Nickel Silver: Den definitiva resursen för precisions- och avancerad tillverkning


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When it comes to versatile, attractive, and highly functional materials, Nickel Silver stands out from the crowd. Despite its name, this alloy contains no actual silver. Instead, it’s a koppar-nickel-zink-legering that offers the appearance of silver with the added benefits of korrosionsbeständighet, styrka, och Formbarhet. Oavsett om du befinner dig i fordonsindustrin, skapa musikinstrument, eller design dekorativa föremål, Nickel Silver might just be the perfect material for your needs.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Nickel Silver, from its sammansättning och fastigheter till sin tillämpningar, prissättning, och Fördelar. We’ll also dive into Jämförelser with other materials, helping you decide if Nickel Silver is the right choice for your project. So, let’s get started!


Nickel Silver, also known as German Silver, är en kopparlegering that typically contains koppar, nickel, och zink. The material gets its name from its silveraktigt utseende, which closely resembles that of sterling silver, although it contains no actual silver.

Viktiga egenskaper :

  • Estetisk tilltalande: Shiny, silver-like appearance that doesn’t tarnish as easily as pure silver.
  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: Performs well in various environments, especially in marin och industriella tillämpningar.
  • High Strength and Hållbarhet: Offers a great balance of strength and ductility, making it ideal for Precisionsdelar.
  • Icke-magnetisk: Suitable for electronic and electrical applications where magnetisk störning needs to be minimized.
  • Kostnadseffektivt: Provides the look of silver without the hefty price tag.

Nickel Silver is often preferred over mässing och brons when aesthetic appearance och korrosionsbeständighet are priorities. It’s also a great alternative to rostfritt stål in cases where användbarhet och Formbarhet är viktiga.

Typer, sammansättning och egenskaper

Nickel Silver comes in a variety of grades and compositions, each offering unique properties depending on its nickel, zink, och koppar content. Understanding the differences between these types can help you select the best material for your application.

Typer och sammansättning

LegeringstypKoppar (Cu)Nickel (Ni)Zink (Zn)Övriga elementPrimära egenskaper
C7450065%10-12%23%Excellent corrosion resistance, moderate strength, used in electrical components.
C7520065%18%17%High strength and toughness, used in springs and industrial applications.
C7570064-66%18-20%16-18%Trace of LeadGood machinability, suitable for decorative and precision parts.
C7700055-65%18-20%16-18%Trace of IronHigh strength and electrical conductivity, often used in connectors and terminals.

Note: Compositions can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer and specific alloy grade.

Mekaniska egenskaper

Let’s look at how different types of Nickel Silver perform in terms of mekanisk styrka, Hårdhet, och duktilitet.

Draghållfasthet (MPa)470-600600-750500-650600-800
Sträckgräns (MPa)200-300350-450250-350400-500
Töjning vid brott (%)20-35%10-25%15-30%10-20%
Brinell-hårdhet (HB)100-130130-160110-140140-170
Densitet (g/cm³)
Elektrisk konduktivitet5-12% IACS4-10% IACS6-11% IACS5-8% IACS

Viktiga egenskaper

  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: Nickel Silver alloys provide utmärkt motståndskraft to corrosion, especially in marin och industriella miljöer.
  • Användbarhet: These alloys are known for their god formbarhet, making them easy to work with in tillverkningsprocesser like stamping, forming, and machining.
  • Icke-magnetisk: Den non-magnetic nature of Nickel Silver makes it suitable for use in elektroniska komponenter where magnetic interference could be problematic.
  • Cost-Effective Alternative to Silver: For decorative applications, Nickel Silver offers the appearance of silver without the hög kostnad.


Nickel Silver is a highly versatile material that finds use in a wide range of industries. Its combination of styrka, korrosionsbeständighet, och estetiskt tilltalande makes it the material of choice for both functional och dekorativa tillämpningar.

Vanliga tillämpningar

MusikinstrumentFlutes, saxophones, guitar frets, and other wind instruments
Elektriska komponenterConnectors, terminals, switches, and precision contacts
Jewelry and DecorativeBracelets, rings, belt buckles, and other decorative pieces
FordonGears, bushings, and precision fittings in high-performance vehicles
MarinDecorative trims, fittings, and components exposed to mildly corrosive environments
Industriella maskinerPrecision gears, bushings, and valves requiring excellent machinability


Nickel Silver is highly favored in the manufacture of musikinstrument, particularly wind instruments som flutes, trumpets, och saxophones. Legeringens bright, silver-like appearance och excellent resonance make it the ideal material. Plus, it’s anti-tarnish properties ensure that instruments retain their lustrous finish over time, even with heavy use.

Elektriska komponenter

På grund av sin icke-magnetiska egenskaper och god elektrisk ledningsförmåga, Nickel Silver is used in elektriska anslutningar, terminaler, och precision contacts. The material’s resistance to corrosion and wear säkerställer tillförlitlighet i högpresterande miljöer, såsom automotive electronics, telecommunications equipment, och militär utrustning.

Specifikationer, storlekar och standarder

Choosing the right Nickel Silver alloy depends on your specific application. These alloys are available in a variety of former, storlekar, och betyg, each adhering to specific branschstandarder. Let’s take a look at the most common forms and how they’re categorized.

Tillgängliga former, storlekar och standarder

FormTypiska tillgängliga storlekarBranschstandarder
Ark/plattorTjocklek: 0,5 mm till 100 mmASTM B122, DIN 17660
Stänger/stavarDiameter: 2 mm to 500 mmASTM B151, EN 12163
LedningarDiameter: 0,1 mm till 5 mmASTM B206, EN 12166
RörYttre diameter: 10 mm till 300 mmASTM B135, BS 2870
GjutgodsAnpassade storlekar baserat på kundens kravASTM B30

Dessa branschstandarder ensure that Nickel Silver alloys meet the necessary mekaniska egenskaper, toleranser, och kemisk sammansättning for each specific use case. For example, ASTM B122 specifies the properties of Nickel Silver sheets used in precisionskomponenter och dekorativa föremål.

Leverantörer och prissättning

The cost of Nickel Silver is influenced by several factors, including the betyg, Form, och mängd you require. Prices can also fluctuate based on the market value of copper, nickel, and zinc, which are the primary components of the alloy.

Ledande leverantörer och prisuppskattningar

LeverantörPlatsPris per kgMinsta antal beställningar
Aviva MetalsUSA$15 – $3050 kg
Shanghai Metal CorporationKina$12 – $25100 kg
Bronze Alloys Ltd.STORBRITANNIEN$18 – $35150 kg
MetalTek InternationalGlobalt$20 – $40Anpassad (beror på projekt)

Prices vary based on the Form of the material (sheet, rod, wire) and the specific grade of Nickel Silver. Larger orders often result in cost savings, so it’s important to consider your long-term material needs when making a purchase.

Fördelar och nackdelar

When discussing materials for your next project, it’s essential to weigh the Fördelar och nackdelar of Nickel Silver. While it excels in many areas, it’s important to consider how it stacks up against mässing, bronseller till och med rostfritt stål.


Estetisk tilltalandeIts silver-like finish makes it perfect for decorative and high-end applications.
Motståndskraft mot korrosionPerforms well in mildly corrosive environments, such as marine and industrial settings.
Icke-magnetiskIdeal for use in electrical components where magnetic interference is a concern.
Good WorkabilityCan be easily formed, stamped, or machined into complex shapes.
Cost-Effective Silver SubstituteOffers the appearance of silver without the high cost of sterling silver.


Lower Strength Compared to SteelNot as strong as steel, which may limit its use in heavy-duty applications.
Higher Cost than BrassNickel Silver is typically more expensive than brass, making it less cost-effective for some projects.
Begränsad användning vid höga temperaturerMay lose strength at higher temperatures, limiting its use in certain industrial applications.
Lead Content in Some GradesSome grades contain lead, which could raise environmental and health concerns.

While Nickel Silver offers many benefits, it’s essential to consider the kostnad och specific application requirements. For example, while it’s more expensive than brass, its överlägsen korrosionsbeständighet och estetiskt tilltalande can make it a kostnadseffektivt val in the right context.

Vanliga frågor

What is Nickel Silver used for?It’s commonly used in musical instruments, decorative items, and precision components.
Does Nickel Silver contain real silver?No, it’s a copper-nickel-zinc alloy with a silver-like appearance.
Is Nickel Silver expensive?It’s more expensive than brass but cheaper than sterling silver.
Can Nickel Silver be welded?Yes, but it requires specialized techniques like brazing to avoid defects.
Is Nickel Silver corrosion-resistant?Yes, it offers good resistance to corrosion in mild environments.
Is Nickel Silver magnetic?No, Nickel Silver is non-magnetic, making it suitable for sensitive electronic applications.
How does Nickel Silver compare to brass?Nickel Silver is stronger and more corrosion-resistant than brass, but also more expensive.
Is Nickel Silver environmentally friendly?Some grades contain lead, which may raise environmental concerns, but lead-free alternatives are available.


Nickel Silver is a highly versatile material that blends styrka, korrosionsbeständighet, och estetiskt tilltalande. Oavsett om du arbetar med musikinstrument, elektroniska komponenter, eller dekorativa föremål, this alloy offers a unique set of properties that make it an excellent choice for a wide range of applications.

While it may come at a higher price point than other copper-based alloys, the långsiktiga fördelar av Hållbarhet, användbarhet, och motståndskraft mot missfärgning göra det till en kostnadseffektivt alternativ for many projects. By understanding the different betyg, tillämpningar, och Specifikationer of Nickel Silver, you can make informed decisions that optimize your project’s prestanda och aesthetic value.

In summary, if you need a material that’s stark, vacker, och pålitlig, Nickel Silver bör vara högst upp på din lista.

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