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Tvrdé slitiny chromového prášku

Představte si svět, ve kterém se stroje nezastavují kvůli opotřebení. Kde si nástroje déle zachovávají ostré hrany a součásti odolávají oděru jako mistři. To je realita, kterou přinášejí tvrdé slitiny chromového prášku. Tyto pozoruhodné materiály jsou pečlivě vyrobeny kombinací

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TC4 kovový prášek

Dy2O3 pro kovové dysprosium

Dy2O3 for metal dysprosium is a rare earth element prized for its unique magnetic properties. But did you know a seemingly ordinary compound, dysprosium(III) oxide (Dy2O3), plays a critical role in unlocking Dy’s full potential? This article delves deep into the world of Dy2O3 for metal dysprosium, exploring its impact

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AgCuTi výkon

BAg-36 Powder

BAg-36 powder, also known as silver brazing alloy powder, is a superhero in the metal joining world. Imagine needing to connect two pieces of metal permanently, but with a strong, high-temperature bond. That’s where BAg-36 comes in, wielding its superpowers of excellent flow, superior strength, and resistance to heat. But

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Prášek molybdenu

Molybdenum powder, a fine and versatile material, plays a crucial role in shaping the world around us. Imagine the searing heat in a jet engine or the pressure within a deep-sea oil rig. Molybdenum powder is there, standing strong and resilient in these extreme environments. But what exactly is molybdenum

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Tvrdá slitina chromového prášku

FeCoCrNiMn pro 3D tisk

The world of 3D printing is constantly evolving, with new materials pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Enter FeCoCrNiMn, a high-entropy alloy (HEA) that’s generating excitement for its unique properties and potential to revolutionize additive manufacturing. But what exactly is FeCoCrNiMn, and how does it stack up against traditional 3D

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Výkon BNi-7 pro PM

SnAgCu0307 výkon pro laser

Imagine a material that combines the strength of steel with the conductivity of copper, all while boasting a melting point low enough for intricate laser processing. That’s the magic of SnAgCu0307, a revolutionary alloy poised to transform the landscape of laser technology. This article delves deep into the world of

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AgCuTi výkon

BAg-36 Powder

BAg-36 powder, also known as silver brazing alloy powder, is a superhero in the metal joining world. Imagine needing to connect two pieces of metal

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Tvrdá slitina chromového prášku

FeCoCrNiMn pro 3D tisk

The world of 3D printing is constantly evolving, with new materials pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Enter FeCoCrNiMn, a high-entropy alloy (HEA) that’s generating

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