SLS metallpulver: Egenskaper, användningsområden och leverantörer


Selective laser sintering (SLS) is an additive manufacturing technique that uses a laser to fuse small particles of plastic, metal, ceramic or glass powders into a 3D object. SLS metal powders with the right characteristics are critical to fabricating high-quality metal parts with complex geometries via this process.

Overview of SLS Metal Powders

SLS metal powders refer to metallic powders that are optimized for use in selective laser sintering 3D printers to produce metal parts and prototypes. The most commonly used SLS metal powders include:

SLS Metal Powder Types

TypSammansättningViktiga egenskaper
Rostfritt stålFe, Cr, Ni alloysKorrosionsbeständighet, hög hållfasthet
VerktygsstålFe, Cr, Mo alloysHigh hardness, heat treatable
Alloy steelFe, Cr, Ni alloysHeat treatable, machinable
Cobalt-chromeCo, Cr alloysBiocompatible, wear/corrosion resistant
Titanium & alloysTi, Al, V alloysLightweight, biocompatible, strong
InconelNi, Cr alloysHeat/corrosion resistant
AluminiumlegeringarAl, Cu, Mg alloysLätt och stark

These metal powders must have properties like flowability, particle shape and size distribution tailored to produce high density SLS parts with accuracy, precision and desired mechanical properties.

Key Properties of SLS Metal Powders

ParameterBeskrivningKrav och önskemål
StorleksintervallPowder particle dimensions10-45 mikrometer vanligt
StorleksfördelningRange of powder sizesMostly spherical with some satellites allowed
MorfologiPowder particle shapeSpherical is optimal, satellites can cause defects
FlödeshastighetFlödbarhet för pulver35-40 s/50g from Hall flowmeter
Skenbar densitetPackningsdensitet för pulverAround 60% of true density
Sann densitetMaterial densityVaries by composition
YtaParticle surface area per unit massLower is better to reduce oxidation
Residual gases & moistureImpurities present with powderMinimized for high quality parts

SLS Metal Powder Characteristics

KaraktäristiskRole in SLS Process
Particle shape and surface textureAffect powder flow into each new layer, laser absorption, reflectivity
Fördelning av partikelstorlekImpacts packing density, melt pool dynamics, spreadability
FlödesegenskaperAllows uniform spreadability, layer consistency
Skenbar densitetControls spacing between particles, energy input needed
Sann densitetDetermines final maximum attainable part density
Alloying additionsEnables specific material properties like strength, hardness etc.
sls metal powder

Tillämpningar av SLS Metal Powders

SLS metal powder enables printing of full density functional metal parts serving prototyping, tooling and short run production needs across industries like:

Industry Applications of SLS Printed Metal Parts

IndustriTillämpningarCommon Materials Used
Flyg- och rymdindustrinTurbine blades, engine/structural componentsStainless steels, superalloys, titanium alloys
FordonPrototype parts, custom toolingStainless steels, tool steels, aluminum alloys
Medicinska implantatPatient-specific implants, guidesCobalt chrome, titanium alloys, stainless steel
IndustriellPrecision tooling, robot grippersRostfria stål, verktygsstål
SmyckenRings, chains, custom piecesPrecious metals like gold alloys, silver

Some unique benefits versus traditional manufacturing routes:

Advantages of SLS for Metal Part Production

Geometry freedomNo part geometry restrictions unlike subtractive/casting methods
Quick turnaroundRapid printing from CAD data
Light weightingLattice structures reduce weight by >30%
Konsolidering av delarIntegrally printed assemblies replace joints
MassanpassningPatient-specific medical devices
Hybrid structuresMetal & polymer multi-material parts possible

Common SLS printed metal part applications across industries:

Typical Applications of SLS Printed Metal Parts

TillämpningExempelAnvända material
Funktionella prototyperEngine components, implantsAlloy steels, Ti alloys
VerktygDrill guides, fixtures, jigsRostfria stål
Mold toolingInjection molding toolingTool steels like H13
SerieproduktionAerospace/medical componentsTi & Ni alloys, CoCr
Lightweight structuresLattice panels, bracesAl alloys, Ti alloys

SLS Metal Powder Specifications

SLS system manufacturers like EOS, 3D Systems, and Renishaw provide qualified SLS metal powder specifications tailored for their printer models. Some common metal powders and sizes include:

SLS Metal Powder Types and Size Ranges

MaterialTillgängliga pulvertyperPartikelstorleksintervall
Rostfritt stål316L, 17-4PH, 303, 41015-45 mikrometer
Maråldrat stålMS1, 18Ni300, 18Ni35015-45 mikrometer
Kobolt kromCoCr, CoCrMo15-45 mikrometer
AluminiumlegeringAlSi10Mg, AlSi1215-45 mikrometer
TitanlegeringTi6Al4V klass 515-45 mikrometer
NickellegeringInconel 718, Inconel 62515-45 mikrometer

Standards organizations have defined classifications for different metal powder grades used in AM processes:

Metal Powder Grades per ISO/ASTM Standards

ISO 17296-2PA1 to PA6Defines increasingly stricter requirements on impurities from P1 to P6
ISO 17296-3PM1 to PM4Defines particle shape, size parameters from PM1 to PM4
ASTM F3049Class 1 to Class 4Defines allowable limits on composition ranges from 1 to 4
ASTM F3056Type 1 to Type 3Defines statistical size distribution parameters from 1 to 3

These grading schemes help set benchmark quality levels and aid buyers in procurement. High purity PA5 grade powder would ensure minimal contamination. Similarly Class 4 tighter chemistry control reduces variability.

SLS Metal Powder Leverantörer

A variety of vendors supply ready-to-use SLS powders worldwide. Some leading global suppliers are:

Key SLS Metal Powder Suppliers

LeverantörErbjudna materialGeographies Served
SandvikStainless steel, Ni alloys, CoCr, tool steel, aluminum alloysEuropa, Asien
PraxairTi alloys, Ni alloys, stainless, tool steelsNordamerika
LPW-teknikStainless steel, aluminum alloys, CoCrUK, Europe
Snickare TillsatsStainless steels, CoCr, Cu, aluminum alloysGlobalt
HoganasRostfria stål, verktygsstålEuropa, Asien

Usual supply minimums are around 10 kg per material grade, though large volume contracts also exist for OEM buyers. Packaging options range from vacuum sealed cans to specialized SLS machine cartridges holding 700 g to 1 kg powder each.

SLS Metal Powder Packaging Types

TypVolume RangesEgenskaper
Vacuum cans500g to 20kg batchesShelf life up to 1 year
Printer cartridges700 to 1000g batchesMinimized handling exposure
Material towers700 to 1200g cartridgesAutomated feed into printer

Price ranges for common materials in small quantities are:

Metal Powder Cost Ranges for SLS Printing

MaterialSmall Quantity Price Range*
Rostfritt stål 316L$60-$100 per kg
Aluminium AlSi10Mg$80-$130 per kg
Maråldrat stål$90-$140 per kg
Titan Ti6Al4V$200-$350 per kg
Kobolt krom$300-$500 per kg
Ädelmetaller$3000+ per kg

Comparing SLS Metal Powder Materials

Various metal alloys are used for SLS printing, each with their own properties and tradeoffs:

SLS Metal Powder Materials Comparison

ParameterRostfria stålVerktygsstålTitanlegeringarNickellegeringarKobolt KromAluminiumlegeringar
HårdhetLägreMycket högMediumMediumHögreLåg-Medium
Motståndskraft mot korrosionUtmärktMediumUtmärktUtmärktUtmärktMedium-Good
VärmebeständighetMediumMedelhög-HögMediumMycket högMycket högLägre
KostnadLägstMediumHögMycket högHögLåg

We can see stainless steels offer the best combinational properties when cost is a consideration, while tool steels provide extreme hardness. Titanium brings biocompatibility and strength with low density. Superalloys like Inconel and CoCr offer thermal stability and biocompatibility. Aluminum alloys are the most cost-effective lightweight option.

Pros and Cons of Common SLS Metal Powders

Rostfria stålCost-effective, readily machinableLower hardness and strength
VerktygsstålExtremely hard and heat treatableLess corrosion resistance, biocompatibility
TitanlegeringarStrong, lightweight, bio-friendlyExpensive, can burn in oxygen atmosphere
NickellegeringarExcellent heat/corrosion resistanceHeavy, toxic, very expensive
Kobolt kromBiocompatible, corrosion resistantHeavy, medium cost
AluminiumlegeringarLätt vikt, god hållfasthetLower melting point, hardness

Customer Criteria for Selecting SLS Metal Powder

UrvalskriterierViktiga frågor
Mekaniska egenskaperDoes it meet target application strength, wear resistance and other mechanical specifications?
Material costDoes desired metal powder type fit application budgets?
EfterbearbetningAre secondary operations like Hot Isostatic Pressing or heat treatment needed?
Production run sizeIs target volume too high for production SLS printing?
Part size dimensionsIs maximum printer build volume sufficient for largest part geometries?
Resolution, surface finishCan SLS process achieve fine-feature-detail and surface quality requirements?
Delivery lead timeIs supplier lead time acceptable considering production timeline?

The end part application guides optimal material selection balancing performance needs and economics.

SLS Metal Printing Process Overview

Understanding SLS 3D printing helps appreciate how powder properties affect part quality:

SLS 3D Printing Process Stages

3D ModelingCAD software creates solid/mesh model of part to print
SkivningModel is digitally sliced into layers to generate printer file
Powder spreadingRoller or blade spreads thin layer of powder on build platform
Laser scanningCO2 laser scans over powder bed to melt particles together
Lowering platformBuild platform lowers by 1 layer thickness (~50 microns)
Repeat spreading/meltingSteps repeat until full object is built up layer-by-layer
EfterbearbetningExcess powder removed, final treatments done to finish part

How Powder Characteristics Impact Print Results

PulverfastighetInfluence on Print Quality
Geometri för pulverSpherical particles with good flow enable uniform layers without defects
PartikelstorleksintervallToo fine powders have poor flow, too large creates poor resolution
StorleksfördelningToo wide a distribution can segregate or create variable melting
Skenbar densitetHigher density yields greater final part density after sintering
Sann densitetPlaces upper limit on achievable part density
Surface textureRougher particles can trap gases or hamper powder flow

We can see several powder physical properties directly impact print results, so tight control by suppliers is crucial.

Post-Processing of SLS Printed Metal Parts

After the SLS printing process, additional finishing steps help improve final part properties:

Common SLS Part Post-Processing Steps

Avlägsnande av pulverExcess powder brushed/blasted offReveals printed object
StresslindrandeHeating to remove residual stressesImproves dimensional accuracy
YtbehandlingSanding, polishing, bead blastingSmoothens surface, aids coating adhesion
InfiltrationLiquid fills residual porosityFurther increases density, improves strength
VärmebehandlingHardening and tempering thermal cyclesEnhances hardness in steels

Post-Processing Effects on Part Properties

FastighetPost-Processing Influence
TäthetInfiltration with epoxy or bronze fills pores increasing density 5-15%
YtjämnhetManual/automated polishing can achieve under 2 micron roughness
Dimensionell noggrannhetStress relieving heat cycle reduces warpage improving precision
DraghållfasthetInfiltration improves UTS while heat treatment can double yields strength
DuktilitetTradeoff with strength improvement from post-treatments
HårdhetPrecipitation hardenable alloys like 17-4PH respond well to aging treatments

Thus post-processing allows tailoring metal properties further based on application needs.

SLS Metal Printing Quality Control

Consistent high quality powder feedstock coupled with SLS process monitoring ensures reliable parts:

Quality Control for SLS Metal Powder

ParameterTypisk specifikationTestmetoder
Fördelning av partikelstorlekHall flow rate > 35s/50gSiktning, laserdiffraktion
Skenbar densitet65-80% of true densityGravimetric measurement
PulversammansättningAlloying ranges per ISO 27296X-Ray fluorescence
Surface morphologyMedian circularity > 0.75Micrographs, image analysis
Kontaminering< 50 ppm oxygen, < 150 ppm nitrogenFusionsanalys med inert gas

In-Process Monitoring for SLS Printing

MetriskSensor UsedSyfte
LaserkraftBuilt-in photodiodeMaintains fusion consistency
Temperatur i pulverbäddIR sensorEnsures part integrity, no warping
AtmosfärOxygen analyzerAvoids powder ignition in build chamber
Skiktets tjocklekZ-axis encoderPrecise reproducible layers

Such stringent control over input powder and process settings results in high quality metal parts from each production run.

SLS Metal Printing Compared to Alternatives

Other metal 3D printing alternatives to SLS include:

Comparison of Metal 3D Printing Methods

MetriskBinder JettingDMLSSLMEBM
RåmaterialMetal/polymer mix powderMetal powderMetal powderMetal wire/powder
EnergikällaFlytande bindemedelFiberlaserPowerful Yb fiber laserElektronstråle
Build speedModerate, faster than laser methodsSlow due to point-by-point scanningVery fast, full melting occursFastest method
Resolution, surface finishPoorer due to binder, post-processing helpsVery good due to fine laser spotExcellent due to full meltingModerate due to partial melting
Dimensionell noggrannhet+/- 0.3% with CTQ process+/- 0.1-0.2%+/- 0.1-0.2%+/- 0.2-0.3%
EfterbearbetningCuring, sintering both neededOnly support removalSome machining may be neededMost secondary work needed
Kostnad per delLower material cost helps reduce priceMuch higher operating costHigh equipment, material costHög kostnad för utrustning

Among all methods, binder jetting has emerged as most cost-effective for metal part production at lower volumes up to 10,000 units. SLS provides the easiest post-processing combined with good accuracy and surface finish.

sls metal powder

Vanliga frågor

What industries use SLS metal printing?

SLS metal printing is used in aerospace, automotive, medical, and many other industries where precision metal parts are required.

What is the accuracy and resolution of SLS metal printing?

The accuracy and resolution depend on several factors, including the machine, material, and process parameters, but SLS metal printing can achieve high levels of precision.

Is post-processing required for SLS metal-printed parts?

Yes, post-processing may be required to remove support structures, improve surface finish, and meet specific requirements for the application.

What are the limitations of SLS metal printing?

Some limitations include the cost of equipment, limited size of build chambers, and the need for proper safety measures due to the use of lasers and metal powders.

Can SLS metal printing be used for mass production?

Yes, SLS metal printing can be used for both prototyping and low to medium-volume production of metal parts.

Is SLS metal printing environmentally friendly?

While it can reduce material waste compared to traditional manufacturing methods, the disposal of metal powders and energy consumption are factors to consider regarding its environmental impact.

Are there any safety precautions when working with SLS metal printing?

Yes, safety measures should be taken when handling metal powders, and operators should be trained to work with laser-based systems safely.

What is the cost of SLS metal printing services?

The cost varies depending on factors such as material choice, part complexity, and quantity. It’s best to request quotes from service providers for specific projects.

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