Prášek molybdenu


Prášek molybdenu is a gray powder made by reducing molybdenum oxide under hydrogen atmosphere. It has unique properties like high melting point, strength, hardness, wear resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures that make it suitable for applications like metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, electronics, and aerospace components.

Přehled molybdenového prášku

Molybdenum powder has following key characteristics:

  • High purity levels from 99.5% to 99.995%
  • High density and compact shape
  • Available in particle sizes ranging from 1 micron to 100 microns
  • Globular, angular, or flaked powder shapes
  • Forms alloys by sintering with other powders

It is used for manufacturing of molybdenum metal components, specialty alloys, lubricants, catalysts, pigments, etc.

molybdenový prášek

Molybdenum Powder Manufacturing Process

PraženíMolybdenite concentrate is roasted in air at 550-650°C, converting it into molybdenum trioxide.
Milling & BlendingMolybdenum trioxide powder is milled and blended with a reducing agent such as hydrogen gas.
PředehřevThe blended molybdenum oxide powder mix is preheated to initiate an exothermic reaction.
RedukceThe preheated blend is rapidly heated between 700-1,100°C under controlled atmosphere, reducing the oxide to pure molybdenum powder.
Cooling & SievingThe molybdenum powder is cooled, sieved and classified into different particle sizes ranging from 1-100 microns.
BaleníThe powders are sealed into drums or bags with inert gas atmosphere to prevent oxidation during storage and transport.

Aplikace z Prášek molybdenu

Some major applications of molybdenum powder include:

Metallurgy and Alloy MakingAlloying element in steels, superalloys, welding rods
Výroba strojůSintered molybdenum components like electrodes, fixtures, guides
Elektronika a elektrotechnikaFilaments, contacts, lead wires, discharge tubes
AerospaceRocket nozzles, aircraft, and missile parts
ChemikálieCatalysts, pigments, lubricant additives

Výběr Prášek molybdenu Dodavatelé

When selecting a molybdenum powder supplier, buyers should evaluate following parameters:

Certifikace kvalityISO, ASME standards compliance
SledovatelnostLot number tracking for consistent quality
Technické schopnostiSkilled manpower, testing facilities
R&D CapabilitiesProduct development, customization
Stanovení cenCompetitive & stable long term pricing
Doba realizaceInventory availability to meet delivery schedules

Some of the major global suppliers with good credentials are:

  • HC Starck
  • JDC Molybdenum Co. Ltd.
  • Skupina Plansee
  • Exploiter Molybdenum Co., Ltd.

The price range for molybdenum powder is between $30 to $50 per Kg based on purity levels and quantities.

Installing Molybdenum Powder Equipment

Key requirements for handling molybdenum powder are:

Skladování a manipulaceInert gas atmosphere, moisture-proof containers
ZpracováníHigh temperature hydrogen furnaces
BezpečnostSpark-resistant fittings, explosion vents

Workers need to wear protective apparel like face masks, goggles, gloves to prevent contact with fine powder particles during handling.

Advantages and Limitations of Molybdenum Powder

Outstanding mechanical propertiesExpensive compared to other powders
Vysoká teplotní stabilitaProne to oxidation if exposed to air
Alloying abilityRequires controlled atmosphere
Customizable particle sizesHandling fine powders requires care

Prášek molybdenu has excellent material qualities that justify its higher cost in critical applications requiring high performance under extreme conditions. Proper handling and processing precautions must be taken to utilize its full potential.

molybdenový prášek

Nejčastější dotazy

Q: Does molybdenum powder require special storage or shipping?

A: Yes, it needs moisture-free inert gas atmosphere sealing to prevent oxidation.

Q: What is the typical lead time for procuring molybdenum powder?

A: Lead time can range from 2 weeks to 8 weeks depending on inventory availability.

Q: What are common contaminants found in molybdenum powder?

A: Iron, copper, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and moisture are usual contaminants.

Q: What is the impact of hydrogen embrittlement on molybdenum?

A: No risk of embrittlement as hydrogen does not diffuse into molybdenum lattice.

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