Aluminium AlMgSc Pulver

Aluminium AlMgSc-pulver är ett aluminiumlegeringspulver som innehåller magnesium och skandium som legeringselement. Den erbjuder ett exceptionellt styrka/vikt-förhållande, god korrosionsbeständighet och hög temperaturkapacitet.


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Aluminium AlMgSc-pulver är ett aluminiumlegeringspulver som innehåller magnesium och skandium som legeringselement. Den erbjuder ett exceptionellt styrka/vikt-förhållande, god korrosionsbeständighet och hög temperaturkapacitet.

Key Details About Aluminium AlMgSc Powder:

Parameter Detaljer
Base material Aluminium
Key alloying elements Magnesium, Scandium
Täthet Around 2.7 g/cm3
Smältpunkt Around 650°C
Manufacturing process Atomisering av gas
Partikelns form Spherical powder
Typiskt storleksintervall 15 – 180 μm

Types of Aluminium AlMgSc Powder

Aluminium AlMgSc powder is available in different alloy grades depending on the percentage of magnesium and scandium present. Some common grades include:

Legeringsklass Nominal Composition
AlMgSc 2.1 Al – 2.1wt% Mg – 0.12wt% Sc
AlMgSc 2.2 Al – 2.2wt% Mg – 0.14wt% Sc
AlMgSc 2.5 Al – 2.5wt% Mg – 0.15wt% Sc
AlMgSc 3.0 Al – 3.0wt% Mg – 0.20wt% Sc

The percentage of magnesium typically ranges from 2-3 wt%, while scandium content is around 0.1-0.2 wt%. Higher scandium increases strength, while magnesium provides solid solution strengthening.

Egenskaper och kännetecken

Key properties of Aluminium AlMgSc powder include:

Fastighet Egenskaper
Styrka Very high strength for its density and weight. YS > 300 MPa
Täthet Around 2.7 g/cm3, lower than steel and titanium alloys
Användbarhet Good ductility for fabrication and machining
Motståndskraft mot korrosion Better than 2xxx and 7xxx grades of aluminium
Termisk stabilitet Retains strength up to 300°C
Kostnad More expensive than aluminium but cheaper than titanium alloys

The fine dispersion of scandium-rich precipitates called Al3Sc provide outstanding strengthening effects in the alloy matrix. This leads to high yield strength along with decent ductility and fracture toughness.

Tillämpningar och användningsområden

Key applications of Aluminium AlMgSc powder in powder metallurgy route:

Industri Typiska användningsområden
Flyg- och rymdindustrin Structural parts, engine components, airframes
Fordon Chassis, brackets, suspension parts
Industriell Robotics parts, tooling jigs and fixtures
Military Lightweight armour, protective gear
Sports Golf clubs, bicycle parts, protective gear

It serves as a lighter and stronger alternative to aluminium, magnesium and titanium alloys in structural components. Its properties like strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance are highly valued in the aerospace industry.

Specifikationer och standarder

Aluminium alloy powders must meet composition limits as per international standards:

Standard Betyg Aluminium (wt%) Magnesium (wt%) Scandium (wt%)
ASTM B947 AlMgSc 2.1 Bal. 1.8 – 2.4 0.08 – 0.15
ASTM B947 AlMgSc 2.5 Bal. 2.3 – 2.7 0.12 – 0.18
ASTM B947 AlMgSc 3.0 Bal. 2.8 – 3.2 0.15 – 0.25

Other allowable limits of impurities like iron, silicon, copper, etc. are defined. The powder should have minimal porosity and proper flow characteristics. Particle size distribution must comply with buyer’s requirements.

Leverantörer och prissättning

Leverantör Beskrivning Indikativ prissättning
AP&C Leading producer of Al alloys and powders $55-60 per kg
Valimet Inc. Custom alloy powder manufacturer $50-100 per kg
Sandvik Osprey Gas atomized specialty powders $75-90 per kg
TLS Teknik Powder metallurgy solutions $65-80 per kg

Prices depend on quantity ordered, alloy composition, powder size distribution, level of quality control and additional processing needs. Ready stock availability vs customized production also impacts pricing.

Pros vs Cons of AlMgSc Powder

Fördelar Nackdelar
Utmärkt förhållande mellan styrka och vikt More expensive than aluminium alloys
Retains strength at elevated temperatures Limited commercial availability
Better corrosion resistance than 2xxx, 7xxx grades Processing needs special controls
Cheaper than titanium alloy options Sensitive to impurities like iron
Good ductility for secondary processing Needs high purity input materials

AlMgSc powder has great potential but scaling up commercial production with scandium has economic viability challenges currently. Manufacturing requires stringent process controls to achieve desired properties.

Comparison With Alternatives

How does AlMgSc powder compare with other alloy options for powder metallurgy?

Parameter AlMgSc Powder AlSi10Mg Powder Ti6Al4V Powder
Täthet 2,7 g/cm3 2,7 g/cm3 4.4 g/cm3
Draghållfasthet 350 MPa 300 MPa >900 MPa
Användbarhet Utmärkt Mycket bra Måttlig
Termisk stabilitet Up to 300°C Up to 250°C Up to 500°C
Relative Cost Hög Låg Mycket hög

AlSi10Mg offers good strength at lower cost but has limitations. Ti6Al4V provides exceptional performance albeit at very high pricing. AlMgSc strikes a balance with affordable high-performance.

Expert Opinions

Dr. S. Ankem at the University of Maryland said “With excellent elevated temperature strength and low density, AlMgSc alloys have potential for multiple applications from aerospace components to automotive parts if commercial production barriers can be overcome in a cost-effective manner.”

Dr. H. Nakajima, leading Japanese powder metallurgy expert explained “InGas atomization provides superior powder characteristics but requires advanced process controls to achieve scandium alloy compositions reliably.”

Overall, experts are optimistic about capabilities of AlMgSc powder despite existing manufacturing challenges.

Paragraph to Describe an Application

AlMgSc powder has gained traction for manufacturing bicycle components like lightweight frames and suspension forks. Here are some key reasons:

Firstly, the alloy powder can be processed into complex hollow shapes needed for bicycle parts. The good ductility allows secondary fabrication processes like bending and joining tubes. Parts with thin walls and tailored stiffness can be 3D printed directly from AlMgSc powder.

Secondly, its high yield strength to weight ratio exceeds that of aluminium frames by 30-40% allowing either stronger or lighter components. Scandium containing alloys have shown excellent fatigue strength during cyclic loading seen in bikes.

Thirdly, powder-based manufacturing leaves an excellent surface finish which minimizes need for postprocessing. This allows customized bike geometries without high machining costs. The near-net shape process reduces wastage and material costs.

With innovative designs taking advantage of AlMgSc properties using AM technology, next-generation bicycles can push performance boundaries further. Parts like handlebars, crankarms, wheel rims are being developed using scandium alloy powders via MIM and related techniques.


Here are some common queries about AlMgSc powder:

Q: What makes AlMgSc powder better than other aluminium alloys?

A: The addition of Scandium leads to the formation of Al3Sc precipitates which impart significantly higher strength compared to other age-hardening aluminium alloys. Strength levels similar to some steels are possible while retaining the lightness of aluminium.

Q: Does AlMgSc powder require heat treatment to achieve full properties?

A: Yes, solution treatment, aging and hot isostatic pressing are typically used to achieve optimal strength and microstructure with AlMgSc powder alloys. HIP helps consolidate any internal pores or voids.

Q: Can AlMgSc powder be melted and cast into molds?

A: While casting is possible, the high solidification rates result in improper distribution of strengthening precipitates. Powder metallurgy route helps achieve uniform properties. MIM process works better.

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