Inconel 907 pulver

Inconel 907-pulver är en nickelbaserad superlegering som är utformad för högtemperaturapplikationer och extrema miljöer. Detta avancerade material är känt för sin exceptionella styrka, korrosionsbeständighet och oxidationsbeständighet vid förhöjda temperaturer, vilket gör det lämpligt för olika industrier, inklusive flyg- och rymdindustrin, kemisk bearbetning och energiproduktion.


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Inconel 907 powder is a nickel-based superalloy designed for high-temperature applications and extreme environments. This advanced material is known for its exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures, making it suitable for various industries, including aerospace, chemical processing, and energy production.

Composition and Properties of Inconel 907 Powder

Composition (Nominal) Fastigheter
Nickel (38-41%) High tensile strength (up to 1,000 MPa)
Chromium (14-16%) Excellent creep resistance
Iron (Bal.) Superior oxidation resistance (up to 1,100°C)
Niobium (4.5-5.2%) Good corrosion resistance in various environments
Molybdenum (1.5-3%) Låg värmeutvidgningskoefficient
Aluminum (0.8-1.3%) High thermal conductivity
Titanium (2.5-3.5%) Maintained strength at elevated temperatures

Inconel 907 powder exhibits a unique combination of high-temperature strength, oxidation resistance, and corrosion resistance due to its carefully balanced composition. The presence of chromium, aluminum, and molybdenum contributes to its excellent performance in harsh environments.

Industrial Applications of Inconel 907 Powder

Industri Tillämpningar
Flyg- och rymdindustrin Turbine blades, combustion chambers, exhaust systems
Kemisk bearbetning Reactor vessels, heat exchangers, piping systems
Energy Production Gas turbine components, boiler tubes, steam lines
Fordon Turbochargers, exhaust valves, catalytic converters
Medicinsk Surgical instruments, implants, prosthetic devices

Inconel 907 powder finds widespread use in industries where high-temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and mechanical strength are critical. Its exceptional properties make it suitable for applications such as turbine components, heat exchangers, and reactor vessels, where it can withstand extreme temperatures and harsh environments.

Specifications and Standards for Inconel 907 Powder

Specifikation Standard
AMS 5832 Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant
AMS 5833 Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Wire
ASTM B637 Standard Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube
ASME SB-637 Specification for Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock

Inconel 907 powder is manufactured and supplied in accordance with various industry standards and specifications, ensuring consistent quality and performance. These standards outline the chemical composition, mechanical properties, and manufacturing requirements for the alloy.

Suppliers and Pricing of Inconel 907 Powder

Leverantör Price Range (USD/kg)
Sandvik Materialteknik $60 – $80
Carpenter Technology Corporation $65 – $85
Special Metals Corporation $70 – $90
VBC Group $75 – $95

The pricing of Inconel 907 powder can vary depending on factors such as supplier, quantity, and market conditions. Major suppliers of this alloy include Sandvik Materials Technology, Carpenter Technology Corporation, Special Metals Corporation, and VBC Group. Prices typically range from $60 to $95 per kilogram.

Pros and Cons of Inconel 907 Powder

Proffs Nackdelar
Excellent high-temperature strength Higher cost compared to some other alloys
Superior oxidation and corrosion resistance Difficult to machine and fabricate
Maintained properties at extreme temperatures Limited availability and supply
Good creep resistance Susceptible to certain environments (e.g., sulfur-bearing)
High thermal conductivity Higher density than some alternative materials

Inconel 907 powder offers exceptional performance in demanding environments, but it also comes with certain trade-offs. While its high-temperature strength, oxidation resistance, and corrosion resistance are unparalleled, it is more expensive and challenging to work with compared to some other alloys. Additionally, its susceptibility to specific environments and higher density should be considered for certain applications.


Fråga Svar
What makes Inconel 907 powder unique? Inconel 907 powder is a nickel-based superalloy designed for exceptional high-temperature strength, oxidation resistance, and corrosion resistance, making it suitable for extreme environments.
How does Inconel 907 powder compare to other superalloys? Compared to other superalloys, Inconel 907 powder offers higher strength and better oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures, but it may be more expensive and challenging to work with.
What are the typical applications of Inconel 907 powder? Inconel 907 powder is widely used in industries such as aerospace, chemical processing, energy production, and automotive, where components are subjected to high temperatures, corrosive environments, and extreme conditions.
Can Inconel 907 powder be recycled? Yes, Inconel 907 powder can be recycled and reused, contributing to sustainability efforts and reducing waste in manufacturing processes.
What are the limitations of Inconel 907 powder? While Inconel 907 powder offers excellent performance in many aspects, it may be susceptible to certain environments, such as those containing sulfur-bearing compounds, and it can be more challenging to machine and fabricate compared to some other alloys.

Inconel 907 powder is a highly specialized material designed to meet the demanding requirements of various industries. By understanding its unique composition, properties, applications, and limitations, engineers and manufacturers can make informed decisions and leverage this advanced alloy for high-performance applications in extreme environments.

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