
všechny sbírky

BAg-8 prášek

Ag18CuP Powder

Imagine this: you’re meticulously assembling a critical piece of machinery. Every component needs to fit together seamlessly, with zero tolerance for error. But achieving this level of precision can be a nightmare, especially with traditional joining methods like welding or brazing. Here’s where Ag18CuP powder swoops in, acting as your

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Výkon BNi-7 pro PM

Sférický wolframový prášek

Imagine a material so dense it could rival a black hole in a teaspoon, yet so fine it flows like sand. That’s the magic of spherical tungsten powder, a marvel of engineering that’s revolutionizing industries from aerospace to medicine. But what exactly is this wonder material, and how does it

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AgCuTi výkon

BNi-2 powder

Imagine you’re a manufacturer tasked with creating a super strong, heat-resistant component. You have a toolbox filled with various metal powders, but how do you seamlessly connect them? Enter BNi-2 powder, a superhero in the world of metal joining. Think of it as a superglue specifically designed for metals, and

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AlSi7Mg prášek

AlSi7Mg prášek

Imagine building complex, high-strength components that are incredibly light. Imagine achieving this feat not through traditional manufacturing methods, but through a cutting-edge technology: 3D printing. This is the magic of AlSi7Mg powder, a metal powder alloy rapidly transforming the landscape of additive manufacturing. An Overview of AlSi7Mg Powder AlSi7Mg powder,

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BNi-5 prášek

2024 kovové prášky pro metalurgii

The year 2024 promises to be a pivotal year for powder metallurgy (PM), a manufacturing technique that utilizes metal powders to create complex, near-net-shape components. At the heart of this progress lies the power of the metal powders themselves. Just like the ingredients in a recipe, the specific type of

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Výkon BNi-7

Hliníkový prášek 7075 pro SLM

Aditivní výroba, známá také jako 3D tisk, způsobila revoluci ve způsobu navrhování a výroby složitých dílů. Selektivní laserové tavení (SLM) je výkonná technika 3D tisku, která využívá laserový paprsek k selektivnímu tavení kovového prášku vrstvu po vrstvě a vytváří trojrozměrný objekt z digitálního plánu. Výběr

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BAg-8 prášek

Ag18CuP Powder

Imagine this: you’re meticulously assembling a critical piece of machinery. Every component needs to fit together seamlessly, with zero tolerance for error. But achieving this

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AgCuTi výkon

BNi-2 powder

Imagine you’re a manufacturer tasked with creating a super strong, heat-resistant component. You have a toolbox filled with various metal powders, but how do you

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AlSi7Mg prášek

AlSi7Mg prášek

Imagine building complex, high-strength components that are incredibly light. Imagine achieving this feat not through traditional manufacturing methods, but through a cutting-edge technology: 3D printing.

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