Prášek ze slitiny zirkonia a niklu
Zirconium nickel alloy powder is a type of metal alloy powder composed primarily of zirconium and nickel. It exhibits properties of both metals, including high strength, good corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and ductility.
Some key properties and details of zirconium nickel alloy powder include:
- Primarily a combination of zirconium and nickel
- May also contain small amounts of other elements like titanium, copper, chromium, iron, or carbon
- Nickel content typically ranges from 10-50%
Production Process:
- Most often produced via gas atomization
- Can also be made through other methods like plasma rotating electrode processing (PREP)
Velikost částic:
- Ranges from 10-150 microns
- K dispozici jsou vlastní velikosti částic
- Sférická morfologie prášku
Běžné aplikace:
- Prášek pro 3D tisk
- Tepelně stříkané povlaky
- Svařovací výrobky
- Jaderné reaktory
- Chemické vybavení

Typy Zirconium Nickel Alloy Powders
There are a few common types and systems of zirconium nickel alloy powders, which have slightly varied properties and characteristics.
Typ slitiny | Složení | Klíčové vlastnosti |
Zirconium-rich alloys | Zr-2Ni, Zr-3Ni, Zr-4Ni | High strength and hardness, average ductility |
Balanced alloys | Zr-20Ni, Zr-25Ni | Excellent combination of high strength and good ductility |
Nickel-rich alloys | Zr-35Ni, Zr-40Ni | Increased ductility and toughness compared to zirconium-rich alloys |
Properties of Zirconium Nickel Alloy Powder
Zirconium nickel alloy powder offers a unique balance of properties making it suitable for high performance applications:
Fyzikální vlastnosti:
- High density (6-9 g/cm3)
- Melting point of 1300-1600°C
- Nízký koeficient tepelné roztažnosti
- Dobrá tepelná a elektrická vodivost
Mechanické vlastnosti:
- Vysoká pevnost
- Good fracture toughness and ductility
- Vynikající odolnost proti tečení
- Hardness ranging from 300-500 HV
Chemické vlastnosti:
- Resistance to corrosion and oxidation
- Compatibility with high temperatures and harsh environments
Other Characteristics:
- Biocompatible and non-magnetic
- Recyklovatelné a šetrné k životnímu prostředí
- Customizability of composition and properties
Aplikace z Prášek ze slitiny zirkonia a niklu
Thanks to its balanced set of properties, zirconium nickel alloy powder has diverse applications across many major industries:
Průmysl | Aplikace |
Aditivní výroba | 3D printing of end-use parts for aerospace, medical, automotive industries |
Nátěry | Thermal spray coatings for wear and corrosion protection |
Jaderné | Fuel rod claddings, reactors internals |
Chemické zpracování | Pumps, valves, piping for corrosive environments |
Biomedicína | Surgical instruments, implants, prosthetics |
Elektronika | Component housings and connections |
Obrana | Ballistics armor plates |
Many of these applications take advantage of zirconium nickel’s heat resistance, strength, and corrosion resistance under demanding conditions. The alloy powder can be processed into fully dense components using hot isostatic pressing to achieve enhanced mechanical properties.
Specifications of Zirconium Nickel Alloy Powder
Zirconium nickel alloy powders are available in a variety of standard and custom specifications to suit different applications:
Velikost částic:
Rozsah velikostí | Typická použití |
10-45 mikronů | 3D printing, thermal spray coatings |
45-106 mikronů | Press and sinter applications |
10-150 mikronů | Hot isostatic pressing feedstock |
Chemical Composition (% weight):
Slitina | Zr (% min) | Ni (% min) | O (% max) |
Zr-2Ni | Bal. | 1 | 0.14 |
Zr-25Ni | Bal. | 24 | 0.14 |
Zr-35Ni | Bal. | 34 | 0.14 |
International specifications like ASTM B392 and ISO 6475 help standardize zirconium nickel alloy powder composition, quality, and testing.
Globální dodavatelé a ceny
Some major global suppliers offering various zirconium nickel alloy powder products include:
Společnost | Třídy výrobků | Odhad ceny |
AMETEK | Zr-2Ni, Zr-20Ni, Zr-35Ni | $200-500/kg |
Stanfordské materiály | Zr-702 (Zr-1Ni), Zr-705 (Zr-25Ni) | $250-750/kg |
Micron Metals | Zr-2Ni, Zr-702, Zr-705 | $100-800/kg |
Hoganas | Zr-25Ni, Zr-702, Zr-705 | $300-900/kg |
Pricing can vary based on:
- Alloy grade and composition
- Úrovně čistoty
- Order quantity and bulk discounts
- Distribuce velikosti částic
Overall zirconium nickel alloy powder prices range from around $100-900 per kg depending on the product specifications.
Výhody vs. nevýhody Prášek ze slitiny zirkonia a niklu
- Vysoký poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
- Vynikající odolnost proti korozi
- Dobré vysokoteplotní vlastnosti
- Přizpůsobitelné složení
- Suitable for additive manufacturing
- More expensive than steel alloys
- Challenging to fully densify without HIP
- Limited high strain rate ductility
- Requires handling precautions due to reactivity

Nejčastější dotazy
What’s the difference between zirconium and zirconium alloy powder?
Pure zirconium powder consists of only zirconium metal, while zirconium alloy powder combines zirconium with other alloying elements like nickel to enhance properties.
What particle size is best for 3D printing zirconium nickel alloy powder?
A particle size range of 10-45 microns is typical for powder bed fusion 3D printing with zirconium nickel alloys.
Is zirconium nickel alloy powder radioactive?
No, zirconium nickel alloy powder contains stable isotopes and is non-radioactive, unlike some zirconium products used in nuclear applications.
What precautions should be taken when handling zirconium nickel alloy powder?
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear PPE including gloves, safety glasses, and masks to minimize exposure and inhalation during handling. Use spark-proof tools and equipments. Powder may be flammable.
Can you 3D print zirconium nickel alloy parts without hot isostatic pressing?
Yes, but properties are enhanced with post-processing via HIP to fully densify any internal porosity and improve mechanical performance.
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MET3DP Technology Co., LTD je předním poskytovatelem řešení aditivní výroby se sídlem v Qingdao v Číně. Naše společnost se specializuje na zařízení pro 3D tisk a vysoce výkonné kovové prášky pro průmyslové aplikace.
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- +86 19116340731