
všechny sbírky

vícemateriálové struktury

Niklový nanoprášek

Welcome to the fascinating world of nickel nanopowder, a cutting-edge material that is rapidly transforming various industries with its unique properties and versatile applications. Imagine a substance so small and yet so powerful, possessing characteristics that defy conventional boundaries. This is the allure of nickel nanopowder, a realm where the

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Vysokoteplotní slitina C276

Titanový prášek

Titanium powder is a versatile and highly sought-after material that has found applications across diverse industries. From aerospace and automotive to medical and sporting goods, titanium powder’s unique properties make it an ideal choice for many demanding applications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of titanium powder, delving

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Kulatý měděný prášek

Práškové tiskárny kovů

Metal powder printer, also known as metal 3D printers or metal additive manufacturing systems, are advanced machines that create three-dimensional objects by fusing together layers of metal powder. These printers have revolutionized the manufacturing industry, enabling the production of complex geometries, customized parts, and intricate designs that would be difficult

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Aditivní výroba kovového prášku

Aditivní výroba kovového prášku: Přehled

Aditivní výroba, známá také jako 3D tisk, využívá kovové prášky jako surovinu pro výrobu kovových dílů a výrobků vrstvu po vrstvě. Vlastnosti a charakteristiky kovového prášku mají významný vliv na kvalitu, mechanické vlastnosti, přesnost a výkonnost 3D tištěných kovových součástí. Tento článek

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Vysokoteplotní slitina EP648

AlSi10Mg pro kovový 3D tisk: Definitivní průvodce

AlSi10Mg is a popular aluminum alloy used in metal 3D printing, offering a good combination of mechanical properties, weight, corrosion resistance and printability. This article provides a comprehensive overview of AlSi10Mg including its composition, properties, print parameters, applications, suppliers and more to inform your metal AM decisions. Overview of AlSi10Mg

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3D tisk kovového prášku

Aditivní výroba SLM

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a transformative way to make parts and products. One of the most widely used additive manufacturing techniques is selective laser melting (SLM). SLM is a powder bed fusion method that uses a high-powered laser to selectively fuse material powder together to build

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vícemateriálové struktury

Niklový nanoprášek

Welcome to the fascinating world of nickel nanopowder, a cutting-edge material that is rapidly transforming various industries with its unique properties and versatile applications. Imagine

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Vysokoteplotní slitina C276

Titanový prášek

Titanium powder is a versatile and highly sought-after material that has found applications across diverse industries. From aerospace and automotive to medical and sporting goods,

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3D tisk kovového prášku

Aditivní výroba SLM

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a transformative way to make parts and products. One of the most widely used additive manufacturing techniques

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