Titanový prášek pro aditivní výrobu


Titanium powder is a critical material for printing high-strength, lightweight titanium components using additive manufacturing techniques like selective laser melting (SLM) and electron beam melting (EBM). This guide provides a comprehensive overview of titanium powders for AM.

Introduction to Titanium Powder for AM

Titanium powder enables 3D printing of titanium parts with exceptional properties:

  • Vysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
  • Vynikající odolnost proti korozi
  • Dobré vysokoteplotní vlastnosti
  • Biocompatibility for medical uses
  • Reactive and requires controlled processing

Common titanium alloys for AM:

  • Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64)
  • Ti-6Al-7Nb (Ti647)
  • Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr (Ti5553)
  • Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo (Ti-6-2-4-2)

Key powder characteristics:

  • Chemistry and microstructure
  • Velikost a distribuce částic
  • Tvar a morfologie částic
  • Čistota
  • Flowability and apparent density
titanový prášek

Prášek Ti-6Al-4V

Ti-6Al-4V is the most common titanium alloy powder used in AM:

  • Provides an excellent combination of strength, ductility and corrosion resistance
  • Strength can reach 1300 MPa and higher for AM parts
  • Melts around 1600°C and requires thermal management during printing
  • Sensitive to oxygen pickup – requires controlled atmosphere


  • Letecké a automobilové komponenty
  • Biomedical implants like orthopedic knee and hip replacements
  • Food and chemical processing industry parts
  • Spotřební zboží

Dodavatelé: AP&C, Tekna, Carpenter Additive, Arcam AB

Ti-6Al-7Nb Powder

Ti-6Al-7Nb powder provides superior tensile strength and creep resistance:

  • High strength up to 1500 MPa from precipitation hardening
  • Dobrá svařitelnost
  • Used as an alternative to toxic vanadium-alloys
  • Requires hot isostatic pressing (HIP) to minimize voids


  • Aerospace components like airframes and turbines
  • Motorsport parts subjected to high stresses
  • Dental implants and medical prosthetics
  • Marine applications like ships and propellers

Dodavatelé: AP&C, TLS Technik GmbH, Tekna

Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr Powder

Ti-5-5-5-3 powder offers excellent hardenability and deep hardening:

  • Strength levels exceed 1400 MPa
  • Retains properties at over 350°C
  • Used for difficult-to-machine titanium parts
  • Provides high fatigue resistance and creep strength


  • Aircraft landing gear and structural parts
  • Formula-1 engine and chassis components
  • Turbine engine discs and compressor parts
  • Aerospace fasteners and hardware

Dodavatelé: AP&C, Carpenter Additive, Arcam AB

Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Powder

Ti-6-2-4-2 powder provides superior hot gas erosion resistance:

  • Resists oxidation and corrosion up to 600°C
  • Excellent strength up to 1300 MPa
  • Used for parts subjected to high temperature gases
  • Requires hot isostatic pressing to achieve full densities


  • Aircraft engine blades and vanes
  • Trysky raketových motorů
  • Missile components subjected to hot gas flows
  • Nuclear reactors components

Dodavatelé: AP&C, Tekna, Sandvik Osprey

Grade 1 and Grade 2 Titanium

Grade 1 and 2 unalloyed titanové prášky provide excellent corrosion resistance:

  • High purity with low interstitial elements
  • Vynikající biokompatibilita
  • Low strength compared to alloys; about 380 MPa
  • Used for chemical, marine and consumer applications


  • Biomedical implants like cranial plates
  • Chemical reactor vessels and tubing
  • Marine components like propeller shafts
  • Zařízení pro zpracování potravin

Dodavatelé: AP&C, TLS Technik, Tekna Plasma Systems

titanový prášek

Titanium Aluminide Powders

Titanium aluminide alloys like Ti4522 print lightweight components:

  • Low density – 3.7 g/cm3
  • Strength up to 1000 MPa
  • Vynikající odolnost proti korozi
  • High-temperature capability up to 750°C
  • Challenging to process due to fast cooling and solidification


  • Aerospace compressor parts
  • Automotive turbocharger wheels
  • Combustion chamber liners
  • Missile and aircraft structures

Dodavatelé: Kennametal, AP&C, Sandvik

Metody výroby titanového prášku

1. Gas Atomization

  • Inert gas used to atomize molten metal into fine droplets
  • Spherical powders ideal for AM, 10-100 microns
  • High purity, can be pricey

2. Plasma Atomization

  • Uses plasma gas to atomize molten metal
  • Controlled particle shapes and sizes
  • Nižší odběr kyslíku než při rozprašování plynu

3. Hydride-Dehydride (HDH)

  • Crushed titanium hydride is dehydrided
  • Irregular shapes, large particle sizes
  • Lower cost, can have higher impurities

Technické specifikace

Typical titanový prášek specifications for AM:

ParametrSpecifikaceZkušební metoda
Velikost částic10 - 45 mikronůASTM B214
Zdánlivá hustota2.2 – 4.5 g/ccASTM B212
Hustota poklepání3.5 – 5.5 g/ccASTM B527
Průtoková rychlost25 - 35 s/50 gASTM B213
Obsah kyslíku< 0.20%Fúze inertních plynů
Obsah dusíku< 0,05%Fúze inertních plynů
Obsah vodíku< 0.015%Fúze inertních plynů
MorfologieSféroidníZobrazování pomocí SEM

Controlling particle size distribution, shape, chemistry, and density is critical.

Manipulace s titanovým práškem a jeho skladování

Special handling is needed to prevent oxidation and moisture pickup:

  • Use stainless steel containers and transfer vessels
  • Handle powder only in inert gas gloveboxes
  • Use high purity argon atmosphere
  • Avoid direct air and water exposure
  • Ground all material handling equipment
  • Maintain -10°C to 30°C storage temperatures
  • Freeze powder bed when printer is idle to prevent oxygen absorption

Proper storage extends reuse life of titanium powder significantly.

Powder Sieving

Sieving is used to obtain a consistent particle size distribution:


  • Breaks up agglomerates
  • Removes satellite particles
  • Reduces likelihood of defects
  • Improves powder flow and packing


  • Sieve powder through fine mesh around 20 microns
  • Use rotational or vibratory sieving
  • Perform under inert cover gas
  • Document remaining powder weight percentage

High quality starting powder combined with sieving minimizes final part defects.

Dodavatelé a ceny

DodavatelZnámkyCenové rozpětí
AP&CTi64, Ti64 ELI, Ti5553$150 – $450/kg
Přísada pro tesařeTi64, Ti5553, Ti64 ELI$200 – $500/kg
Technika TLSTi64, Ti4522, Ti54M$250 – $600/kg
TeknaTi64, Ti64 ELI, Ti45Nb$180 – $480/kg
  • Grade 1 and Grade 2 unalloyed powders cost ~$150-250/kg
  • Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-7Nb cost ~$250-450/kg
  • Special alloys cost $500-650/kg

Prices depend on order volume, quality level, microstructure, and morphology.

Printer Installation and Commissioning

Installing a titanium AM printer requires:

  • Thorough cleaning and leak checks
  • Checking purity of argon systems
  • Loading and testing the powder handling system
  • Calibrating and leveling the build plate
  • Integrating chiller, gas supply, sieving station
  • Programming process parameters
  • Printing test parts to validate quality

Vendors provide installation support to ensure ideal machine setup.

Best Practices for Printing

Printer operation:

  • Maintain high purity argon levels
  • Careful monitoring of melt pool and thermal behavior
  • Validation of all critical dimensions
  • Regular replacement of filters and consumables
  • Monitoring of powder for reuse levels

Personnel safety:

  • Use PPE like respirators when handling powder
  • Avoid contact with fine titanium powder
  • Proper disposal of used titanium powder

Part post-processing:

  • Remove supports carefully from delicate parts
  • Heat treatment tailored to alloy and application
  • Hot isostatic pressing to improve densities
  • CNC machining and finishing steps if required

Following vendor recommended procedures is critical to achieve defect-free printed parts in titanium alloys.

Maintenance and Inspection

Regular maintenance activities required:


  • Inspect optics for damage and deposits
  • Monitor argon levels and oxygen sensors
  • Check powder handling system seals and sensors
  • Clean build chamber and sieve Powder residues


  • Calibrate instrumentation and sensors
  • Lubricate and inspect moving parts
  • Inspect electrical terminals and grounding


  • Perform leak tests on argon system
  • Inspect safety devices and alarms
  • Check filter status and replace if needed
  • Monitor overall system health


  • Schedule preventive maintenance
  • Replace consumables and optics
  • Hardware inspection and upgrades

Proactive maintenance improves equipment reliability and lifespan.

Selecting a Titanium Printing System

Key selection criteria for a titanium 3D printing system:

1. Production Requirements

  • Types of parts to be produced
  • Material grade based on properties needed
  • Production volumes required
  • Accuracy and surface finish needs

2. Printer Specifications

  • Alloys supported and optimized
  • Build rate, precision, and repeatability
  • Inert gas control and containment
  • Automation features
  • Size and capacity

3. Powder Handling System

  • Integrated or standalone
  • Sieving, storage and reuse capabilities
  • Monitoring for oxygen and moisture
  • Ease of operation and containment

4. Standards Compliance

  • Industry standards like ASTM F2924
  • Manufacturer quality certifications
  • CE, FCC compliance

5. Supplier Credentials

  • Specialized expertise in titanium AM
  • Local application engineering support
  • Operator training offered
  • Maintenance and service contracts

Evaluating options based on these factors ensures selection of the ideal titanium additive manufacturing system meeting production needs.

Výhody a nevýhody titanu AM


  • Vynikající poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
  • Odolnost proti korozi, biokompatibilita
  • Reduced parts, improved performance
  • Quick turnaround of complex geometries
  • Customized designs and batch production
  • Reduces scrap compared to machining
  • Consolidates assemblies into one part


  • High material and machine cost
  • Additional post-processing steps
  • Omezení maximální velikosti dílu
  • Control of internal defects can be challenging
  • Material properties can vary vs wrought
  • Specialized expertise required

Troubleshooting Titanium AM Issues

VydáníMožné příčinyNápravná opatření
PórovitostLow purity argon atmosphereEnsure argon levels above 99.99% purity
Poor powder qualityUse high quality powder combined with sieving
Incorrect process parametersOptimize parameters like power, speed, hatch spacing
CrackingVysoká zbytková napětíOptimize thermal management, use preheating
Brittle microstructureAdjust scan strategy, use HIP
KontaminaceImprove powder handling, ensure high argon purity
Povrchová úpravaPoor melt pool controlAdjust focus offsets, layer thickness, power
Contaminated powderUse fresh sieved titanium powder
ZkresleníUneven heatingOptimize scan patterns, use support structures
titanový prášek

Nejčastější dotazy

Q: How is reactive titanium powder handled safely?

A: Using inert gas gloveboxes and hoppers, avoiding air exposure, and maintaining proper argon levels during printing.

Q: What particle size is used for titanium AM powder?

A: Typically 10-45 microns, with tighter control around 20-45 micron distribution.

Q: What post-processing methods are used?

A: Support removal, heat treatment, hot isostatic pressing, and finish machining/polishing.

Q: What contaminants affect titanium powder reuse?

A: Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon pickup reduce reuse life. Strict handling procedures are required.

Q: How many times can titanium powder be reused?

A: Typically 20-100 prints depending on alloy, handling, and storage. Grade 23 titanium offers better reuse than Grade 5.

Q: What temperature is used for heat treating titanium AM parts?

A: Solution treatment is done 50-100°C below beta transus temperature, followed by aging and air/furnace cooling.

Q: What standards apply to titanium AM powder?

A: ASTM B801, ASTM F2924, ASTM F3001, ISO 23304 (in development).

Q: Why is hot isostatic pressing used?

A: HIP helps to close internal voids and achieve higher densities and improved mechanical properties.


Titanium powder enables printing of highly strong, lightweight titanium components for advanced aerospace, medical, automotive and industrial applications using AM techniques like SLM and EBM. With properties superior to conventional titanium, complex geometries can be manufactured quickly and efficiently. However, reactive powder handling, controlled process parameters, trained operators, and part qualification procedures are essential to achieve defect-free results. As expertise develops further, AM using titanium powder provides unprecedented capabilities to manufacture customized, high-performance titanium parts at reduced lead times.

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