Pulver av rostfritt stål 316L för 3D-utskrift av metall

Rostfritt stål 316L pulver är en typ av rostfritt stålpulver som innehåller molybden och har låg kolhalt. Det är ett austenitiskt rostfritt krom-nickelstål som har hög hållfasthet och utmärkta korrosionsbeständighetsegenskaper. 316L-pulver används ofta för 3D-utskrift eller additiv tillverkning inom branscher som flyg- och rymdindustrin, medicinteknik, bilindustrin och allmän tillverkning.


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Rostfritt stål 316L pulver är en typ av rostfritt stålpulver som innehåller molybden och har låg kolhalt. Det är ett austenitiskt rostfritt krom-nickelstål som har hög hållfasthet och utmärkta korrosionsbeständighetsegenskaper. 316L-pulver används ofta för 3D-utskrift eller additiv tillverkning inom branscher som flyg- och rymdindustrin, medicinteknik, bilindustrin och allmän tillverkning.

Some key properties and characteristics of 316L powder include:

Sammansättning: Iron, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, silicon, carbon, phosphorus, sulfur

Particle Shape: Spherical, high flowability

Partikelstorlek: 15-45 microns, submicron sizes available

Densitet: Approx 7.9 g/cc

Melting Point: 1381-1400°C

Key Features: Corrosion resistance, heat resistance, weldability, strength, biocompatibility

Common Trade Names: 316L, 1.4404, 1.4435

316L powder can be used to print strong and durable parts with complex geometries using various 3D printing processes like selective laser sintering (SLS), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), electron beam melting (EBM), binder jetting, etc.

Types of 316L Powders

There are a few main types of 316L stainless steel powders available:

Gas Atomized 316L Powder

  • Produced using inert gas atomization process
  • Spherical particles with smooth surface
  • Flows easily, packs densely for printing
  • Good spreadability and compaction
  • Used widely for laser-based and binder jet 3D printing

Water Atomized 316L Powder

  • Made using high pressure water jets
  • Irregular particle shape
  • Porous surface, high oxygen content
  • Lower cost compared to gas atomized powder
  • Used mostly for press-and-sinter applications

Plasma Atomized 316L Powder

  • Manufactured with plasma atomization
  • Very spherical particles
  • Controlled particle size distribution
  • Used in critical applications requiring high density
  • Expensive compared to other atomization methods

Recycled 316L Powder

  • Recovered unused powder from 3D builds
  • May have mixed particle shapes and sizes
  • Needs additional sieving and processing
  • Lower cost option for non-critical applications
  • Concerns over contamination from prior builds

316L Powder Composition

316L stainless steel gets its corrosion resistance from chromium and molybdenum alloyed with iron. Here is the elemental composition of 316L powder:

Element Sammansättning Range
Järn (Fe) Balans
Krom (Cr) 16-18%
Nickel (Ni) 10-14%
Molybden (Mo) 2-3%
Mangan (Mn) ≤ 2%
Kisel (Si) ≤ 1%
Kol (C) ≤ 0.03%
Fosfor (P) ≤ 0.045%
Svavel (S) ≤ 0.03%

The low carbon content reduces carbide precipitation during welding and enhances corrosion resistance. The addition of molybdenum boosts pitting and crevice corrosion performance in chloride environments.

The composition conforms to national and international grades like UNS S31603, W.Nr 1.4404, AISI 316L, and ISO 5832-1. Custom alloys are also possible for specialized requirements.

Key Properties and Characteristics

316L powder possesses a unique combination of outstanding properties which makes it suitable for various critical, high performance applications across industries.

Motståndskraft mot korrosion Excellent resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking in acids, alkalis, salts, and organic chemicals

Mekaniska egenskaper High ultimate tensile and yield strength coupled with good ductility and impact strength

Värmebeständighet Can withstand continuous service up to ~900°C and intermittent exposure beyond for certain applications

Svetsbarhet Readily weldable and less prone to sensitization during welding compared to unstabilized grades

Biokompatibilitet Non-toxic with high biocompatibility for use in medical implants and devices

Here is a table comparing the key properties of 316 vs 316L powder:

Fastighet 316 Powder 316L Powder
Density (g/cc) 7.9 7.9
Melting Point (°C) 1375-1400 1381-1400
Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) ≥ 515 ≥ 485
Yield Strength (MPa) ≥ 170 ≥ 170
Elongation (%) ≥ 40 ≥ 35
Modulus of Elasticity (GPa) 193 193
Thermal Conductivity (W/m-K) 16.2 16.2
Thermal Expansion (μm/m-°C) 15-16.5 15-16.5
Motståndskraft mot korrosion Mycket bra Utmärkt
Pitting Resistance Equivalency Number (PREN) 24-26 25-27
Magnetic Permeability Icke-magnetisk Icke-magnetisk
Biokompatibilitet Bra Utmärkt

The superior corrosion resistance of 316L powder can be attributed to the higher PREN and lower carbon content compared to 316 powder. 316L also offers better bio-compatibility and is used preferentially for permanent implants in the human body.

Applications of 316L Powder

Some of the common applications where 316L powder finds widespread use include:

Additiv tillverkning SLS/DMLS/EBM printing of end-use metal parts across aerospace, medical, automotive, tooling etc.

Biomedical Implants Manufacturing implants like knee and hip replacements, spinal rods, dental fixtures etc.

Food Processing Equipment Valves, fittings, fasteners, machine parts for the food and pharmaceutical industries

Chemical Processing Industry
Pump impellers, housings, valve bodies and other wetted components

Marina tillämpningar
Shafts, fittings, couplings, flanges, propellers used in marine environments

316L provides exceptional performance across this wide spectrum of applications owing to its outstanding corrosion resistance coupled with high strength.

Here are examples of some 316L parts printed using additive manufacturing:

Industri Typical AM Parts
Flyg- och rymdindustrin Turbine blades, structural brackets, impellers
Fordon Custom fasteners, sensors, lightweight chassis parts
Medicinsk Surgical instruments, prosthetics, implants
Verktyg Injection molds, extrusion dies, jigs and fixtures

316L Powder Specifications

316L powder used for AM needs to conform to, or exceed, the following specifications:

Fördelning av partikelstorlek

Size (μm) Distribution (%)
20-63 ≥ 95
15-45 Optimal

Skenbar densitet Typically 4.0-4.8 g/cc

Hall flowmeter > 15 sec/50g

Kemisk sammansättning As per 316L grade specifications aforementioned

Fully austenitic, absence of stringers and satellites

Partikelform Predominantly spherical morphology

Surface Texture Smooth surface finish on particles

Syrehalt Mostly <1000 ppm

Saturation Magnetization < 3.1 emu/g

Reputable 316L powder manufacturers produce material that meets or surpasses these specifications for AM. Every batch comes with a Certificate of Analysis from independent testing.

316L Powder Suppliers

Some leading global suppliers of 316L stainless steel powder include:

Företag Produktionskapacitet Cost Per KG
Sandvik Osprey 200 MT annually $50-90
Snickare Tillsats Custom $75-150
Praxair 100 MT annually $40-80
Höganäs 500 MT annually $30-60
CNPC Pulver 1000 MT annually $25-50

Custom alloys with special particle size distributions or tighter chemistry controls can cost 20-50% more than standard 316L powder compositions.

As for pricing, gas atomized 316L powder suitable for AM typically costs between $30-150 per kg depending on quality, batch size and geographic region. Water atomized and plasma atomized grades occupy the lower and upper ends of this range

Pros and Cons of 316L Powder for Additive Manufacturing

Advantages of 316L Powder

Excellent Corrosion Resistance Up to 25-30% better pitting and crevice corrosion resistance compared to 316 powder

Bio-compatible and Non-Toxic Safe for prolonged skin contact and for use in medical implants

High Mechanical Strength Tensile strength >485 MPa matching and exceeding cast/wrought 316L properties

Outstanding Fatigue Performance Very high fatigue limit resulting in long component lifespans

Lighter Weight Parts Lower component weight translates to fuel efficiency gains in vehicles

High Temperature Stability
Can resist temperatures exceeding 650°C for certain applications

Easy Weldability Compatible with almost all welding processes. Great for repairs and post-processing

Smoother Surfaces As-printed surfaces that require less finishing and rework

Cost-effectiveness Comparable in cost to 316 SS and cheaper than exotic alloys

Custom Alloys Possible Can engineer powder compositions tailored to a given application

Faster, Cheaper Prototyping No need for hard tooling like casting and machining dies

Disadvantages of Using 316L Powder for AM

Anisotropic Mechanical Behavior
Varies with build direction. Needs design and testing considerations.

Potential Internal Defects
Lack of fusion, un-melted particles, porosity. Depends on the AM process in use.

Post-Processing Needs Removal of supports, finish machining, annealing etc. can increase cost.

Limited Part Size Constrained by build chamber dimensions (improving constantly with new machines)

Orientation Constraints Some geometries need support structures and can limit design freedom

Property Variability
Powder reuse/recycle can result in inferior properties batch-to-batch

Surface Finish Limitations Can fluctuate more than traditional subtractive machining methods

Equipment and Material Cost High equipment investment. Large powder quantities needed for big parts.

Lack of Design Standards Rapidly evolving field. Continued qualification testing required.

Comparison Between 316L vs 17-4PH vs 15-5 PH Stainless Steel Powders

316L stainless steel powder has become the first choice for many additive manufacturing applications needing good mechanical performance coupled with high corrosion resistance. However, for more demanding applications, high strength structural powders like 17-4PH and 15-5 PH are being deployed with increasing use.

Here is how these stainless steel alloys compare for key powder properties relevant to AM:

Powder Property 316L SS 17-4PH SS 15-5 PH SS
Motståndskraft mot korrosion Utmärkt Måttlig Måttlig
Draghållfasthet 485-550 MPa 1050-1200 MPa 1050-1150 MPa
Utbyteshållfasthet 170-340 MPa 900-1100 MPa 900-1000 MPa
Töjning 35-50% 8-13% 10-16%
Utmattningshållfasthet 170-200 MPa 500-700 MPa 550-650 MPa
High Temperature Stability Rättvist Utmärkt Utmärkt
Svetsbarhet Utmärkt Rättvist Bra
Cost Per Kg $30-150 $150-250 $100-200

We can draw the following conclusions from this product comparison:

  • For the highest corrosion resistance plus good weldability, 316L is unparalleled
  • Where high strength outweighs corrosion performance, 17-4PH and 15-5 PH are better
  • 17-4PH SS powder delivers the best high temperature creep resistance
  • 15-5PH offers the optimal balance of strength and weldability/machinability
  • 316L is the most cost-effective option while 17-4PH powder is relatively expensive

By carefully selecting the right grade for an application, buyers can obtain the ideal combination of properties and performance-to-cost ratio.

Vanliga frågor

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions regarding 316L stainless steel powder for AM processes:

Which additive manufacturing processes use 316L powder?

316L powder is compatible with all major direct metal AM processes that can print metals. These include:

  • Powder bed fusion – SLS, DMLS, SLM
  • Directed energy deposition – LENS, EBAM, laser cladding
  • Bound metal deposition – Binder jetting

What are common 316L part defects in AM? How can they be avoided?

Some 316L part defects encountered include:

  • Lack of fusion – Insufficient melting of powder. Increase laser power/speed
  • Gas porosity – Optimize scan patterns. Use hot isostatic pressing
  • Cracking – Modify support structures. Optimize thermal stresses
  • Unmelted particles – Ensure uniform powder layers. Sieve properly.

What particle size is ideal for 316L powder in AM?

15-45 microns is recommended for most AM processes. Finer powder spreads better but can affect flow and recoating. Coarser particles have poor compactability.

What post-processing is typically done for 316L AM parts?

Post-processing steps help improve final part properties:

  • Support removal via machining/grinding
  • Hot isostatic pressing to eliminate internal voids
  • Solution annealing and aging to refine microstructure
  • Surface finishing like CNC machining and polishing

What standards does 316L powder for AM need to conform to?

While standards are still evolving, key ones include:

  • ASTM F3049 – AM Metallic Powders
  • ASTM F3056 – Characterizing AM Metal Powders
  • ASTM F3301 – Properties for Additive Parts
  • ISO/ASTM 52904 – Process parameters

Can 316L parts be welded or repaired after additive manufacturing?

Yes, 316L has very good weldability and AM-built components can be welded, repaired, and post-processed using techniques like TIG welding. Proper procedure development is vital for defect-free welds.

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