

Overview of 3D Printing Metal Materials

3Dプリンティングは、次のように知られている。 アディティブ・マニュファクチャリング3Dプリントは、3D CADデータから複雑な金属部品を直接作成することができます。CNC機械加工のような従来の減法的手法とは対照的に、3Dプリンティングは専用の工具や治具を必要とせずに、パーツを層ごとに作り上げます。





  • アルミニウム合金は、優れた強度対重量比と耐食性を低コストで提供する。
  • チタン合金は、低密度で優れた強度を持ち、医療用として生体適合性があります。
  • ステンレス鋼は、工具や機能部品として高い強度と耐食性を持っています。
  • ニッケル超合金は高温に耐えることができるため、航空宇宙分野に適している。
  • コバルトクロム合金は、歯科用および医療用インプラントに硬度、耐摩耗性、生体適合性を提供する。
  • 材料の選択は、機械的要件、後処理の必要性、コスト、3Dプリント方法の適合性によって決まる。
  • 部品の向き、支持構造、層厚、造形パラメータは、それぞれの金属材料に合わせて最適化する必要がある。
  • 熱間静水圧プレスのような後加工は、最終的な部品の特性を向上させることができる。


スチール17-4 PH Stainless Steel, 316L Stainless Steel, AISI 4130 SteelPrimarily iron (Fe) with varying amounts of chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo), carbon (C), and manganese (Mn).Excellent strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility. Can be heat treated for specific properties.Aerospace components, medical implants, automotive parts, tools and dies
アルミニウムAlSi10Mg, AlSi7Mg0.3, ScalmalloyPrimarily aluminum (Al) with additions of silicon (Si), magnesium (Mg), and sometimes copper (Cu) or scandium (Sc).Lightweight, good strength-to-weight ratio, and high thermal conductivity. Can be post-processed for added strength.Aircraft parts, heat sinks, automotive components, prosthetics and orthotics
チタンTi-6Al-4V, CP TitaniumPrimarily titanium (Ti) with aluminum (Al) and vanadium (V) as main alloying elements.高い強度対重量比、優れた耐食性、生体適合性。Aerospace components, medical implants, sporting goods, chemical processing equipment
ニッケル超合金インコネル625、インコネル718Primarily nickel (Ni) with additions of chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), molybdenum (Mo), and niobium (Nb).高温強度、耐酸化性、耐クリープ性に優れている。Gas turbine engine components, heat exchangers, rocket engine parts
コバルトクロムCoCrMo、ヘインズ 214Primarily cobalt (Co) and chromium (Cr) with molybdenum (Mo) and other elements for specific properties.High strength, wear resistance, biocompatibility, and good corrosion resistance.Medical implants, dental prosthetics, cutting tools, wear-resistant components
耐火金属Tungsten (W), Tantalum (Ta)Pure metals with very high melting points.Exceptional high-temperature strength and heat resistance. Not widely used due to high cost and difficulty in processing.Furnace components, crucibles, rocket engine nozzles, heat shields
貴金属Gold (Au), Silver (Ag)Pure metals or alloys with other precious metals.High electrical conductivity, reflectivity, and biocompatibility (for specific alloys). Limited use due to high cost.Electrical connectors, medical devices (limited applications), decorative components


プロパティ説明単位Importance in Engineering ApplicationsExamples of Materials with High Values
強さThe ability of a metal to resist deformation or fracture under an applied load. There are different types of strength, such as tensile strength (resistance to pulling forces), compressive strength (resistance to pushing forces), and shear strength (resistance to forces that tend to cause the material to slide).MPa (Megapascals), ksi (thousand pounds per square inch)Strength is a fundamental consideration for any load-bearing component. The specific type of strength required depends on the anticipated loading conditions.• High-strength steel: Used in bridges, buildings, and vehicles due to its excellent tensile strength.
硬さA measure of a metal’s resistance to elastic deformation under load. Stiff materials exhibit minimal deflection under stress. Stiffness is quantified by Young’s Modulus, which relates stress (applied force) to strain (resulting deformation).GPa (Gigapascals), psi (pounds per square inch)Stiffness is crucial for applications requiring dimensional stability, such as machine tool frames and precision instruments.• Aluminum: Offers a good balance between stiffness and weight, making it ideal for aircraft construction.
弾力性The ability of a metal to deform under load and then return to its original shape once the load is removed. Elastic behavior is desirable in many applications, as it ensures components can recover from temporary stresses without permanent damage.Elasticity is essential for components that experience repeated loading and unloading, such as springs and shock absorbers.• Spring steel: Possesses excellent elastic properties, allowing it to store and release energy efficiently.
PlasticityThe ability of a metal to undergo permanent deformation under load without fracture. Plastic deformation is useful for shaping metals into desired forms through processes like forging or extrusion.% elongationPlasticity is advantageous for manufacturing applications where metals need to be bent, drawn, or pressed into specific shapes.• Copper: Highly ductile and malleable, making it suitable for electrical wiring and plumbing due to its ease of shaping.
延性The ability of a metal to be drawn into thin wires without breaking. Ductility is a measure of a metal’s capacity for plastic deformation in tension.% elongationDuctile metals are valuable for applications requiring wires, cables, or other elongated forms.• Gold: Exceptionally ductile, allowing it to be hammered into thin sheets for jewelry and decorative purposes.
可鍛性The ability of a metal to be flattened into thin sheets without breaking. Malleability reflects a metal’s capacity for plastic deformation in compression.% reduction in areaMalleable metals are well-suited for applications requiring flat sheets or panels.• Aluminum: Highly malleable, making it a popular choice for food packaging and building materials.
タフネスThe ability of a metal to absorb energy before fracturing. Tough materials can withstand significant impact or force without breaking.J/m (Joules per meter)Toughness is critical for components subjected to impact or dynamic loading, such as hammers and vehicle parts.• Steel alloys: Can be formulated to achieve high toughness for applications demanding strength and impact resistance.
ResilienceThe ability of a metal to absorb energy elastically and then release it upon unloading. Resilient materials can recover stored elastic energy after deformation.J/m (Joules per meter)Resilience is beneficial for components that experience repeated bending or flexing, such as springs and beams.• High-carbon steel: Exhibits good resilience due to its balanced combination of strength and elasticity.
CreepThe tendency of a metal to deform plastically under a constant load over time, particularly at elevated temperatures. Creep is a concern for applications involving long-term exposure to high stresses and temperatures.% strain per unit timeCreep resistance is crucial for components operating under sustained loads at high temperatures, such as turbine blades and boiler tubes.• Nickel-based superalloys: Engineered to resist creep at extreme temperatures, making them ideal for jet engine components.
硬度The resistance of a metal to localized plastic deformation from an indentation or scratching force. Hardness is often correlated with wear resistance.Brinell hardness (HB), Vickers hardness (HV)Hardness is essential for components that experience wear and tear, such as cutting tools and bearings.• Tungsten carbide: Exceptionally hard, making it a valuable material for drill bits and wear plates.


Functional PrototypesMetal 3D printing allows engineers to create fully functional prototypes of parts much faster and more cost-effectively than traditional methods like CNC machining. These prototypes can be rigorously tested to validate design concepts before committing to mass production.* Reduced Time to Market: Parts can be iterated on quickly, accelerating the development process. * Increased Design Freedom: Complex geometries and internal features can be easily incorporated. * Material Accuracy: Prototypes can be made from the same metal intended for final production.* Aerospace: Engine components, air ducts, landing gear parts. * Automotive: Engine blocks, transmission components, lightweight body panels. * Medical Devices: Surgical instruments, prosthetics, custom implants.
Low-Volume & Specialty PartsMetal 3D printing excels at producing small batches or one-off parts that would be expensive or impractical to manufacture with traditional techniques. This opens doors for customization, on-demand manufacturing, and niche applications.* Reduced Minimum Order Quantities: Eliminates the need for expensive tooling setups typically required for low-volume production. * Design for Customization: Parts can be easily personalized for specific needs or applications. * Complexities Made Simple: intr intricate geometries and internal features can be readily produced.* Motorsports: Custom gears, brackets, and lightweight components. * Oil & Gas: Replacement parts for downhole equipment, bespoke valves and fittings. * Defense: Weaponry components, customized armor plating, specialty tools.
Surgical & Dental ImplantsMetal 3D printing is transforming medical care by enabling the creation of personalized implants with complex lattice structures that promote bone ingrowth and osseointegration. This leads to improved patient outcomes and faster recovery times.* Personalized Implants: Custom-designed implants that perfectly match a patient’s anatomy can be created. * Improved Biocompatibility: Porous structures created through 3D printing encourage bone growth and tissue attachment. * Reduced Risk of Rejection: 3D printing allows for the use of biocompatible materials like titanium and tantalum.* Orthopedics: Hip and knee replacements, custom spinal implants, trauma repair plates. * Dentistry: Dental crowns and bridges, complex jaw implants, customized surgical guides.
Complex Brackets & Heat ExchangersMetal 3D printing allows for the creation of intricate brackets and heat exchangers with internal channels and lightweight lattice structures that would be impossible or prohibitively expensive to manufacture using traditional methods.* Design Optimization: Lightweight and strong brackets can be designed to minimize weight and improve performance. * Enhanced Heat Transfer: Complex internal channels can be incorporated into heat exchangers for superior thermal management. * Freedom of Design: 3D printing allows for the creation of geometries that push the boundaries of conventional manufacturing.* Aerospace: Lightweight brackets for aircraft structures, complex heat exchangers for engine cooling. * Automotive: High-performance heat exchangers for racing engines, intricate brackets for suspension systems. * Consumer Electronics: Thermal management solutions for laptops, heat sinks for high-power electronics.
End-of-Arm Tooling (EOAT)Metal 3D printing enables the creation of customized EOAT for robots that perfectly match the specific requirements of a task. This leads to increased efficiency, flexibility, and improved production processes.* Conformal Grippers: Grippers can be 3D printed to precisely match the shape of the object being handled. * Lightweight Design: Metal 3D printing allows for the creation of lightweight grippers that improve robot speed and dexterity. * Reduced Lead Times: Custom EOAT can be designed and printed quickly, minimizing downtime during production setup.* Automotive Manufacturing: Grippers for handling car parts during assembly. * Electronics Assembly: Precision tools for delicate component placement. * Food & Beverage: Custom grippers for handling fragile food items.



アルミニウム 7075高い強度対重量比溶接が難しい
チタン Ti-6Al-4V高強度、低密度高価な素材








  • チタンとコバルトクロム合金が最も高価で、アルミニウムは中程度の価格だ。
  • 材料費は製造量に比例し、高価な合金を使用した大きな部品には、より高い材料費が必要となります。
  • サポート廃棄物や後処理を減らすための最適化は、有効材料コストの低減に役立つ。



粒度分布ASTM B822、ISO 4490
流動性ASMB213、ISO 4490
化学組成ASTM E1479、OES分析
  • パウダーの品質は、密度、表面仕上げ、機械的特性などの最終的な部品特性に影響を与えます。
  • 粒度分布が制御された球状粉末は流動性に優れている。
  • 一貫した化学的性質と密度は、プロセスの安定性と再現性を提供する。



  • DMLSのような粉末床技術は、最高の解像度と精度を提供する。
  • バインダージェッティングは、より幅広い合金に対応できるが、最終的な部品強度は低くなる。
  • 指向性エネルギー蒸着は、大きなニアネットシェイプの部品の印刷を可能にする。



  • 歪みを防ぐため、すべての合金に応力除去熱処理を推奨する。
  • HIP処理は、最終的な材料特性を大幅に向上させることができる。
  • CNC加工は寸法精度と表面仕上げを提供する。


応募資格The primary function of the 3D printed part will heavily influence material selection. Consider factors like: * 強度と耐久性: How much stress will the part experience? * 体重だ: Is lightweight construction essential? * 耐熱性: Will the part be exposed to high temperatures? * 耐食性: Will the part encounter harsh environments?* Prioritize high-strength options like Titanium alloys or Maraging Steel for load-bearing components. * For lightweight applications, Aluminum or Nickel alloys offer excellent strength-to-weight ratios. * Inconel and Nickel alloys excel in high-temperature environments like jet engines. * Parts exposed to saltwater or chemicals may benefit from the superior corrosion resistance of Stainless Steel.* 航空宇宙 High-strength Titanium alloys for landing gear or engine components. * 自動車: Aluminum alloys for lightweight body panels or pistons. * 医療機器 Biocompatible Titanium for implants or surgical instruments. * Marine Applications: Corrosion-resistant Stainless Steel for boat propellers or saltwater pumps.
3D Printing ProcessDifferent metal 3D printing technologies have varying capabilities and material compatibility. Consider: * マシンの互換性: Ensure the chosen material is compatible with your specific 3D printer’s technology (e.g., Laser Beam Melting, Binder Jetting). * 材料の入手可能性: Not all materials are readily available for every 3D printing process. * Surface Finish & Post-Processing: Some materials may require additional finishing steps to achieve desired surface quality.* Laser Beam Melting (LBM) offers a wide range of compatible materials, including high-performance alloys like Titanium and Inconel. * Binder Jetting is well-suited for materials like Stainless Steel and some tool steels. * Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is ideal for highly reactive materials like Titanium but may require more extensive post-processing for surface finishing.* LBM: Widely used for its versatility, compatible with materials like Titanium alloys, Stainless Steel, and Inconel. * バインダー・ジェット Well-suited for cost-effective printing of Stainless Steel parts for less demanding applications. * EBMである: Ideal for complex Titanium components in aerospace or medical applications, but post-processing can add time and cost.
材料特性Beyond the basic properties like strength and weight, consider these additional characteristics: * Ductility (Formability): How easily can the material be bent or shaped without breaking? * 熱伝導率: How well does the material conduct heat? * 生体適合性: Is the material safe for implantation in the human body? * 電気伝導率: Does the part require electrical conductivity for its function?* 延性: Ductile materials like certain Nickel alloys may be preferable for parts requiring some degree of bending or forming. * 熱伝導率: High thermal conductivity materials like Aluminum are ideal for heat exchangers or heat sinks. * 生体適合性: For medical implants, biocompatible materials like Titanium or Tantalum are essential. * 電気伝導率: Copper or Copper alloys would be suitable choices for parts requiring electrical conduction.* 延性: Nickel alloys like Inconel 625 offer good ductility for parts requiring some formability. * 熱伝導率: Aluminum alloys are excellent choices for heat exchangers due to their high thermal conductivity. * 生体適合性: Titanium and Tantalum are biocompatible choices for implants due to their minimal tissue irritation. * 電気伝導率: Copper is the best conductor of electricity readily available for 3D printing.
コストに関する考察Material cost, along with potential post-processing needs, can significantly impact the overall project budget. * Material Price: Some exotic alloys like Inconel or precious metals like Gold can be very expensive. * パウダーの質: Higher quality metal powders may have a higher cost but can lead to better printability and part quality. * 後処理: Certain materials may require additional steps like heat treatment or machining, adding to the cost.* Prioritize cost-effective materials like Stainless Steel or Aluminum for non-critical applications. * When high performance is essential, consider the long-term benefits of a more expensive material like Titanium. * Evaluate the cost of post-processing needs and factor that into the overall material selection process.* 費用対効果: Stainless Steel or Aluminum often offer good value for less demanding applications. * High-Performance: Titanium alloys provide excellent strength-to-weight ratio but come at a premium cost. * Balance Needed: Consider the trade-off between material cost, performance requirements, and necessary post-processing.


Q: 3Dプリンティングで最も強度の高い金属合金はどれですか?

A: インコネル718のようなインコネル超合金は最も高い引張強度を持つが、延性に劣る。チタンTi-6Al-4Vは最も高い強度重量比を持つ。

Q: ステンレス鋼で3Dプリントされた部品は耐食性がありますか?

A: はい、316Lやその他のステンレス合金は、3Dプリント後も優れた耐食性を維持します。

Q: 3Dプリンティングで最もよく使われるチタン合金は何ですか?

A: Ti-6Al-4V は最も人気のあるチタン合金で、全てのチタン3Dプリンティングの90%を構成しています。最もオールラウンドな特性を提供します。

Q: 3Dプリントに最適なアルミニウム合金はどれですか?


Q: 金属3Dプリント部品の後処理は必須ですか?

A: 最適な材料特性と性能を得るためには、サポート除去、応力除去、表面仕上げなどの後処理を行うことを強くお勧めします。

Q: 最も幅広い金属合金に対応する3Dプリントプロセスはどれですか?

A: バインダージェットと指向性エネルギー蒸着はほとんどの合金に対応できますが、粉末床溶融はより高解像度の部品を製造します。

Q: 金属の機械加工と3Dプリントでは、部品の精度はどう違うのですか?

A: CNC機械加工部品は、3Dプリント金属よりも公差が厳しく、表面仕上げが優れています。しかし、3Dプリントはより複雑な形状を可能にします。

Q: 造形速度が最も速い金属3Dプリントプロセスはどれですか?

A: バインダージェットは最高の印刷速度を達成することができ、パウダーベッド溶融プロセスよりも最大10倍速くパーツを作ることができます。



MET3DP Technology Co., LTDは、中国青島に本社を置く積層造形ソリューションのリーディングプロバイダーです。弊社は3Dプリンティング装置と工業用途の高性能金属粉末を専門としています。









