AlSi7Mg prášek

Prášek AlSi7Mg je prášek z hliníkové slitiny, který se skládá především z hliníku (Al), křemíku (Si) a hořčíku (Mg). „7“ v jeho názvu znamená procento křemíku, zatímco „Mg“ představuje obsah hořčíku. Tento prášek vykazuje vynikající pevnost, nízkou hustotu a působivé tepelné vlastnosti, díky čemuž je preferovanou volbou v mnoha průmyslových odvětvích.

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Overview of AlSi7Mg Powder

AlSi7Mg or A357 alloy is a versatile foundry alloy that possesses properties between pure aluminum and high-silicon hypereutectic alloys. The silicon additions improve castability and enhance mechanical properties while magnesium improves strength.

Key characteristics of AlSi7Mg powder include:

  • Dobrá pevnost a tvrdost
  • Excellent fluidity and castability
  • Dobrá obrobitelnost a leštitelnost
  • Vysoká tepelná vodivost
  • Dobrá odolnost proti korozi
  • Nízký koeficient tepelné roztažnosti
  • Available in range of particle sizes

AlSi7Mg powder is used for producing automotive components, hydraulic parts, and other precision castings needing balanced properties.

Chemical Composition of AlSi7Mg Powder

The typical chemical composition of AlSi7Mg powder is:

Živel Hmotnost %
hliník (Al) Zůstatek
křemík (Si) 6-8%
Hořčík (Mg) 0.4-0.8%
železo (Fe) 0.15-0.5%
mangan (Mn) 0,1% max
měď (Cu) 0,1% max
Zinek (Zn) 0,1% max
titan (Ti) 0,25% max

AlSi7Mg prášek

Silicon is the principal alloying element while magnesium enhances strength and castability. Iron, manganese, and titanium have minor effects. The composition is tailored to meet mechanical property requirements.

Properties of AlSi7Mg Powder

AlSi7Mg powder possesses the following properties:

Vlastnictví Hodnota
Hustota 2.68 g/cm3
Bod tání ~600 °C
Tepelná vodivost 130-160 W/mK
Elektrický odpor 3-5 μΩ.cm
Youngův modul 70-80 GPa
Poissonův poměr 0.33
Pevnost v tahu 250-300 MPa
Mez kluzu 140-180 MPa
Prodloužení 4-8%
Tvrdost 80-100 Brinell


The silicon additions increase the strength while retaining good ductility and machinability. The alloy has excellent castability and thermal properties.

Production Method of AlSi7Mg Powder

Commercial production processes used for AlSi7Mg powder include:

  • Atomizace plynu – Molten alloy stream broken into fine droplets by inert gas jets. Produces spherical powder.
  • Atomizace vody – High pressure water jet impacts molten metal to yield fine powders. Cost effective but higher oxygen pickup.
  • Mechanické legování – Ball milling of aluminum and silicon powders followed by cold compaction and sintering.

Gas atomization provides the most control over powder characteristics like particle size distribution, morphology, and microstructure.

Aplikace prášku AlSi7Mg

The key applications of AlSi7Mg powder include:

  • Vstřikování kovů – To manufacture small intricate parts with tight tolerances and good mechanical properties.
  • Aditivní výroba – Used in binder jetting, laser melting and other AM processes to produce complex components.
  • Castings – Added to melts to improve fluidity. Used to manufacture automotive parts requiring durability.
  • Prášková metalurgie – Press and sinter process to create high performance parts.
  • Tepelný nástřik – Deposited as protective coatings on metal surfaces to provide wear and corrosion resistance.
  • Svařovací plnivo – For joining aluminum components while retaining weld strength.
  • Pyrotechnika – Added to pyrotechnic compositions as a fuel constituent.

Specifications of AlSi7Mg Powder

AlSi7Mg powder is available under different size ranges, grades and purity levels:

  • Velikost částic: From 10 – 150 microns for AM, under 45 microns for MIM.
  • Morfologie: Spherical, granular and irregular particle shapes. Smooth powder flows better.
  • Čistota: From commercial to high purity (99.9%) grades.
  • Obsah kyslíku: Levels range from 400 – 1500 ppm for different production methods.
  • Tekutost: Powder customized for excellent flow rates of 25 s/50 g or better.
  • stupně: Custom alloy chemistry and powder characteristics offered.

Globální dodavatelé prášku AlSi7Mg

Some of the major AlSi7Mg powder suppliers globally are:

  • PyroGenesis Kanada
  • Sandvik Osprey UK
  • Valimet Inc. USA
  • Makin Metal Powders UK
  • Shanghai Chaowei Nanotechnology China
  • Agni Metal USA
  • Titanium Powder Canada

These companies produce AlSi7Mg powder using various methods suitable for additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, thermal spray, and other applications.

AlSi7Mg Powder Pricing

Pricing of AlSi7Mg powder depends on factors like:

  • Úrovně čistoty
  • Vlastnosti částic
  • Způsob výroby
  • Objem objednávky
  • Další zpracování
  • Dodavatel a umístění
Třída Cenové rozpětí
Komerční $5-15 na kg
Vysoká čistota $15-30 na kg
Ultrafine $30-60 za kg
Speciální třída $50-120 za kg


In general, gas atomized and controlled powders command much higher pricing than simple commercial grades.

Handling and Storage of AlSi7Mg Powder

AlSi7Mg powder should be properly handled and stored to prevent:

  • Moisture contact leading to oxidation
  • Fire hazards from dust accumulation
  • Health hazards from inhaling fine powders
  • Je třeba dodržovat bezpečnostní postupy doporučené dodavatelem

Sealed containers under inert atmosphere along with proper grounding and PPE is recommended.

Metody testování a charakterizace

Key test methods for AlSi7Mg powder include:

  • Chemická analýza složení pomocí OES nebo XRF
  • Rozložení velikosti částic podle normy ASTM B822
  • Morfologická analýza pomocí SEM
  • Flow rate measurement using Hall flowmeter
  • Stanovení hustoty pomocí heliové pyknometrie
  • Impurity levels tested by ICP-MS
  • Microstructure examined by XRD phase analysis

Thorough testing ensures powder quality for application requirements is met.

Comparison of AlSi7Mg and AlSi10Mg Powders

AlSi7Mg and AlSi10Mg are two aluminum alloy powders compared:

Parametr AlSi7Mg AlSi 10Mg
Obsah křemíku 6-8% 9-11%
Síla Dolní Vyšší
Odlévatelnost Srovnatelné Srovnatelné
Odolnost proti korozi Dobrý Vynikající
Náklady Dolní Vyšší
Aplikace Castings, MIM Aerospace, AM parts
Dostupnost Snadno dostupné Mírný


AlSi10Mg offers higher strength but at increased cost. AlSi7Mg provides well-balanced properties at lower cost where high strength is not critical.

AlSi7Mg Powder FAQs

Q: How is AlSi7Mg powder produced?

A: AlSi7Mg powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization, or mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization offers better control over particle characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications for AlSi7Mg powder?

A: The key applications for AlSi7Mg powder include metal injection molding, aluminum die casting, additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, thermal spray coatings, and filler welding wire.

Q: What is the typical particle size used for AlSi7Mg powder in AM?

A: For most metal 3D printing processes like DMLS and binder jetting, the common particle size range for AlSi7Mg powder is 20-45 microns.

Q: Does AlSi7Mg powder require any special handling precautions?

A: Yes, it is recommended to handle aluminum powders under inert atmosphere using proper grounding, ventilation, and PPE to prevent fire and explosion hazards.

Q: Where can I buy AlSi7Mg powder suitable for making precision castings?

A: Leading powder suppliers like Valimet, Makin Metal Powders, and PyroGenesis provide AlSi7Mg powder suitable for foundry applications like precision castings.

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