S2 Pulver

S2 powder is a high speed tool steel powder ideal for making cutting tools requiring high hardness, strength, and wear resistance at elevated temperatures. It contains tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, and additional alloys providing excellent hot hardness and thermal fatigue resistance.


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Overview of S2 Powder

S2 powder is a high speed tool steel powder ideal for making cutting tools requiring high hardness, strength, and wear resistance at elevated temperatures. It contains tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, and additional alloys providing excellent hot hardness and thermal fatigue resistance.

Key properties and advantages of S2 powder:

S2 Powder Properties and Characteristics

Fastigheter Detaljer
Sammansättning Fe-1C-5Cr-2.35Mo-6.4W-1.4V-2Si alloy
Täthet 7.7 g/cc
Partikelns form Oregelbunden, kantig
Storleksintervall 10-150 microns
Skenbar densitet Upp till 50% av verklig densitet
Flytbarhet Låg till måttlig
Hårdhet 62-64 HRC when heat treated
Tålighet Mycket bra

S2 powder produces cutting tools, dies, and machine components with extended service life under continuous high temperature and intermittent shock loading conditions.

S2 Powder Composition

Typical composition of S2 high speed steel powder:

S2 Powder Composition

Element Vikt %
Järn (Fe) Balans
Kol (C) 0.9-1.2%
Krom (Cr) 3.8-4.5%
Volfram (W) 6.4%
Molybden (Mo) 1.9-2.2%
Vanadin (V) 1.3-1.6%
Mangan (Mn) 0.2-0.5%
Kisel (Si) 0.9-1.4%
  • Iron provides the ferritic matrix
  • Carbon, tungsten, and chromium form hard carbides
  • Vanadium and molybdenum enhance wear resistance
  • Manganese and silicon facilitate machining

The composition is optimized to achieve an exceptional combination of hot hardness, red hardness, and toughness necessary for high speed machining applications.

S2 Pulver

S2 Powder Physical Properties

S2 Powder Physical Properties

Fastighet Värden
Täthet 7.7 g/cc
Smältpunkt 1320-1350°C
Termisk ledningsförmåga 37 W/mK
Elektrisk resistivitet 0.6 μΩ-m
Maximal driftstemperatur 600°C
Curie-temperatur 770°C
  • High density enables miniaturized components
  • Retains hardness and strength at elevated temperatures
  • Becomes paramagnetic above Curie point
  • Can withstand prolonged service up to 600°C
  • Good thermal conductivity reduces thermal expansion stresses

These properties provide a balanced combination of hot hardness and thermal shock resistance required in high speed machining applications.

S2 Powder Mechanical Properties

S2 Powder Mechanical Properties

Fastighet Värden
Hårdhet 62-64 HRC
Tvärgående brotthållfasthet 4500-4800 MPa
Tryckhållfasthet 3800-4100 MPa
Draghållfasthet 2050-2250 MPa
Sträckgräns 1930-2050 MPa
Töjning 8-10%
Impact toughness 10-14 J/cm2
  • Exceptional hardness when heat treated
  • High strength with reasonable ductility
  • Very good compressive and transverse rupture strength
  • Excellent red hardness at elevated temperatures
  • Strength depends on heat treatment process

S2 powder produces cutting tools and dies with hardness, strength, and thermal properties needed to machine challenging materials at high speeds and temperatures.

S2 Powder Applications

Typical applications of S2 high speed steel powder include:

S2 Powder Applications

Industri Exempel på användningsområden
Fordon Cutting and milling tools
Flyg- och rymdindustrin Drills, end mills
Tillverkning Punches, forming dies
Olja och gas Downhole tools, drill bits
General machining Turning, boring, and planing tools

Vissa specifika produktanvändningar:

  • Cutting inserts, indexable tooling
  • Broaches, reamers, taps, threading dies
  • Metal slitting saws and industrial knives
  • Extrusion tooling and drawing dies
  • Cold heading and forging dies
  • Gauges, wear-resistant components

S2’s unique properties make it the top choice for reliable cutting tools and components used in demanding metalworking applications.

S2 Powder Specifications

Key specifications for S2 high speed steel powder:

S2 Powder Standards

Standard Beskrivning
ASTM A600 Specification for tool steels high speed steel
JIS G4403 High speed tool steels
DIN 1.2363 Equivalent to AISI S7 high speed steel
UNS T11302 Designation for AISI S2 grade
ISO 4957 Tool steels specification

Dessa definierar:

  • Chemical composition limits of S2
  • Required mechanical properties in heat treated condition
  • Approved production methods like gas atomization
  • Protokoll för test av efterlevnad
  • Quality assurance requirements
  • Proper packaging and identification

Powder produced to these standards ensures suitability for high wear resistance tooling applications under thermal fatigue conditions.

S2 Powder Particle Sizes

S2 Powder Particle Size Distribution

Partikelstorlek Egenskaper
10-22 microns Ultrafine grade provides highest density
22-53 microns Most commonly used size range
53-105 microns Coarser size provides good flowability
  • Finer particles allow greater densification during sintering
  • Coarser particles improve powder flow into die cavities
  • Size is selected based on final part properties needed
  • Both gas and water atomized particles used

Controlling size distribution optimizes pressing behavior, sintered density, and final component performance.

S2 Powder Apparent Density

S2 Powder Apparent Density

Skenbar densitet Detaljer
Upp till 50% av verklig densitet För oregelbunden pulvermorfologi
4.0-5.0 g/cc Higher for spherical, lower for irregular powder
  • Sfärisk pulverform ger hög skenbar densitet
  • Irregular powder has lower density around 45-50%
  • Higher apparent density improves die filling and part quality
  • Allows complex tool geometry compaction

Higher apparent density leads to better component production rate and performance.

S2 Powder Production Method

S2 Powder Production

Metod Detaljer
Atomisering av gas High pressure inert gas breaks up molten alloy stream into fine droplets
Induktionssmältning i vakuum Insatsmaterial med hög renhet som smälts under vakuum
Flera omsmältningar Enhances chemical homogeneity
Siktning Klassificerar pulver i olika fraktioner av partikelstorlek
  • Gas atomization provides spherical powder shape
  • Vacuum melting eliminates gaseous impurities
  • Multiple remelting improves uniformity
  • Post-processing allows particle size customization

Fully automated processes combined with strict quality control ensures reliable and consistent S2 powder properties critical for tooling performance.

S2 Powder Pricing

S2 Powder Pricing

Faktor Påverkan på priset
Renhetsgrad Högre renhetsklasser kostar mer
Partikelstorlek Ultrafint pulver dyrare
Orderkvantitet Priset sjunker med större volymer
Additional services Customization adds cost

Indikativ prissättning

  • S2 spherical powder: $18-22 per kg
  • S2 irregular powder: $12-16 per kg
  • Large volume pricing up to 30% lower

Pricing depends on purity, particle characteristics, order quantity, and any additional customization requirements.

S2 Powder Suppliers

S2 Powder Suppliers

Företag Plats
Höganäs Sverige
Carpenter Powder Products USA
Erasteel USA, Europe
Crucible Industries USA
voxco Tyskland
Jingdong New Materials Kina

Key supplier selection factors:

  • Powder grades offered
  • Production capacity
  • Particle characteristics and consistency
  • Testing capability and quality control
  • Pricing and lead times
  • Technical customer service

S2 Powder Handling and Storage

S2 Powder Handling

Rekommendation Anledning
Säkerställ korrekt ventilation Prevent exposure to fine metal particles
Använd lämplig personlig skyddsutrustning Avoid ingestion through nose/mouth
Markutrustning Prevent static sparking
Undvik antändningskällor Risk för brännbart damm
Använd verktyg som inte slår gnistor Förhindra risken för antändning
Följ säkra protokoll Reduce fire, explosion, health risks

Rekommendationer för lagring

  • Store sealed containers away from moisture or contamination
  • Maintain storage temperatures below 27°C
  • Limit exposure to oxidizing acids and chlorine compounds

Proper precautions during handling and storage help preserve purity and prevent safety hazards.

S2 Powder Inspection and Testing

S2 Powder Testing

Test Detaljer
Kemisk analys Verifies composition using optical/ICP spectroscopy
Analys av partikelstorlek Determines size distribution using laser diffraction or sieving
Skenbar densitet Measured as per ASTM B212 using Hall flowmeter
Morfologi för pulver SEM imaging to determine particle shape
Flow rate test Gravity flow rate through specified funnel
Tappdensitetstest Densitet uppmätt efter mekanisk knackning av pulverprov

Testing ensures the powder meets the required chemical composition, physical characteristics, particle size distribution, morphology, density, and flow rate specifications.

S2 Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of S2 Powder

  • Exceptional hot hardness and red hardness
  • High strength and wear resistance at elevated temperatures
  • Good toughness and thermal shock resistance
  • Resists softening and shape changes up to 600°C
  • Dimensional stability under thermal cycling
  • Cost-effective compared to exotic PM tool steel grades

Limitations of S2 Powder

  • Moderate corrosion resistance without surface treatment
  • Limited cold formability and shear strength
  • Requires careful heat treatment by experienced providers
  • Ej svetsbar med konventionell smältsvetsning
  • Large cross-sections can experience embrittlement
  • Contains expensive alloying elements

Comparison With H13 Tool Steel Powder

S2 vs H13 Tool Steel Powder

Parameter S2 H13
Hårdhet 62-64 HRC 54-57 HRC
Hot hardness Utmärkt Bra
Tålighet Mycket bra Bra
Motståndskraft mot termisk chock Utmärkt Måttlig
Cold strength Bra Utmärkt
Kostnad Hög Låg
  • S2 has much greater hot hardness and thermal shock resistance
  • H13 provides better cold strength and toughness
  • S2 is more expensive due to higher alloy content
  • S2 preferred for high speed machining applications
  • H13 suited for cold and warm pressing tooling

S2 Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of S2 tool steel powder?

A: Main applications include cutting tools like drills, mills, inserts, taps, dies, saws, planing tools, as well as extrusion tooling, forging dies, gauges, and components needing hot hardness and thermal shock resistance.

Q: What heat treatment is used for S2 tool steel powder?

A: S2 tool steel is typically heat treated by austenitizing between 1150-1200°C followed by air, oil, or polymer quenching, then tempering between 540-650°C to achieve hardness between 62-64 HRC.

Q: How does tungsten improve the properties of S2 steel?

A: Tungsten forms hard tungsten-iron-carbon complexes that provide exceptional hot hardness, strength and wear resistance at elevated temperatures needed for high speed machining applications.

Q: What safety precautions should be used when working with S2 powder?

A: Proper ventilation, protective gear, inert atmosphere, grounding, avoiding ignition sources, using non-sparking tools, and safe storage away from contamination or moisture.

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