Kraftfullt sfäriskt gadoliniumpulver för högpresterande behov

When it comes to advanced materials for cutting-edge industries, Spherical Gadolinium Powder stands out as a remarkable option. Gadolinium (Gd), a rare earth metal, is known for its unique magnetic, thermal, and chemical properties. When processed into spherical powder, it becomes even more versatile, offering excellent flowability, uniformity, and application potential across industries like healthcare, energy, and manufacturing. Spherical Gadolinium Powder is especially prized for its role in magnetic refrigeration systems, nuclear reactors, and medical imaging technologies. Its spherical shape allows it to be easily utilized in precision manufacturing methods like additive manufacturing (3D printing) and powder metallurgy, making it a key material for next-generation applications. But what makes this material so special? Why is it preferred over other rare earth metals? In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and more to help you understand why Spherical Gadolinium Powder is a game-changer in material science.


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Overview of Spherical Gadolinium Powder

When it comes to advanced materials for cutting-edge industries, Spherical Gadolinium Powder stands out as a remarkable option. Gadolinium (Gd), a rare earth metal, is known for its unique magnetic, thermal, and chemical properties. When processed into sfäriskt pulver, it becomes even more versatile, offering excellent flowability, uniformity, and application potential across industries like healthcare, energy, and manufacturing.

Spherical Gadolinium Powder is especially prized for its role in magnetic refrigeration systems, kärnkraftsreaktorer, och medical imaging technologies. Dess sfärisk form allows it to be easily utilized in precision manufacturing methods like additiv tillverkning (3D-utskrifter) och pulvermetallurgi, making it a key material for next-generation applications.

But what makes this material so special? Why is it preferred over other rare earth metals? In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and more to help you understand why Spherical Gadolinium Powder is a game-changer in material science.

What is Spherical Gadolinium Powder?

Spherical Gadolinium Powder is a finely processed version of gadolinium with a uniform spherical shape. This shape offers several advantages, such as improved packing density, better flowability, and enhanced performance in various manufacturing processes. It’s engineered to meet the demanding requirements of industries that rely on high-purity rare earth materials.

Gadolinium, the core element, is a silvery-white metal with exceptional magnetic properties. It exhibits paramagnetic behavior at room temperature and ferromagnetiska egenskaper at very low temperatures. This unique magnetic versatility makes it indispensable in magnetocaloric cooling systems och MRI contrast agents.

Key Composition and Properties of Spherical Gadolinium Powder

ElementGadolinium (Gd)
Renhet≥ 99.9% (high-purity grade for industrial use)
Partikelstorlek10–100 µm (customizable based on application)

Physical and Chemical Properties

Täthet7,9 g/cm³
Kokpunkt3273 °C
Smältpunkt1313 °C
Termisk konduktivitet10.6 W/m·K
Magnetic Susceptibility+2.3 × 10⁻⁵ (paramagnetic at room temperature)
Elektrisk resistivitet131 µΩ·cm

Unika egenskaper

  1. Magnetocaloric Effect
    Gadolinium exhibits one of the strongest magnetic cooling effects, which makes it highly efficient for magnetic refrigeration systems.
  2. High Neutron Cross-Section
    It’s highly effective in capturing neutrons, making it a critical material for shielding and control rods in kärnkraftsreaktorer.
  3. Fördel med sfärisk form
    The spherical geometry ensures bättre flytbarhet, consistent layering, och high packing density-ideal för 3D-utskrifter och pulverbaserad tillverkning.
  4. Motståndskraft mot korrosion
    Gadolinium has good resistance to oxidation when treated properly, ensuring longevity in harsh environments.

Applications of Spherical Gadolinium Powder

Spherical Gadolinium Powder’s versatility allows it to power innovations across various industries. Here’s a breakdown of its major applications:

Hälso- och sjukvårdUsed as a key component in MRI contrast agents.
EnergiViktigt för nuclear reactor shielding and control rods.
RefrigerationDrives magnetic refrigeration systems for eco-friendly cooling.
TillverkningUtnyttjas i 3D-utskrifter och pulvermetallurgi for precision parts.
ElektronikEnhances performance in magnetiska sensorer and memory devices.

Specifikationer, storlekar och standarder

Precision and consistency are crucial when it comes to industrial materials like Spherical Gadolinium Powder. Below are the standard specifications:

Partikelstorlek10–100 µm (customizable based on client requirements)
Renhetsgrad≥ 99,9%
FörpackningVacuum-sealed containers (1kg, 5kg, 10kg, or custom)
Överensstämmelse med standarderISO 9001, ASTM E56

Suppliers and Pricing for Spherical Gadolinium Powder

Leverantörens namnRegionPrisintervall (USD/kg)Särskilda anmärkningar
Sällsynta jordartsmetaller Co.Nordamerika$250–$300Offers bulk discounts for industrial clients.
Advanced Rare MetalsEuropa$270–$320Specializes in high-purity rare earth powders.
Asia Rare Earth ExportersAsien och Stillahavsområdet$220–$280Competitive pricing with fast shipping options.
Global Materials GroupGlobalt$260–$310Custom particle sizes available on request.

Advantages and Limitations of Spherical Gadolinium Powder

Exceptional magnetic properties for refrigeration.High cost compared to conventional materials.
High purity ensures reliability in critical applications.Begränsad tillgänglighet i vissa regioner.
Spherical shape improves flowability and precision.Requires specialized handling and storage.
Strong neutron absorption for nuclear applications.Corrosion resistance depends on surface treatment.

How Does Spherical Gadolinium Compare to Other Rare Earth Powders?

FunktionSpherical GadoliniumSpherical NeodymiumSpherical Samarium
Magnetiska egenskaperMycket högExtremt högMåttlig
Termisk resistansHögMåttligHög
TillämpningarNuclear, MRI, CoolingMagnets, ElectronicsMagnets, High-Temp Uses

FAQs About Spherical Gadolinium Powder

What is Spherical Gadolinium Powder used for?It’s used in MRI contrast agents, nuclear reactors, and magnetic refrigeration.
Why is the powder spherical?The spherical shape ensures better flowability and precision in manufacturing.
Är det dyrt?Yes, due to its high purity and specialized applications.
Can it be customized?Absolutely! Particle size and purity levels can be tailored to specific needs.
Var kan jag köpa den?Suppliers like Rare Earth Materials Co. and Advanced Rare Metals offer it globally.


Spherical Gadolinium Powder är en next-generation material that holds immense potential for industries like healthcare, energy, and manufacturing. Its unique magnetic and thermal properties, combined with its spherical shape, make it ideal for precision applications like 3D-utskrifter, magnetic refrigeration, och nuclear shielding.

While it may come with a higher price tag, its exceptional performance justifies the investment, especially for industries where reliability and efficiency are non-negotiable. Whether you’re revolutionizing medical imaging, designing eco-friendly cooling systems, or advancing nuclear technology, Spherical Gadolinium Powder is a material you can depend on.

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