CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder: Superior Strength Meets Versatility
When it comes to advanced manufacturing and high-performance materials, CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder is a standout name. This innovative material combines copper (Cu), tin (Sn), and titanium (Ti) to deliver exceptional mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Whether you’re in aerospace, automotive, or electronics, this alloy is making waves for its strength, wear resistance, and conductivity.
But what makes CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder so special? What are its core applications, and why is it becoming a go-to material in advanced industries? In this guide, we’ll cover every aspect of this high-performance alloy, from its composition and properties to its applications, pricing, and technical specifications. By the end, you’ll know exactly why this material is revolutionizing modern manufacturing.
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When it comes to advanced manufacturing and high-performance materials, CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder is a standout name. This innovative material combines cuivre (Cu), étain (Sn)et titane (Ti) to deliver exceptional mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Whether you’re in aérospatiale, automobileou électronique, this alloy is making waves for its la force, résistance à l'usureet conductivité.
Mais qu'est-ce qui fait que CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder so special? What are its core applications, and why is it becoming a go-to material in advanced industries? In this guide, we’ll cover every aspect of this high-performance alloy, from its composition et propriétés à son applications, la tarificationet spécifications techniques. By the end, you’ll know exactly why this material is revolutionizing modern manufacturing.
Overview of CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder
What Is CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder?
A la base, CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder is a specialized alloy powder containing cuivre, étainet titane. These elements are carefully proportioned to create a material that’s hautement conducteur, resistant to wear and corrosionet mechanically resilient.
Le forme sphérique of the powder is achieved through advanced atomization techniques, making it ideal for processes like la fabrication additive (impression 3D), métallurgie des poudreset pulvérisation thermique. The smooth, uniform shape ensures excellent fluidité, densité d'emballageet cohérence in production.
Why Is It Important?
Dans les secteurs où les l'efficacité, précisionet performance ne sont pas négociables, CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder stands out. The addition of tin enhances résistance à la corrosion, while titanium improves la force et résistance à l'oxydation. This makes the material well-suited for demanding environments, such as the high temperatures of aerospace ou le dynamic stresses of automotive parts.
Composition and Properties of CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder
Comprendre la composition et propriétés physiques de CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder is key to appreciating its performance.
Chemical Composition of CuSnTi Alloy Powder
Élément | Pourcentage (%) | Rôle dans l'alliage |
Cuivre (Cu) | ~85–90 | Conductivité électrique et thermique élevée. |
Étain (Sn) | ~5–10 | Enhances corrosion resistance and improves mechanical properties. |
Titane (Ti) | ~2–5 | Increases strength, hardness, and oxidation resistance. |
This carefully balanced composition ensures that CuSnTi Alloy Powder donne de bons résultats dans les électrique, mécaniqueet thermique des applications.
Key Properties of CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder
Propriété | Valeur | Importance |
Densité | ~8,7 g/cm³ | High density ensures durability and strength in structural applications. |
Point de fusion | ~980–1050°C | Convient aux environnements à haute température. |
Dureté | ~220 HV | Excellent wear resistance for moving or abrasive components. |
Conductivité thermique | ~380 W/m·K | Superior heat dissipation for electronics and thermal systems. |
Conductivité électrique | ~60% IACS | Ideal for applications requiring high electrical conductivity. |
Résistance à la corrosion | Excellent | Performs well in marine, industrial, and humid environments. |
La combinaison de haute résistance, résistance à l'usureet thermal/electrical conductivity makes this alloy a versatile choice across industries.
Applications of CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder
Grâce à ses propriétés uniques, CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder is used in a variety of industries. Its conductivité et la durabilité make it especially valuable in sectors where performance is critical.
Common Applications of CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder
L'industrie | Application |
Aérospatiale | Bearings, bushings, and heat-resistant components. |
Automobile | Engine parts, brake pads, and wear-resistant gears. |
Électronique | Electrical connectors, switches, and heat sinks. |
Fabrication additive | 3D-printed parts requiring high conductivity and strength. |
Marine | Corrosion-resistant parts for ships and offshore equipment. |
Défense | High-strength components for military vehicles and equipment. |
De heat sinks in electronics à structural components in aerospace, CuSnTi Powder delivers reliable, high-performance solutions.
Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for CuSnTi Alloy Powder
To meet the needs of different industries, CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder is available in a variety of sizes and grades. It also complies with international standards to ensure quality and consistency.
Specifications for CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder
Spécifications | Détails |
Taille des particules | 15-45 µm pour la fabrication additive ; 45-150 µm pour la métallurgie des poudres. |
La pureté | ≥99% |
Forme | Sphérique pour un débit et un conditionnement homogènes. |
Normes | ASTM B505, ISO 9001 for copper alloys. |
These specifications ensure that the powder is compatible with procédés de fabrication de précision and meets strict industry requirements.
Pricing and Suppliers of CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder
Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder, knowing where to buy and how much to pay is crucial. Pricing depends on factors like taille des particules, puretéet quantité commandée.
Suppliers and Pricing for CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder
Fournisseur | Fourchette de prix (par kg) | Localisation | Services complémentaires |
Höganäs AB | $200-$400 | Suède | Taille des particules sur mesure et assistance technique. |
GKN Additive | $250-$450 | ÉTATS-UNIS | Poudres spécialisées pour la fabrication additive. |
Technologie des matériaux Sandvik | $220–$420 | Mondial | High-purity powders for precision engineering. |
Solutions avancées en matière de poudres | $200-$400 | Mondial | Des solutions sur mesure pour des secteurs spécifiques. |
Les prix peuvent varier en fonction commandes groupées, personnalisationet localisation du fournisseur.
Comparing Advantages and Limitations of CuSnTi Alloy Powder
No material is perfect, so it’s important to weigh the avantages et inconvénients de CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder before selecting it for your project.
Advantages and Limitations of CuSnTi Alloy Powder
Avantages | Limites |
Conductivité électrique et thermique élevée | Higher cost compared to standard copper powders. |
Excellent wear resistance and durability | Disponibilité limitée auprès des petits fournisseurs. |
Résistance exceptionnelle à la corrosion dans les environnements difficiles | Requires careful handling due to high density. |
Compatible with advanced manufacturing techniques | Peut nécessiter un post-traitement pour certaines applications. |
Malgré ses limites, CuSnTi Powder is a top choice for projects requiring performance, durability, and precision.
FAQs About CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder
Question | Répondre |
What is CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Powder used for? | Aerospace, automotive, electronics, and marine applications. |
Why choose CuSnTi over pure copper? | Better strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. |
Est-il adapté à l'impression 3D ? | Oui, sa forme sphérique assure une excellente fluidité. |
What is the price range of CuSnTi Powder? | Prices range from $200 to $450 per kilogram, depending on specifications. |
Comment se comporte-t-il en cas de températures élevées ? | It retains its properties up to ~1050°C, making it ideal for heat-resistant applications. |
CuSnTi Copper-Based Alloy Spherical Powder est un matériau haute performance qui combine la force, conductivitéet résistance à la corrosion. Its versatility makes it a favorite in industries like aérospatiale, automobileet électronique, where precision and reliability are key.
Thinking about using CuSnTi Powder for your next project? Whether it’s for Impression 3D, gestion thermiqueou éléments structurels, this alloy is a material you can trust. Ready to take the next step? Explore its potential and see what it can do for you!
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
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Poudres métalliques pour l'impression 3D et la fabrication additive
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