CoCr28Mo6 pulver

CoCr28Mo6 powder, also known as ASTM F75 alloy, is a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy powder used for manufacturing of orthopedic implants due to its biocompatibility, high strength and corrosion resistance.


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Overview of CoCr28Mo6 Powder

CoCr28Mo6 powder, also known as ASTM F75 alloy, is a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy powder used for manufacturing of orthopedic implants due to its biocompatibility, high strength and corrosion resistance.

It has excellent wear resistance and is commonly used for making hip, knee and dental implants. The “28Mo6” designation indicates it contains 28% chromium and 6% molybdenum.

Key properties and advantages:

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Properties and Characteristics

Fastigheter Detaljer
Sammansättning Co-28Cr-6Mo alloy
Täthet 8.3 g/cc
Partikelns form Oregelbunden, kantig
Storleksintervall 10-45 microns
Skenbar densitet 4.0-4.5 g/cc
Flytbarhet Måttlig
Korrosionsbeständighet Excellent due to passive oxide layer
Biokompatibilitet High, used for implants
Wear resistance Very good due to high Cr content
Kostnad Moderate to high

CoCr28Mo6 powder can be used to manufacture implants using 3D printing or traditional techniques like metal injection molding. It provides an optimal combination of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Composition

Typical composition of CoCr28Mo6 powder:

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Composition

Element Vikt %
Kobolt Balans
Krom 27-30%
Molybden 5-7%
Nickel <1%
Mangan <1%
Kol <0.35%
Järn <0.75%
Kisel <1%
  • Cobalt provides strength, toughness, and biocompatibility
  • Chromium improves corrosion and wear resistance
  • Molybdenum contributes to high strength and hardness
  • Other elements like C, Ni, Mn, Fe, and Si present as impurities

The high Cr and Mo content result in excellent mechanical properties required for load bearing implant applications.

CoCr28Mo6 pulver

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Physical Properties

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Physical Properties

Fastigheter Värden
Täthet 8.3 g/cc
Smältpunkt 1350-1400°C
Termisk ledningsförmåga 18 W/mK
Elektrisk resistivitet 94 μΩ-cm
Curie-temperatur 1329°C
Koefficient för termisk expansion 14.5 x 10^-6 /K
  • High density compared to titanium alloys
  • Maintains strength at elevated temperatures
  • Lower thermal conductivity than pure metals
  • Becomes paramagnetic above Curie temperature
  • CTE higher than other competing alloys

These properties make it suitable for high temperature load bearing implant applications requiring corrosion resistance.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Mechanical Properties

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Mechanical Properties

Fastigheter Värden
Hårdhet 35-45 HRC
Draghållfasthet 170-220 ksi (1170-1510 MPa)
Sträckgräns 140-180 ksi (965-1240 MPa)
Töjning 8-16%
Elasticitetsmodul 230-300 GPa
Utmattningshållfasthet 50 ksi (345 MPa)
  • Excellent combination of strength and ductility
  • Strength levels exceed requirements for load bearing implants
  • Hardness provides good wear and abrasion resistance
  • High fatigue strength ensures durability under cyclic loading

The mechanical properties make CoCr28Mo6 suitable for orthopedic implants experiencing high static and dynamic loads.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Applications

Primary applications of CoCr28Mo6 powder include:

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Applications

Tillämpning Exempel
Orthopedic implants Hip, knee, dental implants
Medicintekniska produkter Surgical tools, instruments
Flyg- och rymdindustrin Turbine engine components
Fordon Fuel injection parts
Industriell Valves, tooling, molds

Vissa specifika produktanvändningar:

  • Articulating surfaces in joint replacement implants
  • Dental crowns, bridges and root implants
  • Orthopedic fixation devices like bone plates
  • High temperature resistant aerospace engine components
  • Automotive fuel injection nozzles
  • Cutting tools, gaskets, valves requiring wear resistance

The biocompatibility, corrosion resistance and tribological properties make CoCr28Mo6 highly suitable for orthopedic and dental applications.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Specifications

Key standards for CoCr28Mo6 powder:

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Standards

Standard Beskrivning
ASTM F75 Wrought Co-Cr-Mo alloy for surgical implants
ASTM F1537 Specification for wrought Co-Cr-Mo alloy for dental appliances
ISO 5832-4 Implant grade wrought Co-Cr-Mo-Ni alloy
ASTM F3056 Specification for additive manufacturing CoCr alloy for orthopedic implants

These standards specify:

  • Chemical composition limits
  • Mechanical property requirements
  • Production method (gas atomization)
  • Acceptable impurity levels
  • Quality assurance processes
  • Test methods to verify powder properties

Meeting these requirements ensures suitability for orthopedic implant applications.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Particle Size

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Particle Size Distribution

Partikelstorlek Egenskaper
10-25 mikrometer Used for laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)
25-45 mikrometer Used for binder jetting and DMLS
15-45 mikrometer Used for metal injection molding
  • Finer powder provides better resolution and surface finish in AM
  • Coarser powder improves flowability for powder processing
  • Size range selection depends on production technique used
  • Tight control over particle size distribution is maintained

Controlling particle size and morphology is critical for high powder packing density and optimized sintering.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Apparent Density

Typical apparent density:

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Apparent Density

Skenbar densitet Egenskaper
4.0 – 4.5 g/cc Irregular powder morphology
35-45% of true density På grund av tomrum mellan partiklarna
  • Högre skenbar densitet förbättrar pulverflöde och kompressibilitet
  • Irregular shape and wide size distribution reduces packed density
  • Värden upp till 60% är möjliga med optimerat sfäriskt pulver

Higher apparent density allows efficient powder pressing and sintering to full density. It improves manufacturing productivity.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Production Method

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Production

Metod Detaljer
Atomisering av gas High pressure inert gas breaks up molten alloy stream into fine droplets
Induktionssmältning i vakuum High purity starting materials melted under vacuum
Flera omsmältningar Förbättrar den kemiska homogeniteten
Siktning Classifies powder into different size fractions
Blandning Different powder sizes blended to customize particle size distribution
  • Gas atomization produces fine spherical powder morphology
  • Vacuum melting and multiple remelting minimize impurities
  • Post-processing provides fine control over particle size distribution

Automated production and strict process control ensures reliable and consistent properties of CoCr28Mo6 powder.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Pricing

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Pricing

Faktor Påverkan på priset
Pulverkvalitet Högre renhetsklasser kostar mer
Partikelstorlek Ultrafint pulver dyrare
Orderkvantitet Prisreduktion för bulkbeställningar
Förpackning Argon filled containers increase cost
Testing requirements More rigorous testing increases cost
Ledtid Faster delivery times increase price

Indikativ prissättning

  • CoCr28Mo6 for medical: $80-120 per kg
  • CoCr28Mo6 for industrial: $50-90 per kg

Reduced prices applicable for bulk orders exceeding several hundred kilograms.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Suppliers

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Suppliers

Företag Plats
Carpenter Powder Products USA
Praxair USA
Hoganas Sverige
Erasteel Frankrike
Aubert & Duval Frankrike

Factors for selecting supplier:

  • Powder grades available
  • Production capacity
  • Powder quality and consistency
  • Compliance to medical standards
  • Pricing and minimum order quantity
  • Lead time and delivery reliability

Medical grades require more rigorous quality control and testing.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Handling and Safety

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Handling

Rekommendation Anledning
Undvik inandning Due to risk of lung tissue damage from fine particles
Använd skyddsmask Prevent accidental ingestion
Handle in ventilated areas Reduce airborne particle circulation
Use hazmat suits Minimera hudkontakt
Ensure no ignition sources Powder can combust in oxygen
Följ antistatiska protokoll Förhindra brand från statisk urladdning
Använd verktyg som inte slår gnistor Avoid possibility of ignition during handling
Store in sealed containers Prevent contamination and oxidation

CoCr28Mo6 powder is relatively inert but general precautions are recommended for safe handling and processing.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Inspection and Testing

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Testing

Test Detaljer
Kemisk analys Verifies composition using ICP spectroscopy
Fördelning av partikelstorlek Determines distribution using sieve analysis
Skenbar densitet Mätt enligt standarden ASTM B212
Morfologi för pulver SEM image analysis
Analys av flödeshastighet Time taken for fixed powder quantity to flow through funnel
Tappdensitetstest Densitet uppmätt efter mekanisk knackning

Rigorous testing ensures consistent powder quality and compliance with specifications like ASTM F75 for medical grade powder.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Storage and Handling

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Storage

Faktor Effekt
Luft, syre Risk of oxidation at high temperatures
Fukt Låg korrosionshastighet vid rumstemperatur
Kolväten Fire hazard if allowed to contaminate powder
Acids, alkalis Resistant to dilute acids and bases
Organiska lösningsmedel Some absorption and staining if immersed
Temperatures above 400°C Increased oxidation rate in air


  • Store sealed in inert gas filled containers
  • Håll temperaturen under 30°C
  • Avoid contact with oxidizing acids and chlorinated solvents
  • Open containers only in controlled environments

With proper precautions, CoCr28Mo6 powder exhibits good stability during storage and handling.

Comparison With Stainless Steel Powder

CoCr28Mo6 vs. Stainless Steel Powder

Parameter CoCr28Mo6 Rostfritt stål
Täthet 8.3 g/cc 7,9 g/cc
Draghållfasthet 1170-1510 MPa 600-1100 MPa
Duktilitet 8-16% 15-40%
Korrosionsbeständighet Utmärkt Bra
Wear resistance Utmärkt Måttlig
Biokompatibilitet Hög Måttlig
Kostnad Hög Låg
Användningsområden Medical implants, aerospace Industrial applications
  • CoCr28Mo6 has higher strength and hardness
  • Stainless steel provides better ductility and toughness
  • CoCr28Mo6 is more corrosion resistant
  • CoCr28Mo6 is preferred for biomedical applications
  • Stainless steel is more cost-effective

CoCr28Mo6 outperforms stainless steel for applications requiring high strength, hardness and corrosion resistance.

CoCr28Mo6 Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of CoCr28Mo6 Powder

  • Excellent biocompatibility and corrosion resistance
  • High strength and hardness
  • Good wear resistance
  • High temperature capability
  • Can be processed using AM or MIM techniques
  • Suitable for load-bearing implant applications
  • Provides good aesthetic appearance

Limitations of CoCr28Mo6 Powder

  • More expensive than stainless steel or titanium alloys
  • Lower ductility and fracture toughness
  • Requires protective atmosphere during processing
  • Difficult to machine compared to other alloys
  • Limitations in joining and welding the material
  • Release of Co ions in body raises health concerns

CoCr28Mo6 Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of CoCr28Mo6 powder?

A: The main applications are orthopedic joint replacement implants like hips and knees, dental implants and crowns, surgical instruments, and high performance aerospace components.

Q: What gives CoCr28Mo6 excellent corrosion resistance?

A: The high chromium content enables formation of a stable, continuous and self-healing protective oxide layer on the surface preventing corrosion.

Q: What are the key differences between medical and industrial grades of CoCr28Mo6 powder?

A: Medical grade powder has higher purity, lower impurities, finer particle size, better size distribution control, and goes through more rigorous testing to meet standards like ASTM F75.

Q: What precautions are required during storage and handling of CoCr28Mo6 powder?

A: Recommended precautions include avoiding inhalation, using protective gear, ensuring proper ventilation, controlling static discharge, using non-sparking tools, and storing in sealed inert gas purged containers.

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