Verktygsstål D2 Pulver

Tool Steel D2 powder is an exceptionally versatile and resilient alloy widely used in industrial, manufacturing, and engineering applications requiring high hardness, abrasion resistance, toughness, and long-lasting sharp edges at elevated temperatures.

This advanced powder metallurgy material offers exceptional wear resistance combined with good dimensional stability during heat treatment and tempering processes. Tool Steel D2 Powder demonstrates superior hot hardness, heat checking resistance, and red hardness making it the top choice for dies, punches, industrial knives, gauges, bushings, bearings, nozzles and other components exposed to demanding environments.


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Tool Steel D2 powder is an exceptionally versatile and resilient alloy widely used in industrial, manufacturing, and engineering applications requiring high hardness, abrasion resistance, toughness, and long-lasting sharp edges at elevated temperatures.This advanced powder metallurgy material offers exceptional wear resistance combined with good dimensional stability during heat treatment and tempering processes. Tool Steel D2 Powder demonstrates superior hot hardness, heat checking resistance, and red hardness making it the top choice for dies, punches, industrial knives, gauges, bushings, bearings, nozzles and other components exposed to demanding environments.

Overview of Tool Steel D2 Powder

Tool Steel D2 is renowned as a cold work tool steel due to its distinctive combination of strength, hardness, wear resistance, and toughness after proper heat treatment. Here is a quick overview highlighting the alloy’s composition, key characteristics and typical applications:
Typ Low alloy chromium-molybdenum-vanadium tool steel
Sammansättning 1.5% Carbon, 0.3% Manganese, 0.3% Silicon, 12% Chromium, 0.9% Vanadium, 1% Molybdenum
Fastigheter Exceptional abrasion resistance, high hardness yet good impact strength after suitable heat treatment, excellent dimensional stability during tempering
Egenskaper High hot hardness, superior hot yield strength, excellent thermal fatigue resistance, good machinability in annealed state
Typiska tillämpningar Punches and dies, shear blades, industrial knives, gauges, router bits, pelletizing tools, slitters, cold header dies, bushings, bearings
With chromium, molybdenum and vanadium enhancing hardness, wear resistance and toughness through the formation of hard carbides, Tool Steel D2 Powder is capable of withstanding significant stress.Surpassing conventional and high speed steels in terms of dimensional stability at elevated temperatures combined with exceptional hot hardness, Tool Steel D2 Powder is the ultimate choice for tooling, dies, molds and components working under demanding conditions.

Chemical Composition of Tool Steel D2 Powder

Tool steel D2 powder derives its distinctive set of properties from its chemical composition containing key alloying elements. The presence of copper, nickel, molybdenum, tungsten, chromium, vanadium and other elements confers significant improvements in hardness, strength, hot hardness as well as toughness over plain carbon steels and lower alloy steels.Here is a look at the chemical composition of this high performance tool steel powder:
Element Composition Percentage %
Kol (C) 1.5%
Mangan (Mn) 0.3%
Kisel (Si) 0.3%
Krom (Cr) 12%
Molybden (Mo) 1%
Vanadin (V) 0.9%
The medium carbon content combined with strong carbide forming alloying elements of chromium, molybdenum and vanadium lead to an exceptional balance of hardness, strength and fracture resistance after suitable heat treatment resulting in fine, well distributed carbides in the microstructure.

Mechanical Properties of D2 Tool Steel Powder

The distinctive alloy chemistry combined with advanced powder metallurgy processing confers exceptional mechanical properties on tool steel D2 powder. Superior hardness, strength, wear resistance and thermal properties characterize this high performance material.
Fastighet Värde
Hårdhet 60-62 HRC after suitable heat treatment
Draghållfasthet 1810 N/mm2 (Approximate)
Utbyteshållfasthet 1690 N/mm2 (Approximate)
Minskning av area 50% (Approximate)
Tryckhållfasthet 2760 N/mm2
The medium carbon content combined with carbide formers results in strong primary carbides conferring exceptional abrasion resistance with high hot hardness. The precise alloy content, production and heat treatment result in the tool steel powder meeting stringent quality requirements for critical applications.

Heat Treatment Specifications for Tool Steel D2 Powder

To achieve optimum properties, Tool Steel D2 Powder undergoes a sequence of heat treatment processes to develop key characteristics critical for performance under demanding conditions – high hardness yet impact strength and dimensional stability during tempering.
Process Specifikation
Glödgning Heat uniformly to 1450-1470°F (788-798°C), equalize. Cool slowly in furnace at 30-40°F (17-22°C) per hour to 1100°F (593°C) then air cool. Brinell hardness obtained is approximately 217 HB.
Härdning Preheat uniformly to 1525-1550°F (829-843°C). Harden by rapid heating to 1850-1900°F (1010-1038° C) equalize and quench in salt, oil or air.
Tempering 3 tempers at 1000°F (538°C) results in hardness range of 60-62 HRC
Effective heat treatment is critical in developing the desired microstructure with balanced distribution of carbides to achieve peak hardness along with sufficient impact strength and fracture toughness.

Microstructural Characteristics

Tool steel D2 powder derives its distinctive set of properties from its microstructural characteristics achieved through chemical composition, processing and heat treatment.
Funktion Egenskaper
Primary carbides Fine dispersion of chromium rich M7C3 carbides & molybdenum rich M2C carbides
Secondary carbides Fine dispersion of vanadium rich V-carbides forming during tempering
Martensitic matrix High dislocation density tempered martensite provides good combination of hardness and toughness

Typical Applications of Tool Steel D2 Powder

With its distinctive combination of hardness, strength, wear resistance, dimensional stability at elevated temperatures, and thermal fatigue resistance, Tool Steel D2 Powder is utilized for the following typical applications across industrial sectors:
Kategori Typiska tillämpningar
Metallformning Cold heading dies, cold extrusion dies, punch and dies
Skärning av metall Slitters, shear blades, industrial knives
Metal manufacturing Drawing dies, coining dies, embossing dies, gauges, bushings
Plastics & rubber Pelletizing tools, extrusion tooling
Machinery & equipment Bearings, nozzles, wear & impact resistant components
With hot hardness values exceeding those of high speed steels by over 100°F (56°C), Tool Steel D2 Powder maintains hardness, strength and sharp precision edges even when exposed to elevated temperatures – making it indispensable across industrial and engineering sectors.

Tool Steel D2 Powder versus Alternatives

How does tool steel D2 powder measure up against other tool steel alternatives used for cutting, forming, stamping and wear resistant applications? Here is a comparison on key parameters:
D2 Tool Steel Powder D3 Tool Steel H13 Verktygsstål
Hårdhet 60-62 HRC 60-63 HRC 52-55 HRC
Tålighet Bra Bra Bättre
Temperaturbeständighet Mycket bra Bra Utmärkt
Slitstyrka Utmärkt Mycket bra Bra
Bearbetbarhet Måttlig Måttlig Rättvist
Pris $$$ $$$ $$
With its hot hardness exceeding that of D3 by over 100°F (56°C ) along with superior abrasion resistance, Tool Steel D2 Powder clearly outperforms other cold work tool steel alternatives for critical applications requiring dimensional precision under extreme conditions.

How to Select Right Tool Steel D2 Powder Grade

Tool steel D2 powder is available in a variety of specifications, sizes and formats based on production method, particle characteristics, purity levels and sieving – allowing selection for targeted applications and processing needs:
Parameter Alternativ
Produktionsmetod Water atomized, gas atomized, plasma rotated electrode process (PREP)
Partikelns form Sfärisk, oregelbunden
Fördelning av partikelstorlek Single sized, blended
Renhet Standard purity, high purity
Formats Loose powder, sintered preforms, hot isostatic pressed bars, metal injection molded components
Critical considerations for powder grade selection include manufacturing process compatibility, ability to achieve high final density, complexity of part geometry, extent of secondary machining operations, cost targets, production rate needs among other factors.Suppliers have application engineers who can recommend the optimal Tool Steel D2 powder grade for targeted production processes and performance requirements.

Where to Buy Tool Steel D2 Powder

As a specialty powder tailored for advanced metal manufacturing processes for critical applications, reliable sources are crucial when buying Tool Steel D2 powder.
Leverantör Alternativ Genomsnittlig prissättning
Böhler Edelstahl GmbH Water atomized, gas atomized, blended powders $$$
Snickare Tillsats Gasatomiserat pulver $$$
Höganäs AB Water atomized, gas atomized, blended powders $$$
Sandvik Osprey Gasatomiserat pulver $$$
Here are a few recommended leading global suppliers offering a broad range of powder specifications:When sourcing Tool Steel D2 Powder, buyers must ensure stringent quality checks on composition, particle characteristics, purity levels, packaging, batch testing documentation and supplier qualifications & capabilities. Post-sales technical services related to print reviews, application consulting and troubleshooting also add value.

Vanliga frågor

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions regarding this high performance tool steel powder:
Fråga Svar
What makes Tool Steel D2 Powder better than high speed steel? Higher hardness exceeding 60 HRC, superior hot hardness & abrasion resistance, exceptional dimensional stability during tempering
What heat treatment is used for D2 tool steel powder? Annealing followed by hardening & tempering with minimum 3 tempers to achieve required hardness & toughness balance
Is Tool Steel D2 Powder expensive? Priced at a premium versus lower alloy cold work steels due to performance advantages
What processes can use Tool Steel D2 powder? Mainly powder metallurgy techniques – metal injection molding, hot isostatic pressing, additive manufacturing
With outstanding wear resistance, hardness and thermal properties combined with dimensional precision, Tool Steel D2 Powder delivers superior longevity and performance making it the first choice for critical components and tooling. få veta mer om 3D-utskriftsprocesser

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