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Zařízení pro tavení elektronovým paprskem
Listopad 27, 2023
Přehled zařízení pro tavení elektronovým svazkem Technologie Zařízení pro tavení elektronovým svazkem je aditivní výrobní technologie, která se používá ke spojování kovových prášků vrstvu po vrstvě pomocí vysoce výkonného elektronového svazku ve vakuovém prostředí. Zařízení EBM nabízí možnosti, které jsou z hlediska rychlosti sestavení nesrovnatelné s jinými metodami 3D tisku kovů,

Kovový prášek z wolframu
Listopad 24, 2023
Overview of tungsten metal powder Tungsten metal powder refers to fine particulate material composed primarily of elemental tungsten for use in various industrial applications. Key properties include extremely high density, strength, hardness, and high temperature durability. Common applications of tungsten powder include: Tungsten is considered a critical raw material for

Gas Atomized Metal Powder
Listopad 24, 2023
Overview of gas atomized metal powder Gas atomized metal powder refers to metallic particulate materials produced by atomizing molten alloy feedstock with high velocity inert gas jets. This imparts a spherical morphology ideal for additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, and other applications. Gas atomization features: Continue reading to learn about

Inconel 3D Printed Parts
Listopad 24, 2023
Overview of inconel 3d printed part Inconel 3D printed parts refer to components fabricated from Inconel superalloy powders using additive manufacturing (AM) methods. Inconel grades offer exceptional heat and corrosion resistance combined with high strength, making them ideally suited to aerospace, power generation, and other demanding applications. Key properties of

High Temperature Iron Powder
Listopad 22, 2023
Overview High temperature iron powders are specialized metallic powders made from iron-based alloys designed to operate at elevated temperatures exceeding 850°C without rapidly losing strength. Conventional iron and steel powders oxidize and deteriorate faster beyond this threshold. By carefully tailoring powder chemistry and processing treatments, high temperature strength and environmental

Výroba kovového prášku
Listopad 22, 2023
Overview Metal powders are fine metal particles used as feedstock for manufacturing techniques like additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, and powder metallurgy pressing and sintering. Producing advanced specialty metal powders with precise control of chemistry, particle size distribution, morphology, and microstructure is critical to properties of finished components. There are

Zařízení pro tavení elektronovým paprskem
Listopad 27, 2023
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Přehled zařízení pro tavení elektronovým svazkem Technologie Zařízení pro tavení elektronovým svazkem je aditivní výrobní technologie, která se používá ke spojování kovových prášků vrstvu po vrstvě.

Kovový prášek z wolframu
Listopad 24, 2023
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Overview of tungsten metal powder Tungsten metal powder refers to fine particulate material composed primarily of elemental tungsten for use in various industrial applications. Key

Gas Atomized Metal Powder
Listopad 24, 2023
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Overview of gas atomized metal powder Gas atomized metal powder refers to metallic particulate materials produced by atomizing molten alloy feedstock with high velocity inert

Inconel 3D Printed Parts
Listopad 24, 2023
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Overview of inconel 3d printed part Inconel 3D printed parts refer to components fabricated from Inconel superalloy powders using additive manufacturing (AM) methods. Inconel grades

High Temperature Iron Powder
Listopad 22, 2023
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Overview High temperature iron powders are specialized metallic powders made from iron-based alloys designed to operate at elevated temperatures exceeding 850°C without rapidly losing strength.

Výroba kovového prášku
Listopad 22, 2023
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Overview Metal powders are fine metal particles used as feedstock for manufacturing techniques like additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, and powder metallurgy pressing and sintering.
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Kovové prášky pro 3D tisk a aditivní výrobu
kontaktní informace
- Město Qingdao, Shandong, Čína
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- +86 19116340731