s used in aerospace, automotive, and industrial applications requiring high strength and thermal resistance.
Varför är den sfärisk?Spherical particles improve flowability, packing density, and precision in advanced manufacturing.
Är det korrosionsbeständigt?Yes, it offers exceptional resistance to oxidation and harsh environments.
What industries benefit from this material?Aerospace, power generation, automotive, and marine industries.
Var kan jag köpa den?Suppliers like Advanced Metal Powders and PowderTech Innovations offer it globally.


Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder is a cutting-edge material designed to take on the toughest challenges in modern engineering. With its hållfasthet vid höga temperaturer, oxidationsbeständighet, och lightweight durability, it’s no surprise that industries like flyg- och rymdindustrin och kraftproduktion rely on it for critical applications. Whether you’re manufacturing jet engine components or creating protective coatings, this alloy powder delivers oöverträffad prestanda.

Ready to revolutionize your projects? Explore the possibilities of Ni47Co25Cr10Al12Ti6 Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder idag!

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