Sfäriskt pulver



Sfäriskt pulver, also known as spherical metal powder, is a type of finely granulated material characterized by its spherical shape. These powders are essential in various industrial applications, including additive manufacturing, coatings, and metal injection molding. The uniform shape of the particles ensures high packing density and flowability, making them ideal for precision applications.

In this article, we’ll delve into the specifics of spherical powder, exploring different models, compositions, properties, and uses. We’ll also compare various options, discuss their advantages and limitations, and provide insights into suppliers and pricing.

What is Spherical Powder?

Spherical powders are metallic powders composed of tiny, uniform spherical particles. The shape of these particles significantly enhances the material’s properties, such as flowability and packing density, which are crucial for applications like 3D printing and coatings.

sfäriskt pulver

Typer av Sfäriskt pulver

Here’s a detailed look at some of the most common types of spherical metal powders:

Spherical Titanium Powder (Ti-6Al-4V)Titanium alloyed with 6% Aluminum, 4% VanadiumHigh strength, lightweight, corrosion resistanceIdeal for aerospace and biomedical applications
Spherical Aluminum Powder (AlSi10Mg)Aluminum alloyed with Silicon and MagnesiumGood thermal properties, lightweightUsed in automotive and aerospace sectors
Spherical Stainless Steel Powder (316L)Järn, krom, nickel, molybdenHög korrosionsbeständighet, goda mekaniska egenskaperCommon in medical and food industries
Spherical Copper Powder (Cu-OFHC)Ren kopparUtmärkt elektrisk och termisk ledningsförmågaUsed in electronics and conductive inks
Spherical Nickel Alloy Powder (Inconel 718)Nickel, Chromium, Iron, Molybdenum, NiobiumHög temperaturbeständighet, korrosionsbeständighetSuitable for aerospace and gas turbines
Spherical Cobalt-Chrome Powder (CoCrMo)Kobolt, krom, molybdenHög slitstyrka, biokompatibilitetAnvänds ofta i medicinska implantat
Spherical Iron Powder (Fe)Rent järnGood magnetic properties, ductilityUsed in powder metallurgy and magnetic applications
Spherical Tungsten Powder (W)Ren volframHög densitet, hög smältpunktUtilized in radiation shielding and heavy metal alloys
Spherical Molybdenum Powder (Mo)Ren molybdenHög hållfasthet vid höga temperaturerUsed in high-temperature applications and electronics
Spherical Zinc Powder (Zn)Ren zinkGood corrosion resistance, sacrificial anodeCommon in galvanization and battery applications

Applications of Spherical Powder

Spherical powders find use in a wide array of industries due to their unique properties. Here’s a table that shows where these powders are commonly applied:

TillämpningIndustriSpecific Use
Additiv tillverkning (3D-utskrift)Flyg- och rymdindustrin, medicinteknik, fordonsindustrinFabrication of complex geometries, prototyping
Formsprutning av metall (MIM)Medical, Consumer GoodsProduction of small, intricate parts
YtbeläggningarAerospace, Automotive, ElectronicsThermal barrier coatings, conductive coatings
PulvermetallurgiAutomotive, IndustrialManufacturing of high-performance parts
ElektronikElectronics ManufacturingProduction of conductive inks, components
Battery ProductionLagring av energiFabrication of electrodes, battery components
KatalysatorerKemisk bearbetningUsed in catalytic converters, industrial catalysts
SintringIndustriell tillverkningFabrication of dense, durable parts
Termisk sprutningFlyg- och rymdindustrin, industriSurface enhancement and protection
FiltrationWater Treatment, Air PurificationFabrication of porous filters

Specifikationer, storlekar, kvaliteter och standarder

The specifications and standards for spherical powders vary depending on the application and material. Below is a table outlining these aspects:

MaterialStorleksintervall (µm)BetygStandarder
Ti-6Al-4V15-45, 45-75Årskurs 23, årskurs 5ASTM F2924, ISO 5832-3
AlSi10Mg20-63Betyg 1SV AC-43000
316L rostfritt stål15-45, 45-100Klass 316LASTM F138, ISO 5832-1
Cu-OFHC10-45Betyg 1ASTM F68
Inconel 71815-53Betyg 718AMS 5662, ASTM B637
CoCrMo15-45F75, F1537ASTM F75, ISO 5832-4
Järn20-150Hög renhetASTM A131
Volfram5-45Hög renhetASTM B777, AMS 7725
Molybden10-45Hög renhetASTM B387
Zink20-150Hög renhetASTM B6

Advantages of Spherical Powder

Spherical powders offer several advantages over irregular-shaped powders, making them preferred for many high-precision applications.

Hög flödesförmåga

Due to their uniform shape, spherical powders exhibit superior flowability, which is crucial for processes like 3D printing and metal injection molding.

Hög packningstäthet

The spherical shape allows for a higher packing density compared to irregular powders, which improves the mechanical properties of the finished products.

Uniformity and Consistency

Spherical powders ensure a more consistent and uniform layer application, which is essential for producing high-quality parts with intricate details.

Reduced Porosity

Parts manufactured using spherical powders generally have reduced porosity, enhancing their mechanical strength and durability.

Förbättrad värmeledningsförmåga

For materials like copper and aluminum, the spherical shape enhances thermal conductivity, making them ideal for applications in electronics and heat exchangers.

sfäriskt pulver

Disadvantages of Spherical Powder

While spherical powders have many advantages, there are some limitations to consider:

Högre kostnad

The production of spherical powders can be more expensive due to the specialized processes required to achieve the uniform shape.

Begränsad tillgång till material

Not all materials are available in spherical form, which can limit options for specific applications.

Specialized Equipment Required

Handling and processing spherical powders often require specialized equipment, which can add to the overall cost and complexity of the manufacturing process.

Potential for Segregation

In some applications, the uniform shape can lead to segregation issues, where different sizes of particles separate, affecting the consistency of the final product.

Jämförande analys av Sfäriskt pulver Typer

Here’s a comparison of different spherical powders, highlighting their pros and cons:

MaterialFördelar Nackdelar
Ti-6Al-4VHigh strength, lightweight, excellent corrosion resistanceExpensive, requires specialized equipment for processing
AlSi10MgGood thermal properties, lightweight, cost-effectiveLimited high-temperature performance
316L rostfritt stålKorrosionsbeständighet, goda mekaniska egenskaperHigher cost compared to other steels
Cu-OFHCUtmärkt elektrisk och termisk ledningsförmågaSoft, prone to wear and tear
Inconel 718Hög temperaturbeständighet, korrosionsbeständighetMycket dyrt, svårt att bearbeta
CoCrMoHög slitstyrka, biokompatibilitetExpensive, limited to specialized applications
Järn Good magnetic properties, cost-effectiveProne to rust and corrosion
Volfram Hög densitet, hög smältpunktMycket tung, svår att bearbeta
Molybden Hög hållfasthet vid höga temperaturerSkör, svår att bearbeta
Zink Good corrosion resistance, cost-effectiveLower mechanical strength, limited structural applications
sfäriskt pulver


Vad är sfäriskt pulver?

Spherical powder is a type of metal powder with particles shaped like spheres, offering high flowability and packing density for precision applications.

What are the common types of spherical powder?

Common types include Ti-6Al-4V, AlSi10Mg, 316L Stainless Steel, Cu-OFHC, Inconel 718, CoCrMo, Iron, Tungsten, Molybdenum, and Zinc.

Where is spherical powder used?

It is used in additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, coatings, powder metallurgy, electronics, battery production, catalysts, sintering, thermal spraying, and filtration.

What are the advantages of spherical powder?

Advantages include high flowability, high packing density, uniformity and consistency, reduced porosity, and improved thermal conductivity.

What are the disadvantages of spherical powder?

Disadvantages include higher cost, limited material availability, specialized equipment requirements, and potential for segregation in some applications.

Who are the main suppliers of spherical powder?

Main suppliers include Höganäs, LPW Technology, Carpenter Technology, Valimet, AP&C, Sandvik Osprey, Praxair Surface Technologies, Tekna, Kennametal, and Arcam AB.

How is spherical powder priced?

Pricing varies based on material and supplier, typically ranging from $20 to $600 per kilogram.

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MET3DP Technology Co, LTD är en ledande leverantör av lösningar för additiv tillverkning med huvudkontor i Qingdao, Kina. Vårt företag är specialiserat på 3D-utskriftsutrustning och högpresterande metallpulver för industriella tillämpningar.

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